A Ruby library for the "Mashery API":http://support.mashery.com/docs/mashery_api. h2. Prerequisites Install the gem dependencies (see "gembundler.com":http://gembundler.com/ if you aren't familiar with Bundler): @$ bundle install@ h2. Calling methods from the command line A set of Thor tasks are provided so that you can call API methods from the command line (read more about Thor at "http://github.com/wycats/thor":http://github.com/wycats/thor). The following examples assume you have Thor installed system-wide. If it's local to your bundle, then replace @thor@ with @bundle exec thor@. You can see all available Mashery tasks with this command: @$ thor list mashery@ h3. Environment Before you can successfully call an API method, you must set these environment variables: bc. $ export MASHERY_SITE_ID=666 $ export MASHERY_API_KEY=cafebebedeadbeefcafebebedeadbeef $ export MASHERY_SHARED_SECRET=blahblahblah