opal_filter "Time" do fails "Time#getlocal raises ArgumentError if the String argument is not in an ASCII-compatible encoding" fails "Time#inspect formats the fixed offset time following the pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss +/-HHMM'" fails "Time#inspect formats the local time following the pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'" fails "Time#localtime raises ArgumentError if the String argument is not in an ASCII-compatible encoding" fails "Time#round copies own timezone to the returning value" fails "Time#round defaults to rounding to 0 places" fails "Time#round returns an instance of Time, even if #round is called on a subclass" fails "Time#round rounds to 0 decimal places with an explicit argument" fails "Time#round rounds to 7 decimal places with an explicit argument" fails "Time#strftime rounds an offset to the nearest second when formatting with %z" fails "Time#strftime should be able to print the commercial year with leading zeroes" fails "Time#strftime should be able to print the commercial year with only two digits" fails "Time#strftime should be able to print the julian day with leading zeroes" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the commercial week day" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the commercial week" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the number of seconds since the unix epoch" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the timezone if available" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the timezone of the date with a : separator" fails "Time#strftime should be able to show the week number with the week starting on Sunday (%U) and Monday (%W)" fails "Time#strftime with %N formats the microseconds of the second with %6N" fails "Time#strftime with %N formats the milliseconds of the second with %3N" fails "Time#strftime with %N formats the nanoseconds of the second with %9N" fails "Time#strftime with %N formats the nanoseconds of the second with %N" fails "Time#strftime with %N formats the picoseconds of the second with %12N" fails "Time#to_f returns the float number of seconds + usecs since the epoch" fails "Time#to_s formats the fixed offset time following the pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss +/-HHMM'" fails "Time#to_s formats the local time following the pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'" end