Feature: check In order to check Foreplay From the CLI I want to be able to check all features Scenario: Check configuration When I run `foreplay check` Then the output should contain: """ foreplay check requires at least 1 argument: "foreplay check ENVIRONMENT". """ Scenario: Check configuration parameters - invalid parameter When I run `foreplay check test --invalid xyz` Then the output should contain: """ foreplay check requires at least 1 argument: "foreplay check ENVIRONMENT". """ Scenario: Check configuration parameters - short invalid parameter When I run `foreplay check test -x xyz` Then the output should contain: """ foreplay check requires at least 1 argument: "foreplay check ENVIRONMENT". """ Scenario: Check configuration parameters - no config file When I run `foreplay check test` Then the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "Can't find configuration file" Scenario: Check configuration parameters When I run `foreplay setup` And I run `foreplay check test` Then the output should contain "create config/foreplay.yml" And the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "test environment" And the output should contain "all roles" And the output should contain "all servers" And the output should contain "No deployment configuration defined for test environment" And the output should not contain "Can't find configuration file" And the following files should exist: | config/foreplay.yml | Scenario: Check configuration parameters - role parameter When I run `foreplay check test --role worker` Then the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "test environment" And the output should contain "worker role" And the output should contain "all servers" Scenario: Check configuration parameters - server parameter When I run `foreplay check test --server worker.example.com` Then the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "test environment" And the output should contain "all roles" And the output should contain "worker.example.com server" Scenario: Check configuration parameters - short role parameter When I run `foreplay check test -r worker` Then the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "test environment" And the output should contain "worker role" And the output should contain "all servers" Scenario: Check configuration parameters - short server parameter When I run `foreplay check test -s worker.example.com` Then the output should contain "Checking" And the output should contain "test environment" And the output should contain "all roles" And the output should contain "worker.example.com server"