# RailsAdminSortEmbedded Sort for Embedded documents in mongoid. Field order is need. Bonus features: * special case support for `cover` and `image` columns ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rails_admin_sort_embedded' And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage with rails_admin Add the sort_embedded action for each model or only for models you need RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.actions do ...... sort_embedded do visible do %w(Page).include? bindings[:abstract_model].model_name end end end end In embedded model: field :order, type: Integer, default: 0 scope :sorted, -> { order_by([:order, :asc]) } #optional or use https://github.com/ack43/rocket_cms and: # generate 'order' field, 'sort' as alias and scopes 'ordered' and 'sorted' include SortField sort_field or # generate fields and scopes with prefix 'another_': 'another_order' field, 'another_sort' as alias and scopes 'another_ordered' and 'another_sorted' include SortField sort_field :another In parent model: embeds_many :method_name rails_admin do ... sort_embedded({ fields: [{model: [:order_field_1, :order_scope_1]}, {model: [:order_field_2, :order_scope_2]}...], label_methods: [:name, :label], toggle_fields: [:enabled], thumbnail_fields: [:image, :cover], thumbnail_size: :thumb, thumbnail_gem: :paperclip, # or :carrierwave }) end You can not use '[:order_field_1, :order_scope_1]' and just use [:order_field_1]. Scope_name will be :order_field_1 as string + "ed" Default field is 'order', default scope is 'ordered'; I18n: ru: rails_admin: sort_embedded: my_news: my_news_images: Фотогалерея # or with specified fields ru: rails_admin: sort_embedded: my_news: my_news_images: order: Фотогалерея another_order: Фотогалерея(alt) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Credits Some ideas and code for this gem are taken from: https://github.com/rs-pro/rails_admin_nested_set