module Pacer::Core::Graph # Basic methods for routes that contain only edges. module EdgesRoute import com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.OutVertexPipe import com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.InVertexPipe import com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.BothVerticesPipe include ElementRoute # Extends the route with out vertices from this route's matching edges. # # @param [Array, Hash, extension] filter see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @yield [VertexMixin(Extensions::BlockFilterElement)] filter proc, see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @return [VerticesRoute] def out_v(*filters, &block) Pacer::Route.property_filter(chain_route(:element_type => :vertex, :pipe_class => OutVertexPipe, :route_name => 'outV'), filters, block) end # Extends the route with in vertices from this route's matching edges. # # @param [Array, Hash, extension] filter see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @yield [VertexMixin(Extensions::BlockFilterElement)] filter proc, see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @return [VerticesRoute] def in_v(*filters, &block) Pacer::Route.property_filter(chain_route(:element_type => :vertex, :pipe_class => InVertexPipe, :route_name => 'inV'), filters, block) end # Extends the route with both in and oud vertices from this route's matching edges. # # @param [Array, Hash, extension] filter see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @yield [VertexMixin(Extensions::BlockFilterElement)] filter proc, see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @return [VerticesRoute] def both_v(*filters, &block) Pacer::Route.property_filter(chain_route(:element_type => :vertex, :pipe_class => BothVerticesPipe, :route_name => 'bothV'), filters, block) end # Extend route with the additional edge label, property and block filters. # # @param [Array, Hash, extension] filter see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @yield [EdgeMixin(Extensions::BlockFilterElement)] filter proc, see {Pacer::Route#property_filter} # @return [EdgesRoute] def e(*filters, &block) filter(*filters, &block) end # Return an route to all edge labels for edges emitted from this # route. # # @return [Core::Route] def labels chain_route(:pipe_class => com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.LabelPipe, :route_name => 'labels', :element_type => :object) end # Returns a hash of in vertices with an array of associated out vertices. # # See #subgraph for a more useful method. # # @return [Hash] def to_h inject( { |h,k| h[k]=[] }) do |h, edge| h[edge.out_vertex] << edge.in_vertex h end end # The element type of this route for this graph implementation. # # @return [element_type(:edge)] The actual type varies based on # which graph is in use. def element_type graph.element_type(:edge) end protected def id_pipe_class com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.IdEdgePipe end end end