Feature: Double Commands In order to avoid that my system-under-test runs certain commands As a BDD-guy I want to double command line applications Background: Given a file named "foo" with: """ #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "stdout of foo" warn "stderr of foo" exit 5 """ And I run `chmod +x foo` And I append the current working dir to my path Scenario: Run the original (undoubled) command When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 5 And the stdout should contain "stdout of foo" And the stderr should contain "stderr of foo" Scenario: Double and run the command Given I double `foo` When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should not contain "stdout of foo" And the stderr should not contain "stderr of foo" Scenario: Run the original (undoubled) command When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 5 And the stdout should contain "stdout of foo" And the stderr should contain "stderr of foo"