# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "detector" module Fusuma module Plugin module Detectors class SwipeDetector < Detector SOURCES = ["gesture"].freeze BUFFER_TYPE = "gesture" GESTURE_RECORD_TYPE = "swipe" FINGERS = [3, 4].freeze BASE_THERESHOLD = 25 # @param buffers [Array] # @return [Events::Event] if event is detected # @return [NilClass] if event is NOT detected def detect(buffers) gesture_buffer = buffers.find { |b| b.type == BUFFER_TYPE } .select_from_last_begin .select_by_type(GESTURE_RECORD_TYPE) updating_events = gesture_buffer.updating_events return if updating_events.empty? updating_time = 100 * (updating_events.last.time - (updating_events[-10] || updating_events.first).time) oneshot_move_x = gesture_buffer.sum_last10_attrs(:move_x) / updating_time oneshot_move_y = gesture_buffer.sum_last10_attrs(:move_y) / updating_time finger = gesture_buffer.finger status = case gesture_buffer.events.last.record.status when "end" "end" when "update" if updating_events.length == 1 "begin" else "update" end else gesture_buffer.events.last.record.status end delta = if status == "end" gesture_buffer.events[-2].record.delta else gesture_buffer.events.last.record.delta end repeat_direction = Direction.new(move_x: delta.move_x, move_y: delta.move_y).to_s repeat_quantity = Quantity.new(move_x: delta.move_x, move_y: delta.move_y).to_f repeat_index = create_repeat_index(gesture: type, finger: finger, direction: repeat_direction, status: status) if status == "update" return unless moved?(repeat_quantity) oneshot_direction = Direction.new(move_x: oneshot_move_x, move_y: oneshot_move_y).to_s oneshot_quantity = Quantity.new(move_x: oneshot_move_x, move_y: oneshot_move_y).to_f oneshot_index = create_oneshot_index(gesture: type, finger: finger, direction: oneshot_direction) if enough_oneshot_threshold?(index: oneshot_index, quantity: oneshot_quantity) return [ create_event(record: Events::Records::IndexRecord.new( index: oneshot_index, trigger: :oneshot, args: delta.to_h )), create_event(record: Events::Records::IndexRecord.new( index: repeat_index, trigger: :repeat, args: delta.to_h )) ] end end create_event(record: Events::Records::IndexRecord.new( index: repeat_index, trigger: :repeat, args: delta.to_h )) end # @param [String] gesture # @param [Integer] finger # @param [String] direction # @param [String] status # @return [Config::Index] def create_repeat_index(gesture:, finger:, direction:, status:) Config::Index.new( [ Config::Index::Key.new(gesture), Config::Index::Key.new(finger.to_i), Config::Index::Key.new(direction, skippable: true), Config::Index::Key.new(status) ] ) end # @param [String] gesture # @param [Integer] finger # @param [String] direction # @return [Config::Index] def create_oneshot_index(gesture:, finger:, direction:) Config::Index.new( [ Config::Index::Key.new(gesture), Config::Index::Key.new(finger.to_i), Config::Index::Key.new(direction) ] ) end private def moved?(repeat_quantity) repeat_quantity > 0.3 end def enough_oneshot_threshold?(index:, quantity:) quantity > threshold(index: index) end def threshold(index:) @threshold ||= {} @threshold[index.cache_key] ||= begin keys_specific = Config::Index.new [*index.keys, "threshold"] keys_global = Config::Index.new ["threshold", type] config_value = Config.search(keys_specific) || Config.search(keys_global) || 1 BASE_THERESHOLD * config_value end end # direction of gesture class Direction RIGHT = "right" LEFT = "left" DOWN = "down" UP = "up" def initialize(move_x:, move_y:) @move_x = move_x.to_f @move_y = move_y.to_f end def to_s calc end def calc if @move_x.abs > @move_y.abs @move_x.positive? ? RIGHT : LEFT elsif @move_y.positive? DOWN else UP end end end # quantity of gesture class Quantity def initialize(move_x:, move_y:) @x = move_x.to_f.abs @y = move_y.to_f.abs end def to_f calc.to_f end def calc (@x > @y) ? @x.abs : @y.abs end end end end end end