/* ** $Id: lpprint.c,v 1.7 2013/04/12 16:29:49 roberto Exp $ ** Copyright 2007, Lua.org & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license) */ #include #include #include #include "lptypes.h" #include "lpprint.h" #include "lpcode.h" #if defined(LPEG_DEBUG) /* ** {====================================================== ** Printing patterns (for debugging) ** ======================================================= */ void printcharset (const byte *st) { int i; printf("["); for (i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; i++) { int first = i; while (testchar(st, i) && i <= UCHAR_MAX) i++; if (i - 1 == first) /* unary range? */ printf("(%02x)", first); else if (i - 1 > first) /* non-empty range? */ printf("(%02x-%02x)", first, i - 1); } printf("]"); } static void printcapkind (int kind) { const char *const modes[] = { "close", "position", "constant", "backref", "argument", "simple", "table", "function", "query", "string", "num", "substitution", "fold", "runtime", "group"}; printf("%s", modes[kind]); } static void printjmp (const LpegInstruction *op, const LpegInstruction *p) { printf("-> %d", (int)(p + (p + 1)->offset - op)); } static void printinst (const LpegInstruction *op, const LpegInstruction *p) { const char *const names[] = { "any", "char", "set", "testany", "testchar", "testset", "span", "behind", "ret", "end", "choice", "jmp", "call", "open_call", "commit", "partial_commit", "back_commit", "failtwice", "fail", "giveup", "fullcapture", "opencapture", "closecapture", "closeruntime" }; printf("%02ld: %s ", (long)(p - op), names[p->i.code]); switch ((Opcode)p->i.code) { case IChar: { printf("'%c'", p->i.aux); break; } case ITestChar: { printf("'%c'", p->i.aux); printjmp(op, p); break; } case IFullCapture: { printcapkind(getkind(p)); printf(" (size = %d) (idx = %d)", getoff(p), p->i.key); break; } case IOpenCapture: { printcapkind(getkind(p)); printf(" (idx = %d)", p->i.key); break; } case ISet: { printcharset((p+1)->buff); break; } case ITestSet: { printcharset((p+2)->buff); printjmp(op, p); break; } case ISpan: { printcharset((p+1)->buff); break; } case IOpenCall: { printf("-> %d", (p + 1)->offset); break; } case IBehind: { printf("%d", p->i.aux); break; } case IJmp: case ICall: case ICommit: case IChoice: case IPartialCommit: case IBackCommit: case ITestAny: { printjmp(op, p); break; } default: break; } printf("\n"); } void printpatt (LpegInstruction *p, int n) { LpegInstruction *op = p; while (p < op + n) { printinst(op, p); p += sizei(p); } } #if defined(LPEG_DEBUG) static void printcap (Capture *cap) { printcapkind(cap->kind); printf(" (idx: %d - size: %d) -> %p\n", cap->idx, cap->siz, cap->s); } void printcaplist (Capture *cap, Capture *limit) { printf(">======\n"); for (; cap->s && (limit == NULL || cap < limit); cap++) printcap(cap); printf("=======\n"); } #endif /* }====================================================== */ /* ** {====================================================== ** Printing trees (for debugging) ** ======================================================= */ static const char *tagnames[] = { "char", "set", "any", "true", "false", "rep", "seq", "choice", "not", "and", "call", "opencall", "rule", "grammar", "behind", "capture", "run-time" }; void printtree (TTree *tree, int ident) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ident; i++) printf(" "); printf("%s", tagnames[tree->tag]); switch (tree->tag) { case TChar: { int c = tree->u.n; if (isprint(c)) printf(" '%c'\n", c); else printf(" (%02X)\n", c); break; } case TSet: { printcharset(treebuffer(tree)); printf("\n"); break; } case TOpenCall: case TCall: { printf(" key: %d\n", tree->key); break; } case TBehind: { printf(" %d\n", tree->u.n); printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2); break; } case TCapture: { printf(" cap: %d key: %d n: %d\n", tree->cap, tree->key, tree->u.n); printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2); break; } case TRule: { printf(" n: %d key: %d\n", tree->cap, tree->key); printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2); break; /* do not print next rule as a sibling */ } case TGrammar: { TTree *rule = sib1(tree); printf(" %d\n", tree->u.n); /* number of rules */ for (i = 0; i < tree->u.n; i++) { printtree(rule, ident + 2); rule = sib2(rule); } assert(rule->tag == TTrue); /* sentinel */ break; } default: { int sibs = numsiblings[tree->tag]; printf("\n"); if (sibs >= 1) { printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2); if (sibs >= 2) printtree(sib2(tree), ident + 2); } break; } } } void printktable (lua_State *L, int idx) { int n, i; lua_getfenv(L, idx); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) /* no ktable? */ return; n = lua_objlen(L, -1); printf("["); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { printf("%d = ", i); lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i); if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) printf("%s ", lua_tostring(L, -1)); else printf("%s ", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } printf("]\n"); /* leave ktable at the stack */ } /* }====================================================== */ #endif