# CHANGELOG This file is used to list changes made in `email_validator`. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 2.1.0 (2020-12-09) * [karlwilbur] - Add linters and commit hooks to validate code prior to commits * [karlwilbur] - Add `:mode` config option; values `:loose`, `:moderate`, `:strict`; default to `:loose` * [karlwilbur] - Merge in changes from fork ## 1.9.0.pre (2020-10-14) * [karlwilbur] - Add `require_fqdn` option, require FQDN by default * [karlwilbur] - Add support for IPv4 and IPv6 address hosts * [karlwilbur] - Add Rubocop, `.editorconfig`; code cleanup/linting ## 1.8.0 (2019-06-14) * [karlwilbur] - Refactor class methods for readability * [karlwilbur] - `gemspec` meta updates * [karlwilbur] - Use POSIX classes for better performance * [karlwilbur] - Refactored tests to check specical characters one at a time * [karlwilbur] - Refactored validation regex to be more techincally correct * [karlwilbur] - Add this `CHANGELOG` ## 1.7.0 (2019-04-20) * [karlwilbur] - Added test coverage badge to README * [karlwilbur] - Added I18n directive to remove warning message in testing * [karlwilbur] - Added RFC-2822 reference * [karlwilbur] - Ignore local rspec config file * [karlwilbur] - Check for invalid double dots in strict mode * [karlwilbur] - Updated spec_helper to remove Code Climate Test Reporter; it is to be run separately now * [karlwilbur] - Allow leading/trailing whitespace in normal, not strict * [karlwilbur] - Added `invalid?` as inverse of `valid?` * [karlwilbur] - Add the ability to limit to a domain * [karlwilbur] - Removed CodeShip badge * [karlwilbur] - Make the dot in the domain part non-conditional * [karlwilbur] - Fix domain label pattern to allow numbers per rfc5321 ## 1.6.0 (2015-06-14) * [karlwilbur] - Fixed validation to be closer to RFC-5321 * [karlwilbur] - Updated specs to use Rspec 3 syntax * [karlwilbur] - Added unicode suport to validation regexp * [karlwilbur] - Added class access to regexp, and `valid?` calss method * [karlwilbur] - Simplified code using new methods * [karlwilbur] - Added CodeClimate and SimpleCov * [karlwilbur] - Updated version and contact info *** Forked from ## 2.0.1 (2019-03-09) * Add email value to error details [f1sherman #50] * CI doesn't test Ruby versions that no longer receive updates [f1sherman #51] ## 2.0.0 (2019-03-02) * Looser validation [#49] ## 1.6.0 (2015-05-12) * Unicode characters support [i7an #24] ## 1.5.0 (2014-12-08) * Add a class method for simpler validation [TiteiKo and cluesque #19] * RSpec 3.0 syntax [strivedi183 #17] * Create Changes.md --- Check the [Markdown Syntax Guide](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) for help with Markdown. The [Github Flavored Markdown page](http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/) describes the differences between markdown on github and standard markdown.