// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_DNn_CORE_H_ #define DLIB_DNn_CORE_H_ #include "core_abstract.h" #include "tensor.h" #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <type_traits> #include "../statistics.h" #include "../rand.h" #include "../algs.h" #include <utility> #include <tuple> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include "tensor_tools.h" #include <type_traits> namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <typename T, typename int_<decltype(&T::get_learning_rate_multiplier)>::type = 0> double get_learning_rate_multiplier ( const T& obj, special_ ) { return obj.get_learning_rate_multiplier(); } template <typename T> double get_learning_rate_multiplier ( const T& , general_) { return 1; } } template <typename T> double get_learning_rate_multiplier(const T& obj) { return impl::get_learning_rate_multiplier(obj, special_()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <typename T, typename int_<decltype(&T::get_weight_decay_multiplier)>::type = 0> double get_weight_decay_multiplier ( const T& obj, special_ ) { return obj.get_weight_decay_multiplier(); } template <typename T> double get_weight_decay_multiplier ( const T& , general_) { return 1; } } template <typename T> double get_weight_decay_multiplier(const T& obj) { return impl::get_weight_decay_multiplier(obj, special_()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { class repeat_input_layer { /*! None of the declarations in this object are really used. The only reason it exists is to allow the repeat object to use a special input layer in its internal networks which will cause add_tag_layer objects that happen to be right at the input to not create copies of their input tensors. So introducing the repeat_input_layer object allows us to optimize the implementation of add_tag_layer for a special case that arises when it's used in the context of the repeat layer. !*/ public: typedef int input_type; template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator , forward_iterator , resizable_tensor& ) const { } friend void serialize(const repeat_input_layer&, std::ostream&){} friend void deserialize(repeat_input_layer&, std::istream&){} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const repeat_input_layer&) { return out; } }; inline std::string tensor_to_str ( const tensor& t, int& min_length ) { if (t.size() == 0) return ""; std::ostringstream sout; sout << "output size=(num:"<< t.num_samples() << ", "; sout << "k:" << t.k() << ","; while (sout.tellp() < 28) sout << " "; sout << "nr:" << t.nr() << ","; while (sout.tellp() < 28+8) sout << " "; sout << "nc:" << t.nc() << ")"; while (sout.tellp() < min_length) sout << " "; min_length = sout.tellp(); sout << "\t"; return sout.str(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tell us if T is one of the special layer types (i.e. add_layer, repeat, add_tag_layer, or // add_skip_layer). template <typename T> struct is_nonloss_layer_type : std::false_type {}; // Tell us if T is an instance of add_loss_layer. template <typename T> struct is_loss_layer_type : std::false_type {}; // Tell us if T is an instance of add_layer template <typename T> struct is_add_layer : std::false_type {}; namespace impl { template <size_t... n> struct ct_integers_list { template <size_t m> struct push_back { typedef ct_integers_list<n..., m> type; }; }; template <size_t max> struct ct_make_integer_range { // recursively call push_back on ct_integers_list to build a range from 1 to max // inclusive. typedef typename ct_make_integer_range<max-1>::type::template push_back<max>::type type; }; template <> struct ct_make_integer_range<0> { typedef ct_integers_list<> type; }; template <size_t... indices, typename Tuple> auto tuple_subset( const Tuple& item, ct_integers_list<indices...> ) -> decltype(std::make_tuple(std::get<indices>(item)...)) { return std::make_tuple(std::get<indices>(item)...); } template <typename Head, typename... Tail> std::tuple<Tail...> basic_tuple_tail( const std::tuple<Head, Tail...>& item ) { return tuple_subset(item, typename ct_make_integer_range<sizeof...(Tail)>::type()); } template <typename T> std::tuple<T> tuple_flatten(const T& t) { return std::make_tuple(t); } template <typename... T> auto tuple_flatten( const std::tuple<T...>& item ) -> decltype(tuple_flatten(item, typename ct_make_integer_range<sizeof...(T)>::type())) { return tuple_flatten(item, typename ct_make_integer_range<sizeof...(T)>::type()); } template <size_t... indices, typename... T> auto tuple_flatten( const std::tuple<T...>& item, ct_integers_list<indices...> ) -> decltype(std::tuple_cat(tuple_flatten(std::get<indices-1>(item))...)) { return std::tuple_cat(tuple_flatten(std::get<indices-1>(item))...); } template <typename T> struct tuple_head_helper { typedef T type; static const type& get(const T& item) { return item; } }; template <typename T, typename... U> struct tuple_head_helper<std::tuple<T, U...>> { typedef typename tuple_head_helper<T>::type type; static const type& get(const std::tuple<T,U...>& item) { return tuple_head_helper<T>::get(std::get<0>(item)); } }; template <typename T> struct alwaysbool { typedef bool type; }; // one more structure for VS 2015 UP3 support workaround template <typename T> struct alwaysbool2 { typedef bool type; }; resizable_tensor& rt(); // The significance of a layer's backward method requiring forward's outputs is // that such as layer can't have an in-place layer stacked on top of it because // in-place layers overwrite the output of the layer they sit on top of. template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto backward_requires_forward_output( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool<decltype(layer.backward(rt(),rt(),sub,rt()))>::type { return true; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto backward_requires_forward_output( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool<decltype(layer.backward(rt(),sub,rt()))>::type { return false; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto backward_requires_forward_output( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool<decltype(layer.backward_inplace(rt(),rt(),sub.get_gradient_input(),rt()))>::type { return true; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto backward_requires_forward_output( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool<decltype(layer.backward_inplace(rt(),sub.get_gradient_input(),rt()))>::type { return false; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto has_inplace_backward( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool2<decltype(layer.backward(rt(),rt(),sub,rt()))>::type { return false; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto has_inplace_backward( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool2<decltype(layer.backward(rt(),sub,rt()))>::type { return false; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto has_inplace_backward( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool2<decltype(layer.backward_inplace(rt(),rt(),sub.get_gradient_input(),rt()))>::type { return true; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto has_inplace_backward( layer_type& layer, SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool2<decltype(layer.backward_inplace(rt(),sub.get_gradient_input(),rt()))>::type { return true; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto is_inplace_layer( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool2<decltype(layer.forward(sub,rt()))>::type { return false; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> constexpr auto is_inplace_layer( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub ) -> typename alwaysbool<decltype(layer.forward_inplace(sub.get_output(),rt()))>::type { return true; } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_backward( layer_type& layer, const tensor& computed_output, const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& params_grad ) -> decltype(layer.backward(computed_output,gradient_input,sub,params_grad)) { layer.backward(computed_output,gradient_input,sub,params_grad); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_backward( layer_type& layer, const tensor& , const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& params_grad ) -> decltype(layer.backward(gradient_input,sub,params_grad)) { layer.backward(gradient_input,sub,params_grad); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_backward( layer_type& layer, const tensor& computed_output, const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& params_grad ) -> decltype(layer.backward_inplace(computed_output,gradient_input,sub.get_gradient_input(),params_grad)) { layer.backward_inplace(computed_output,gradient_input,sub.get_gradient_input(),params_grad); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_backward( layer_type& layer, const tensor& , const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& params_grad ) -> decltype(layer.backward_inplace(gradient_input,sub.get_gradient_input(),params_grad)) { layer.backward_inplace(gradient_input,sub.get_gradient_input(),params_grad); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_forward( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub, tensor& /*data_output*/ ) -> decltype(layer.forward(sub,rt())) { // This overload of call_layer_forward() is here because this template // naturally gets instantiated but only on code paths that never get executed. // So rather than writing a bunch of hard to read template magic around call // sites we just have this overload that doesn't do anything (and an assert to // make sure that's the case). DLIB_CASSERT(false, "This should never happen"); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_forward( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub, resizable_tensor& data_output ) -> decltype(layer.forward(sub,data_output)) { layer.forward(sub,data_output); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_forward( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub, tensor& data_output ) -> decltype(layer.forward_inplace(sub.get_output(),data_output)) { layer.forward_inplace(sub.get_output(),data_output); } template <typename layer_type, typename SUBNET> auto call_layer_forward( layer_type& layer, const SUBNET& sub, resizable_tensor& data_output ) -> decltype(layer.forward_inplace(sub.get_output(),data_output)) { if (!have_same_dimensions(data_output, sub.get_output())) data_output.copy_size(sub.get_output()); layer.forward_inplace(sub.get_output(),static_cast<tensor&>(data_output)); } } // end namespace impl template <typename... T> typename impl::tuple_head_helper<std::tuple<T...>>::type tuple_head ( const std::tuple<T...>& item ) { return impl::tuple_head_helper<std::tuple<T...>>::get(item); } template <typename... T> auto tuple_tail( const std::tuple<T...>& item ) -> decltype(impl::basic_tuple_tail(impl::tuple_flatten(item))) { return impl::basic_tuple_tail(impl::tuple_flatten(item)); } inline std::tuple<> tuple_tail( const std::tuple<>& item ) { return item; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T> class sstack { public: typedef T value_type; sstack() = delete; sstack ( T* data_, size_t s ) : data(data_), mysize(s) {} const T& top() const { DLIB_CASSERT(size() != 0, "You can't call top() on an empty stack"); return *data; } T& top() { DLIB_CASSERT(size() != 0, "You can't call top() on an empty stack"); return *data; } size_t size() const { return mysize; } sstack pop(size_t num=1) { DLIB_CASSERT(num <= size(), "You can't pop more things from the stack than it has in it."); return sstack(data+num, mysize-num); } private: T* data; size_t mysize; }; template <typename T> sstack<T> make_sstack(std::vector<T>& item) { return sstack<T>(item.data(), item.size()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace dimpl { template <typename T, bool is_first = true, typename enabled=void> class subnet_wrapper { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This is a tool that makes an add_layer or add_loss_layer object expose only the part of its interface defined by the SUBNET type in layers_abstract.h. This way, when we pass subnetwork objects to the layer callbacks those callbacks won't be able to interact with the subnetworks in a way other than specified by the SUBNET interface spec. We also allow the top layer of a subnet_wrapper stack to call the private_get_output() and private_get_gradient_input() functions. This way, layers that have had their output/gradient overwritten by in-place layers can only be accessed from the in-place layers that sit directly on top of them since those in-place layers are the only layers that know how to interact with them properly. !*/ public: subnet_wrapper(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; subnet_wrapper& operator=(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; subnet_wrapper(T& l_, unsigned int sef) : l(l_),_sample_expansion_factor(sef) {} // Not much here because in this case T is one of the input layer types // that doesn't have anything in it. typedef T layer_details_type; const layer_details_type& layer_details() const { return l; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return _sample_expansion_factor; } private: T& l; unsigned int _sample_expansion_factor; }; template <typename T> class subnet_wrapper<T,true, typename std::enable_if<is_nonloss_layer_type<T>::value>::type> { public: subnet_wrapper(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; subnet_wrapper& operator=(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; typedef T wrapped_type; const static size_t num_computational_layers = T::num_computational_layers; const static size_t num_layers = T::num_layers; typedef typename T::layer_details_type layer_details_type; subnet_wrapper(T& l_, unsigned int = 0) : l(l_),subnetwork(l.subnet(), l.sample_expansion_factor()) {} const tensor& get_output() const { return l.private_get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return l.private_get_gradient_input(); } const layer_details_type& layer_details() const { return l.layer_details(); } const subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false>& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false>& subnet() { return subnetwork; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return l.sample_expansion_factor(); } private: T& l; subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false> subnetwork; }; template <typename T> class subnet_wrapper<T,false, typename std::enable_if<is_nonloss_layer_type<T>::value>::type> { public: subnet_wrapper(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; subnet_wrapper& operator=(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; typedef T wrapped_type; const static size_t num_computational_layers = T::num_computational_layers; const static size_t num_layers = T::num_layers; typedef typename T::layer_details_type layer_details_type; subnet_wrapper(T& l_, unsigned int = 0) : l(l_),subnetwork(l.subnet(), l.sample_expansion_factor()) {} const tensor& get_output() const { return l.get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return l.get_gradient_input(); } const layer_details_type& layer_details() const { return l.layer_details(); } const subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false>& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false>& subnet() { return subnetwork; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return l.sample_expansion_factor(); } private: T& l; subnet_wrapper<typename T::subnet_type,false> subnetwork; }; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename LAYER_DETAILS, typename SUBNET, typename enabled = void> class add_layer; template <typename T, typename U> struct is_nonloss_layer_type<add_layer<T,U>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename LAYER_DETAILS, typename SUBNET> class add_layer<LAYER_DETAILS,SUBNET, typename std::enable_if<is_nonloss_layer_type<SUBNET>::value>::type> { public: typedef LAYER_DETAILS layer_details_type; typedef SUBNET subnet_type; typedef typename subnet_type::input_type input_type; const static size_t num_layers = subnet_type::num_layers + 1; const static size_t num_computational_layers = subnet_type::num_computational_layers + 1; add_layer( ): subnetwork(new subnet_type()), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } add_layer(const add_layer& item) { details = item.details; subnetwork.reset(new subnet_type(*item.subnetwork)); this_layer_setup_called = item.this_layer_setup_called; gradient_input_is_stale = item.gradient_input_is_stale; get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled = item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled; x_grad = item.x_grad; cached_output = item.cached_output; params_grad = item.params_grad; temp_tensor = item.temp_tensor; } add_layer& operator=(const add_layer& item) { add_layer(item).swap(*this); return *this;} add_layer(add_layer&& item) : add_layer() { swap(item); } add_layer& operator=(add_layer&& item) { swap(item); return *this; } template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; // Allow copying networks from one to another as long as their corresponding // layers can be constructed from each other. template <typename T, typename U, typename E> add_layer( const add_layer<T,U,E>& item ) : details(item.layer_details()), subnetwork(new subnet_type(item.subnet())), this_layer_setup_called(item.this_layer_setup_called), gradient_input_is_stale(item.gradient_input_is_stale), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled), x_grad(item.x_grad), cached_output(item.cached_output) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } template <typename ...T> add_layer( const LAYER_DETAILS& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : details(layer_det), subnetwork(new subnet_type(std::forward<T>(args)...)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } template <typename T, typename ...U> struct disable_forwarding_constr { const static bool value = std::is_constructible<LAYER_DETAILS,T>::value; }; template <typename ...T, typename ...U> struct disable_forwarding_constr<std::tuple<T...>,U...> { const static bool value = disable_forwarding_constr<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type...>::value; }; template <typename T, typename ...U> struct disable_forwarding_constr<std::tuple<T>,U...> { const static bool value = disable_forwarding_constr<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::value; }; template <typename ...U> struct disable_forwarding_constr<std::tuple<>,U...> { const static bool value = true; }; template <typename ...T> struct disable_forwarding_constr<add_layer<T...>> { const static bool value = true; }; template < typename ...T, typename = typename std::enable_if<!disable_forwarding_constr<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type...>::value>::type > add_layer( T&& ...args ) : subnetwork(new subnet_type(std::forward<T>(args)...)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } template <typename ...T> add_layer( LAYER_DETAILS&& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : details(std::move(layer_det)), subnetwork(new subnet_type(std::forward<T>(args)...)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } template <typename ...T, typename LD, typename ...U> add_layer( const std::tuple<LD,U...>& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : details(tuple_head(layer_det)), subnetwork(new subnet_type(tuple_tail(layer_det),std::forward<T>(args)...)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false) { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) subnetwork->disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } template <typename ...T, typename LD, typename ...U> add_layer( std::tuple<>, const std::tuple<LD,U...>& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : add_layer(layer_det,args...) { } add_layer ( std::tuple<> ) : add_layer() {} template <typename ...T> add_layer( std::tuple<>, LAYER_DETAILS&& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : add_layer(layer_det, args...) { } template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { subnetwork->to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return forward(temp_tensor); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { return (*this)(&x, &x+1); } const tensor& forward(const tensor& x) { subnetwork->forward(x); const dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(*subnetwork); if (!this_layer_setup_called) { details.setup(wsub); this_layer_setup_called = true; } if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) impl::call_layer_forward(details, wsub, private_get_output()); else impl::call_layer_forward(details, wsub, cached_output); gradient_input_is_stale = true; return private_get_output(); } private: tensor& private_get_output() const { if (const_cast<add_layer&>(*this).this_layer_operates_inplace()) return subnetwork->private_get_output(); else return const_cast<resizable_tensor&>(cached_output); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { if (this_layer_operates_inplace()) { return subnetwork->private_get_gradient_input(); } else { if (gradient_input_is_stale) { gradient_input_is_stale = false; x_grad.copy_size(private_get_output()); x_grad = 0; } return x_grad; } } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled = true; } public: const tensor& get_output() const { if (get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled) throw dlib::error("Accessing this layer's get_output() is disabled because an in-place layer has been stacked on top of it."); return private_get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { if (get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled) throw dlib::error("Accessing this layer's get_gradient_input() is disabled because an in-place layer has been stacked on top of it."); return private_get_gradient_input(); } const tensor& get_final_data_gradient( ) const { return subnetwork->get_final_data_gradient(); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x) { back_propagate_error(x, private_get_gradient_input()); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x, const tensor& gradient_input) { dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(*subnetwork); params_grad.copy_size(details.get_layer_params()); impl::call_layer_backward(details, private_get_output(), gradient_input, wsub, static_cast<tensor&>(params_grad)); subnetwork->back_propagate_error(x); // zero out get_gradient_input() gradient_input_is_stale = true; } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate) { DLIB_CASSERT(solvers.size()>=num_computational_layers); // Don't try to adjust the parameters if this layer doesn't have any or the // learning rate is disabled for this layer. if (params_grad.size() != 0 && get_learning_rate_multiplier(details) != 0) { const tensor& step = solvers.top()(learning_rate, details, static_cast<const tensor&>(params_grad)); tt::add(details.get_layer_params(), details.get_layer_params(), step); } subnetwork->update_parameters(solvers.pop(), learning_rate); } const tensor& get_parameter_gradient( ) const { return params_grad; } tensor& get_parameter_gradient ( ) { return params_grad; } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return *subnetwork; } subnet_type& subnet() { return *subnetwork; } const layer_details_type& layer_details() const { return details; } layer_details_type& layer_details() { return details; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return subnet().sample_expansion_factor(); } void clean() { x_grad.clear(); cached_output.clear(); params_grad.clear(); temp_tensor.clear(); gradient_input_is_stale = true; subnetwork->clean(); } friend void serialize(const add_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 2; serialize(version, out); serialize(*item.subnetwork, out); serialize(item.details, out); serialize(item.this_layer_setup_called, out); serialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, out); serialize(item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, out); serialize(item.x_grad, out); serialize(item.cached_output, out); serialize(item.params_grad, out); } friend void deserialize(add_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (!(1 <= version && version <= 2)) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_layer."); deserialize(*item.subnetwork, in); deserialize(item.details, in); deserialize(item.this_layer_setup_called, in); deserialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, in); deserialize(item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, in); deserialize(item.x_grad, in); deserialize(item.cached_output, in); if (version == 2) deserialize(item.params_grad, in); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<" << idx << ">\t" << impl::tensor_to_str(private_get_output(), min_length) << layer_details() << "\n"; subnet().print(out, idx+1, min_length); } private: bool this_layer_operates_inplace( ) { // This layer can run in-place if it's an in-place capable layer and also if // the layer it's on top of doesn't need its own output tensor (since in-place // layers overwrite that tensor) return impl::is_inplace_layer(details, *subnetwork) && !subnetwork->this_layer_requires_forward_output(); } bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { return impl::backward_requires_forward_output(details, *subnetwork); } void swap(add_layer& item) { std::swap(subnetwork,item.subnetwork); std::swap(details, item.details); std::swap(this_layer_setup_called, item.this_layer_setup_called); std::swap(gradient_input_is_stale, item.gradient_input_is_stale); std::swap(get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled); std::swap(x_grad, item.x_grad); std::swap(cached_output, item.cached_output); std::swap(params_grad, item.params_grad); } LAYER_DETAILS details; std::unique_ptr<subnet_type> subnetwork; bool this_layer_setup_called; bool gradient_input_is_stale; bool get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled; // Note that if this_layer_operates_inplace()==true then x_grad and cached_output // are not used at all. Instead, this layer uses these variables from the lower // layer. resizable_tensor x_grad; resizable_tensor cached_output; resizable_tensor params_grad; // temp_tensor doesn't logically contribute to the state of this object. // It is here only to prevent it from being reallocated over and over. resizable_tensor temp_tensor; }; template <typename T, typename U, typename E> struct is_add_layer<add_layer<T,U,E>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T, typename U, typename E> struct is_add_layer<const add_layer<T,U,E>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T, typename U, typename E> struct is_add_layer<add_layer<T,U,E>&> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T, typename U, typename E> struct is_add_layer<const add_layer<T,U,E>&> : std::true_type {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This version of add_layer handles the special case where the subnetwork being given is // just an input layer object. template <typename LAYER_DETAILS, typename INPUT_LAYER, typename enabled> class add_layer { public: typedef LAYER_DETAILS layer_details_type; typedef INPUT_LAYER subnet_type; typedef typename INPUT_LAYER::input_type input_type; const static size_t num_layers = 2; const static size_t num_computational_layers = 1; add_layer( ): this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_layer(const add_layer&) = default; add_layer(add_layer&& item) : add_layer() { swap(item); } add_layer& operator=(const add_layer&) = default; add_layer& operator=(add_layer&& item) { swap(item); return *this; } template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; // Allow copying networks from one to another as long as their corresponding // layers can be constructed from each other. template <typename T, typename U, typename E> add_layer( const add_layer<T,U,E>& item ): input_layer(item.subnet()), details(item.layer_details()), this_layer_setup_called(item.this_layer_setup_called), gradient_input_is_stale(item.gradient_input_is_stale), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(item._sample_expansion_factor), x_grad(item.x_grad), cached_output(item.cached_output), grad_final(item.grad_final) { } add_layer( const LAYER_DETAILS& layer_det ) : details(layer_det), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_layer( const INPUT_LAYER& il ) : input_layer(il), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_layer( LAYER_DETAILS&& layer_det ) : details(std::move(layer_det)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_layer( LAYER_DETAILS layer_det, INPUT_LAYER il ) : details(std::move(layer_det)), input_layer(std::move(il)), this_layer_setup_called(false), gradient_input_is_stale(true), get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled(false), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_layer( std::tuple<>, const LAYER_DETAILS& layer_det ) : add_layer(layer_det) {} add_layer( std::tuple<>, LAYER_DETAILS&& layer_det ) : add_layer(layer_det) {} add_layer( std::tuple<>, LAYER_DETAILS layer_det, INPUT_LAYER il ) : add_layer(layer_det,il) {} add_layer( const std::tuple<LAYER_DETAILS>& layer_det ) : add_layer(tuple_head(layer_det)) {} add_layer( const std::tuple<LAYER_DETAILS>& layer_det, INPUT_LAYER il ) : add_layer(tuple_head(layer_det),il) {} template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { input_layer.to_tensor(ibegin, iend, data); // make sure the input layer's to_tensor() function is implemented properly. DLIB_CASSERT(data.num_samples() >= std::distance(ibegin,iend), "The input layer can't produce fewer output tensors than there are inputs."); DLIB_CASSERT(data.num_samples()%std::distance(ibegin,iend) == 0, "The number of tensors produced by the input layer must be an integer multiple of the number of input objects."); _sample_expansion_factor = data.num_samples()/std::distance(ibegin,iend); data.async_copy_to_device(); } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return forward(temp_tensor); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { return (*this)(&x, &x+1); } const tensor& forward (const tensor& x) { DLIB_CASSERT(sample_expansion_factor() != 0, "You must call to_tensor() before this function can be used."); DLIB_CASSERT(x.num_samples()%sample_expansion_factor() == 0); subnet_wrapper wsub(x, grad_final, _sample_expansion_factor); if (!this_layer_setup_called) { details.setup(wsub); this_layer_setup_called = true; } impl::call_layer_forward(details, wsub, cached_output); gradient_input_is_stale = true; return private_get_output(); } private: tensor& private_get_output() const { return const_cast<resizable_tensor&>(cached_output); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { if (gradient_input_is_stale) { gradient_input_is_stale = false; x_grad.copy_size(private_get_output()); x_grad = 0; } return x_grad; } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled = true; } public: const tensor& get_output() const { if (get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled) throw dlib::error("Accessing this layer's get_output() is disabled because an in-place layer has been stacked on top of it."); return private_get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { if (get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled) throw dlib::error("Accessing this layer's get_gradient_input() is disabled because an in-place layer has been stacked on top of it."); return private_get_gradient_input(); } const tensor& get_final_data_gradient( ) const { return grad_final; } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x) { back_propagate_error(x, private_get_gradient_input()); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x, const tensor& gradient_input) { // make sure grad_final is initialized to 0 if (!have_same_dimensions(x, grad_final)) grad_final.copy_size(x); grad_final = 0; subnet_wrapper wsub(x, grad_final, _sample_expansion_factor); params_grad.copy_size(details.get_layer_params()); impl::call_layer_backward(details, private_get_output(), gradient_input, wsub, static_cast<tensor&>(params_grad)); // zero out get_gradient_input() gradient_input_is_stale = true; } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate) { DLIB_CASSERT(solvers.size()>=num_computational_layers); // Don't try to adjust the parameters if this layer doesn't have any or the // learning rate is disabled for this layer. if (params_grad.size() != 0 && get_learning_rate_multiplier(details) != 0) { const tensor& step = solvers.top()(learning_rate, details, static_cast<const tensor&>(params_grad)); tt::add(details.get_layer_params(), details.get_layer_params(), step); } } const tensor& get_parameter_gradient( ) const { return params_grad; } tensor& get_parameter_gradient ( ) { return params_grad; } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return input_layer; } subnet_type& subnet() { return input_layer; } const layer_details_type& layer_details() const { return details; } layer_details_type& layer_details() { return details; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return _sample_expansion_factor; } void clean() { x_grad.clear(); grad_final.clear(); cached_output.clear(); params_grad.clear(); temp_tensor.clear(); gradient_input_is_stale = true; } friend void serialize(const add_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 3; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.input_layer, out); serialize(item.details, out); serialize(item.this_layer_setup_called, out); serialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, out); serialize(item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, out); serialize(item.x_grad, out); serialize(item.cached_output, out); serialize(item.grad_final, out); serialize(item._sample_expansion_factor, out); } friend void deserialize(add_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (!(2 <= version && version <= 3)) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_layer."); deserialize(item.input_layer, in); deserialize(item.details, in); deserialize(item.this_layer_setup_called, in); deserialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, in); deserialize(item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, in); deserialize(item.x_grad, in); deserialize(item.cached_output, in); deserialize(item.grad_final, in); if (version >= 3) deserialize(item._sample_expansion_factor, in); else item._sample_expansion_factor = 1; // all layer types set this to 1 in older dlib versions, so that's what we put here. } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<" << idx << ">\t" << impl::tensor_to_str(private_get_output(), min_length) << layer_details() << "\n"; // Don't print the repeat_input_layer since it doesn't exist from the user's // point of view. It's just an artifact of how repeat<> works. if (!std::is_same<subnet_type, impl::repeat_input_layer>::value) out << "layer<" << idx+1 << ">\t" << subnet() << "\n"; } private: bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { subnet_wrapper wsub(grad_final, grad_final, _sample_expansion_factor); return impl::backward_requires_forward_output(details, wsub); } class subnet_wrapper { public: subnet_wrapper(const tensor& x_, resizable_tensor& grad_final_, unsigned int sef) : x(x_), grad_final(grad_final_), _sample_expansion_factor(sef) {} subnet_wrapper(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; subnet_wrapper& operator=(const subnet_wrapper&) = delete; unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return _sample_expansion_factor;} const tensor& get_output() const { return x; } tensor& get_gradient_input() { if (!have_same_dimensions(x, grad_final)) { grad_final.copy_size(x); grad_final = 0; } return grad_final; } private: const tensor& x; resizable_tensor& grad_final; unsigned int _sample_expansion_factor; }; void swap(add_layer& item) { std::swap(input_layer, item.input_layer); std::swap(details, item.details); std::swap(this_layer_setup_called, item.this_layer_setup_called); std::swap(gradient_input_is_stale, item.gradient_input_is_stale); std::swap(get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled, item.get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled); std::swap(x_grad, item.x_grad); std::swap(cached_output, item.cached_output); std::swap(grad_final, item.grad_final); std::swap(_sample_expansion_factor, item._sample_expansion_factor); } subnet_type input_layer; LAYER_DETAILS details; bool this_layer_setup_called; bool gradient_input_is_stale; bool get_output_and_gradient_input_disabled; mutable unsigned int _sample_expansion_factor; resizable_tensor x_grad; resizable_tensor cached_output; resizable_tensor grad_final; // The following 2 objects don't logically contribute to the state of this class. // They are only here to prevent them from being reallocated over and over in // member functions. resizable_tensor params_grad; resizable_tensor temp_tensor; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <unsigned long ID, typename SUBNET, typename enabled=void> class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename SUBNET> class tag> struct tag_id { const static unsigned long id = tag<impl::repeat_input_layer>::id; }; template <unsigned long ID, typename SUBNET> class add_tag_layer<ID,SUBNET, typename std::enable_if<is_nonloss_layer_type<SUBNET>::value>::type> { public: typedef SUBNET subnet_type; typedef typename subnet_type::input_type input_type; typedef int layer_details_type; // not really used anywhere, but required by subnet_wrapper. const static size_t num_layers = subnet_type::num_layers + 1; const static size_t num_computational_layers = subnet_type::num_computational_layers; const static unsigned long id = ID; add_tag_layer() {}; add_tag_layer(const add_tag_layer&) = default; add_tag_layer(add_tag_layer&&) = default; add_tag_layer& operator=(add_tag_layer&&) = default; add_tag_layer& operator=(const add_tag_layer&) = default; template <typename T> add_tag_layer( const add_tag_layer<ID,T>& item ) : subnetwork(item.subnet()) {} template <typename ...T> add_tag_layer( T ...args ) : subnetwork(std::move(args)...) { } template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { subnetwork.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { return subnetwork(ibegin,iend); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { return subnetwork(x); } const tensor& forward(const tensor& x) { return subnetwork.forward(x); } const tensor& get_output() const { return subnetwork.get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return subnetwork.get_gradient_input(); } const tensor& get_final_data_gradient( ) const { return subnetwork.get_final_data_gradient(); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x) { subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x, const tensor& gradient_input) { subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x,gradient_input); } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate) { subnetwork.update_parameters(solvers, learning_rate); } const tensor& get_parameter_gradient( ) const { return params_grad; } tensor& get_parameter_gradient ( ) { return params_grad; } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_type& subnet() { return subnetwork; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return subnet().sample_expansion_factor(); } void clean() { subnetwork.clean(); } friend void serialize(const add_tag_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 1; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.subnetwork, out); } friend void deserialize(add_tag_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_tag_layer."); deserialize(item.subnetwork, in); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_tag_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<" << idx << ">\t" << impl::tensor_to_str(private_get_output(), min_length) << "tag" << ID << "\n"; subnet().print(out, idx+1, min_length); } private: template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; // You wouldn't put a tag on a layer if you didn't want to access its forward // outputs. So this is always true. bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { return true; } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { // This should never happen because only inplace layers call // disable_output_and_gradient_getters(), however, putting a tag layer right // before an inplace layer basically means you don't want the following layer // to operate in place. So the inplace layer should turn itself into an // out-of-place layer and not call disable_output_and_gradient_getters(). DLIB_CASSERT(false,"This should never happen"); } tensor& private_get_output() const { return subnetwork.private_get_output(); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { return subnetwork.private_get_gradient_input(); } subnet_type subnetwork; // This member doesn't logically contribute to the state of the object since it is // always empty. It's just here so we can have the get_parameter_gradient() methods // which have to return something. So they return this empty tensor. resizable_tensor params_grad; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename ...T> struct decorator_repeat_group { decorator_repeat_group( T&& ...args ) : data(std::forward<T>(args)...) {} std::tuple<T...> data; }; template <typename ...T> decorator_repeat_group<T...> repeat_group ( T&& ...args ) { return decorator_repeat_group<T...>(std::forward<T>(args)...); } template < size_t num, template<typename> class REPEATED_LAYER, typename SUBNET > class repeat { static_assert(num > 0, "You can't have a layer repeated 0 times."); public: typedef SUBNET subnet_type; typedef typename SUBNET::input_type input_type; typedef int layer_details_type; // not really used anywhere, but required by subnet_wrapper. const static size_t comp_layers_in_each_group = (REPEATED_LAYER<SUBNET>::num_computational_layers-SUBNET::num_computational_layers); const static size_t comp_layers_in_repeated_group = comp_layers_in_each_group*num; const static size_t num_computational_layers = comp_layers_in_repeated_group + SUBNET::num_computational_layers; const static size_t layers_in_each_group = (REPEATED_LAYER<SUBNET>::num_layers-SUBNET::num_layers); const static size_t layers_in_repeated_group = layers_in_each_group*num; const static size_t num_layers = subnet_type::num_layers + layers_in_repeated_group; typedef REPEATED_LAYER<impl::repeat_input_layer> repeated_layer_type; repeat( ) : details(num) { } size_t num_repetitions ( ) const { return num; } const repeated_layer_type& get_repeated_layer ( size_t i ) const { DLIB_CASSERT(i < num_repetitions()); return details[i]; } repeated_layer_type& get_repeated_layer ( size_t i ) { DLIB_CASSERT(i < num_repetitions()); return details[i]; } repeat(const repeat&) = default; repeat(repeat&&) = default; repeat& operator=(repeat&&) = default; repeat& operator=(const repeat&) = default; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> repeat( const repeat<num,T,U>& item ) : subnetwork(item.subnetwork) { for (auto&& d : item.details) details.emplace_back(d); } template <typename T, typename ...U> repeat( T arg1, U ...args2 ): details(num, std::move(arg1)), subnetwork(std::move(args2)...) { } template <typename ...T, typename ...U> repeat( decorator_repeat_group<T...>&& arg1, U ...args2 ): details(num, arg1.data), subnetwork(std::move(args2)...) { } template <typename T, typename ...U> repeat( std::tuple<>, T arg1, U ...args2 ): details(num, std::move(arg1)), subnetwork(std::move(args2)...) { } template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { subnetwork.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); // call to_tensor on the networks in details just to populate the // _sample_expansion_factor values in those networks. Other than that this // call is a noop. for (auto& d : details) d.to_tensor(ibegin, iend, data); } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return forward(temp_tensor); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { return (*this)(&x, &x+1); } const tensor& forward(const tensor& x) { subnetwork.forward(x); details[details.size()-1].forward(subnetwork.get_output()); for (long i = details.size()-2; i >= 0; --i) details[i].forward(details[i+1].get_output()); return private_get_output(); } private: tensor& private_get_output() const { return details[0].private_get_output(); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { return details[0].private_get_gradient_input(); } public: const tensor& get_output() const { return details[0].get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return details[0].get_gradient_input(); } const tensor& get_parameter_gradient( ) const { return details[0].get_parameter_gradient(); } tensor& get_parameter_gradient ( ) { return details[0].get_parameter_gradient(); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x) { back_propagate_error(x, private_get_gradient_input()); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x, const tensor& gradient_input) { if (details.size() > 1) { details[0].back_propagate_error(details[1].get_output(), gradient_input); for (size_t i = 1; i < details.size(); ++i) { if (i+1 < details.size()) details[i].back_propagate_error(details[i+1].get_output(), details[i-1].get_final_data_gradient()); else details[i].back_propagate_error(subnetwork.get_output(), details[i-1].get_final_data_gradient()); } } else { details[0].back_propagate_error(subnetwork.get_output(), gradient_input); } subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x, details.back().get_final_data_gradient()); } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate) { for (size_t i = 0; i < details.size(); ++i) details[i].update_parameters(solvers.pop(comp_layers_in_each_group*i),learning_rate); subnetwork.update_parameters(solvers.pop(comp_layers_in_each_group*details.size()),learning_rate); } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_type& subnet() { return subnetwork; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return subnet().sample_expansion_factor(); } void clean() { temp_tensor.clear(); subnetwork.clean(); for (auto&& d : details) d.clean(); } friend void serialize(const repeat& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 1; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.details, out); serialize(item.subnetwork, out); } friend void deserialize(repeat& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::repeat."); deserialize(item.details, in); deserialize(item.subnetwork, in); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const repeat& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_repetitions(); ++i) { get_repeated_layer(i).print(out, idx, min_length); idx += layers_in_each_group; } subnet().print(out, idx, min_length); } private: template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { return details[0].this_layer_requires_forward_output(); } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { details[0].disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } std::vector<repeated_layer_type> details; subnet_type subnetwork; // temp_tensor doesn't logically contribute to the state of this class. // It is here only to void needing to reallocate it over and over. resizable_tensor temp_tensor; }; template < size_t num, template<typename> class REPEATED_LAYER, typename SUBNET > struct is_nonloss_layer_type<repeat<num,REPEATED_LAYER,SUBNET>> : std::true_type {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This version of add_tag_layer handles the special case where the subnetwork being given // is just an input layer object. template <unsigned long ID, typename INPUT_LAYER, typename enabled> class add_tag_layer { public: typedef INPUT_LAYER subnet_type; typedef typename subnet_type::input_type input_type; typedef int layer_details_type; // not really used anywhere, but required by subnet_wrapper. const static size_t num_computational_layers = 0; const static size_t num_layers = 2; const static unsigned long id = ID; add_tag_layer():cached_output_ptr(nullptr),gradient_input_is_stale(true),_sample_expansion_factor(0) {} add_tag_layer(const add_tag_layer&) = default; add_tag_layer& operator=(const add_tag_layer&) = default; add_tag_layer(add_tag_layer&& item) : add_tag_layer() { swap(item); } add_tag_layer& operator=(add_tag_layer&& item) { swap(item); return *this; } template <typename T, typename E> add_tag_layer( const add_tag_layer<ID,T,E>& item ) : input_layer(item.subnet()), cached_output(item.cached_output), cached_output_ptr(nullptr), grad_final(item.grad_final), gradient_input_is_stale(item.gradient_input_is_stale), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} template <typename ...T> add_tag_layer( T ...args ) : input_layer(std::move(args)...), cached_output_ptr(nullptr), gradient_input_is_stale(true), _sample_expansion_factor(0) { } add_tag_layer ( std::tuple<> ) : cached_output_ptr(nullptr), gradient_input_is_stale(true), _sample_expansion_factor(0) {} template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { input_layer.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); // make sure the input layer's to_tensor() function is implemented properly. DLIB_CASSERT(data.num_samples() >= std::distance(ibegin,iend), "The input layer can't produce fewer output tensors than there are inputs."); DLIB_CASSERT(data.num_samples()%std::distance(ibegin,iend) == 0, "The number of tensors produced by the input layer must be an integer multiple of the number of input objects."); _sample_expansion_factor = data.num_samples()/std::distance(ibegin,iend); data.async_copy_to_device(); } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return _sample_expansion_factor; } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { input_layer.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,cached_output); cached_output_ptr = nullptr; return get_output(); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { return (*this)(&x, &x+1); } const tensor& forward(const tensor& x) { // If this tag is the first layer in one of the sub networks inside a repeat // layer then we don't want it to be creating copies of x. This is because, we // can just hold a pointer to x since the way repeat is constructed guarantees // that x will have a lifetime larger than this pointer. if (is_same_type<INPUT_LAYER, impl::repeat_input_layer>::value) cached_output_ptr = const_cast<tensor*>(&x); else cached_output = x; gradient_input_is_stale = true; return get_output(); } const tensor& get_output() const { if (cached_output_ptr) return *cached_output_ptr; else return cached_output; } const tensor& get_final_data_gradient( ) const { return grad_final; } tensor& get_gradient_input() { if (!have_same_dimensions(get_output(), grad_final) || gradient_input_is_stale) { grad_final.copy_size(get_output()); grad_final = 0; gradient_input_is_stale = false; } return grad_final; } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& /*x*/) { // nothing to do } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& /*x*/, const tensor& /*gradient_input*/) { // nothing to do } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> /*solvers*/, double /*learning_rate*/) { // nothing to do } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return input_layer; } subnet_type& subnet() { return input_layer; } void clean() { grad_final.clear(); cached_output.clear(); cached_output_ptr = 0; } friend void serialize(const add_tag_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 2; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.input_layer, out); serialize(item.cached_output, out); serialize(item.grad_final, out); serialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, out); serialize(item._sample_expansion_factor, out); } friend void deserialize(add_tag_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (!(1 <= version && version <= 2)) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_tag_layer."); deserialize(item.input_layer, in); deserialize(item.cached_output, in); deserialize(item.grad_final, in); deserialize(item.gradient_input_is_stale, in); item.cached_output_ptr = nullptr; if (version >= 2) deserialize(item._sample_expansion_factor, in); else item._sample_expansion_factor = 1; // all layer types set this to 1 in older dlib versions, so that's what we put here. } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_tag_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<"<<idx << ">\t"<<impl::tensor_to_str(private_get_output(), min_length)<< "tag" << ID << "\n"; // Don't print the repeat_input_layer since it doesn't exist from the user's // point of view. It's just an artifact of how repeat<> works. if (!std::is_same<subnet_type, impl::repeat_input_layer>::value) out << "layer<"<< idx+1 << ">\t" << subnet() << "\n"; } private: template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; // You woudln't put a tag on a layer if you didn't want to access its forward // outputs. So this is always true. bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { return true; } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { // This should never happen because only inplace layers call // disable_output_and_gradient_getters(), however, putting a tag layer right // before an inplace layer basically means you don't want the following layer // to operate in place. So the inplace layer should turn itself into an // out-of-place layer and not call disable_output_and_gradient_getters(). DLIB_CASSERT(false,"This should never happen"); } tensor& private_get_output() const { return const_cast<tensor&>(get_output()); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { return get_gradient_input(); } void swap(add_tag_layer& item) { std::swap(input_layer, item.input_layer); std::swap(cached_output, item.cached_output); std::swap(cached_output_ptr, item.cached_output_ptr); std::swap(grad_final, item.grad_final); std::swap(gradient_input_is_stale, item.gradient_input_is_stale); std::swap(_sample_expansion_factor, item._sample_expansion_factor); } subnet_type input_layer; resizable_tensor cached_output; tensor* cached_output_ptr; resizable_tensor grad_final; bool gradient_input_is_stale; mutable unsigned int _sample_expansion_factor; }; template <unsigned long ID, typename U, typename E> struct is_nonloss_layer_type<add_tag_layer<ID,U,E>> : std::true_type {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename LOSS_DETAILS, typename SUBNET> class add_loss_layer; class no_label_type { private: // We don't want anyone making these no_label_type objects. They are here only to // allow add_loss_layer::training_label_type and dnn_trainer::training_label_type // to exist which avoids needing to overload add_loss_layer and dnn_trainer for // supervised an unsupervised losses. It also can be a type to use in template // metaprogramming to indicate "no label". So here we make the constructor private // with the exception that add_loss_layer objects can make it (again, just to // simplify add_loss_layer's implementation). no_label_type(){}; template <typename LOSS_DETAILS, typename SUBNET> friend class add_loss_layer; template < typename net_type, typename solver_type > friend class dnn_trainer; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename LOSS_DETAILS, typename SUBNET> class add_loss_layer { template <typename T, typename enabled=void> struct get_loss_layer_training_label_type { typedef no_label_type type; }; template <typename T> struct get_loss_layer_training_label_type<T,typename std::enable_if<sizeof(typename T::training_label_type)!=0>::type> { typedef typename T::training_label_type type; }; template <typename T, typename enabled=void> struct get_loss_layer_output_label_type { typedef no_label_type type; }; template <typename T> struct get_loss_layer_output_label_type<T,typename std::enable_if<sizeof(typename T::output_label_type)!=0>::type> { typedef typename T::output_label_type type; }; public: typedef LOSS_DETAILS loss_details_type; typedef SUBNET subnet_type; typedef typename subnet_type::input_type input_type; const static size_t num_layers = subnet_type::num_layers + 1; // Note that the loss layer doesn't count as an additional computational layer. const static size_t num_computational_layers = subnet_type::num_computational_layers; typedef typename get_loss_layer_training_label_type<LOSS_DETAILS>::type training_label_type; typedef typename get_loss_layer_output_label_type<LOSS_DETAILS>::type output_label_type; static_assert(is_nonloss_layer_type<SUBNET>::value, "SUBNET must be of type add_layer, add_skip_layer, or add_tag_layer."); add_loss_layer() {}; add_loss_layer(const add_loss_layer&) = default; add_loss_layer& operator=(const add_loss_layer&) = default; add_loss_layer(add_loss_layer&& item) : add_loss_layer() { swap(item); } add_loss_layer& operator=(add_loss_layer&& item) { swap(item); return *this; } template <typename T, typename U> add_loss_layer( const add_loss_layer<T,U>& item ) : loss(item.loss_details()), subnetwork(item.subnet()) {} template <typename ...T> add_loss_layer( const LOSS_DETAILS& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : loss(layer_det), subnetwork(std::forward<T>(args)...) { } template <typename ...T> add_loss_layer( LOSS_DETAILS&& layer_det, T&& ...args ) : loss(std::move(layer_det)), subnetwork(std::forward<T>(args)...) { } template <typename T, typename ...U> struct disable_forwarding_constr { const static bool value = std::is_constructible<LOSS_DETAILS,T>::value; }; template <typename ...T> struct disable_forwarding_constr<add_loss_layer<T...>> { const static bool value = true; }; template < typename ...T, typename = typename std::enable_if<!disable_forwarding_constr<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type...>::value>::type > add_loss_layer( T&& ...args ) : subnetwork(std::forward<T>(args)...) { } template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { subnetwork.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return subnet().sample_expansion_factor(); } template <typename output_iterator> void operator() ( const tensor& x, output_iterator obegin ) { subnetwork.forward(x); const dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(subnetwork); loss.to_label(x, wsub, obegin); } template <typename forward_iterator, typename output_iterator> void operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, output_iterator obegin ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); (*this)(temp_tensor, obegin); } const output_label_type& operator() (const input_type& x) { (*this)(&x, &x+1, &temp_label); return temp_label; } template <typename iterable_type> std::vector<output_label_type> operator() ( const iterable_type& data, size_t batch_size = 128 ) { std::vector<output_label_type> results(std::distance(data.begin(), data.end())); auto o = results.begin(); auto i = data.begin(); auto num_remaining = results.size(); while(num_remaining != 0) { auto inc = std::min(batch_size, num_remaining); (*this)(i, i+inc, o); i += inc; o += inc; num_remaining -= inc; } return results; } template <typename label_iterator> double compute_loss ( const tensor& x, label_iterator lbegin ) { subnetwork.forward(x); dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(subnetwork); return loss.compute_loss_value_and_gradient(x, lbegin, wsub); } template <typename forward_iterator, typename label_iterator> double compute_loss ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, label_iterator lbegin ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return compute_loss(temp_tensor, lbegin); } double compute_loss ( const tensor& x ) { subnetwork.forward(x); dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(subnetwork); return loss.compute_loss_value_and_gradient(x, wsub); } template <typename forward_iterator> double compute_loss ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return compute_loss(temp_tensor); } template <typename label_iterator> double compute_parameter_gradients ( const tensor& x, label_iterator lbegin ) { subnetwork.forward(x); dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(subnetwork); double l = loss.compute_loss_value_and_gradient(x, lbegin, wsub); subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x); return l; } template <typename forward_iterator, typename label_iterator> double compute_parameter_gradients ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, label_iterator lbegin ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return compute_parameter_gradients(temp_tensor, lbegin); } double compute_parameter_gradients ( const tensor& x ) { subnetwork.forward(x); dimpl::subnet_wrapper<subnet_type> wsub(subnetwork); double l = loss.compute_loss_value_and_gradient(x, wsub); subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x); return l; } template <typename forward_iterator> double compute_parameter_gradients ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { to_tensor(ibegin,iend,temp_tensor); return compute_parameter_gradients(temp_tensor); } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters ( sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate ) { subnetwork.update_parameters(solvers, learning_rate); } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_type& subnet() { return subnetwork; } const loss_details_type& loss_details() const { return loss; } loss_details_type& loss_details() { return loss; } void clean ( ) { temp_tensor.clear(); subnetwork.clean(); } friend void serialize(const add_loss_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 1; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.loss, out); serialize(item.subnetwork, out); } friend void deserialize(add_loss_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_loss_layer."); deserialize(item.loss, in); deserialize(item.subnetwork, in); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_loss_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<" << idx << ">\t" << loss_details() << "\n"; subnet().print(out, idx+1, min_length); } private: void swap(add_loss_layer& item) { std::swap(loss, item.loss); std::swap(subnetwork, item.subnetwork); } loss_details_type loss; subnet_type subnetwork; // These two objects don't logically contribute to the state of this object. They // are here to prevent them from being reallocated over and over. output_label_type temp_label; resizable_tensor temp_tensor; }; template <typename T, typename U> struct is_loss_layer_type<add_loss_layer<T,U>> : std::true_type {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <unsigned int i, typename T, typename enabled = void> struct layer_helper { static_assert(i < T::num_layers, "Call to layer() attempted to access non-existing layer in neural network."); static T& makeT(); using next_type = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(makeT().subnet())>::type; using type = typename layer_helper<i-1,next_type>::type; static type& layer(T& n) { return layer_helper<i-1,next_type>::layer(n.subnet()); } }; template < unsigned int i, size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<i,repeat<N,L,S>, typename std::enable_if<(i!=0&&i>=repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group)>::type> { const static size_t layers_in_repeated_group = repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group; static repeat<N,L,S>& makeT(); using next_type = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(makeT().subnet())>::type; using type = typename layer_helper<i-layers_in_repeated_group,next_type>::type; static type& layer(repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return layer_helper<i-layers_in_repeated_group,next_type>::layer(n.subnet()); } }; template < unsigned int i, size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<i,repeat<N,L,S>, typename std::enable_if<(i!=0&&i<repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group)>::type> { const static size_t layers_in_each_group = repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_each_group; typedef typename repeat<N,L,S>::repeated_layer_type repeated_layer_type; using next_type = repeated_layer_type; using type = typename layer_helper<i%layers_in_each_group,next_type>::type; static type& layer(repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return layer_helper<i%layers_in_each_group,next_type>::layer(n.get_repeated_layer(i/layers_in_each_group)); } }; template < size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<0,repeat<N,L,S>, void> { typedef typename repeat<N,L,S>::repeated_layer_type repeated_layer_type; using type = repeated_layer_type; static type& layer(repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return n.get_repeated_layer(0); } }; template < unsigned int i, size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<i,const repeat<N,L,S>, typename std::enable_if<(i!=0&&i>=repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group)>::type> { const static size_t layers_in_repeated_group = repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group; static const repeat<N,L,S>& makeT(); using next_type = const typename std::remove_reference<decltype(makeT().subnet())>::type; using type = const typename layer_helper<i-layers_in_repeated_group,next_type>::type; static type& layer(const repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return layer_helper<i-layers_in_repeated_group,next_type>::layer(n.subnet()); } }; template < unsigned int i, size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<i,const repeat<N,L,S>, typename std::enable_if<(i!=0&&i<repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_repeated_group)>::type> { const static size_t layers_in_each_group = repeat<N,L,S>::layers_in_each_group; typedef typename repeat<N,L,S>::repeated_layer_type repeated_layer_type; using next_type = const repeated_layer_type; using type = const typename layer_helper<i%layers_in_each_group,next_type>::type; static type& layer(const repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return layer_helper<i%layers_in_each_group,next_type>::layer(n.get_repeated_layer(i/layers_in_each_group)); } }; template < size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S > struct layer_helper<0,const repeat<N,L,S>, void> { typedef typename repeat<N,L,S>::repeated_layer_type repeated_layer_type; using type = const repeated_layer_type; static type& layer(const repeat<N,L,S>& n) { return n.get_repeated_layer(0); } }; template <typename T> struct layer_helper<0,T,void> { using type = T; static type& layer(T& n) { return n; } }; template <template<typename> class Match, typename T, unsigned int i, typename enabled = void> struct layer_helper_match { static T& makeT(); using next_type = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(makeT().subnet())>::type; using type = typename layer_helper_match<Match,next_type,i>::type; static type& layer(T& n) { return layer_helper_match<Match,next_type,i>::layer(n.subnet()); } }; // This overload catches add_layer and add_loss_layer templates. template <template<typename> class Match, typename T, unsigned int i> struct layer_helper_match<Match,T,i, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<const T,const Match<typename T::subnet_type>>::value>::type> { using type = typename layer_helper<i,T>::type; static type& layer(T& n) { return layer_helper<i,T>::layer(n); } }; // This overload catches input templates. template <template<typename> class Match, typename T, unsigned int i> struct layer_helper_match<Match,T,i, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<const T,const Match<typename T::input_type>>::value>::type> { using type = typename layer_helper<i,T>::type; static type& layer(T& n) { return layer_helper<i,T>::layer(n); } }; // This overload catches subnet_wrapper templates. template <template<typename> class Match, typename T, unsigned int i> struct layer_helper_match<Match,T,i, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<const typename T::wrapped_type, const Match<typename T::wrapped_type::subnet_type>>::value>::type> { using type = typename layer_helper<i,T>::type; static type& layer(T& n) { return layer_helper<i,T>::layer(n); } }; } template <unsigned int i, typename T> typename impl::layer_helper<i,T>::type& layer (T& n) { return impl::layer_helper<i,T>::layer(n); } template <template<typename> class Match, typename T> typename impl::layer_helper_match<Match,T,0>::type& layer (T& n) { return impl::layer_helper_match<Match,T,0>::layer(n); } template <template<typename> class Match, unsigned int i, typename T> typename impl::layer_helper_match<Match,T,i>::type& layer (T& n) { return impl::layer_helper_match<Match,T,i>::layer(n); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace dimpl { template <typename T> T& get_input_details ( T& net ) { return net; } template <typename T, bool is_first, typename enabled> auto get_input_details ( dimpl::subnet_wrapper<T,is_first,enabled>& net ) -> decltype(net.layer_details())& { return net.layer_details(); } template <typename T, bool is_first, typename enabled> auto get_input_details ( const dimpl::subnet_wrapper<T,is_first,enabled>& net ) -> decltype(net.layer_details())& { return net.layer_details(); } } template <typename net_type> auto input_layer ( net_type& net ) -> decltype(dimpl::get_input_details(layer<net_type::num_layers-1>(net)))& { // Calling input_layer() on a subnet_wrapper is a little funny since the behavior of // .subnet() returns another subnet_wrapper rather than an input details object as it // does in add_layer. return dimpl::get_input_details(layer<net_type::num_layers-1>(net)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <template<typename> class TAG_TYPE, typename SUBNET> class add_skip_layer { public: typedef SUBNET subnet_type; typedef typename subnet_type::input_type input_type; typedef int layer_details_type; // not really used anywhere, but required by subnet_wrapper. const static size_t num_layers = subnet_type::num_layers + 1; const static size_t num_computational_layers = subnet_type::num_computational_layers; const static unsigned long id = tag_id<TAG_TYPE>::id; add_skip_layer() {}; add_skip_layer(const add_skip_layer&) = default; add_skip_layer(add_skip_layer&&) = default; add_skip_layer& operator=(add_skip_layer&&) = default; add_skip_layer& operator=(const add_skip_layer&) = default; template <typename T> add_skip_layer( const add_skip_layer<TAG_TYPE,T>& item ) : subnetwork(item.subnet()) {} template <typename ...T> add_skip_layer( T ...args ) : subnetwork(std::move(args)...) { } template <typename forward_iterator> void to_tensor ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend, resizable_tensor& data ) const { subnetwork.to_tensor(ibegin,iend,data); } template <typename forward_iterator> const tensor& operator() ( forward_iterator ibegin, forward_iterator iend ) { subnetwork(ibegin,iend); return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).get_output(); } const tensor& operator() (const input_type& x) { subnetwork(x); return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).get_output(); } const tensor& forward(const tensor& x) { subnetwork.forward(x); return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).get_output(); } const tensor& get_output() const { return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).get_output(); } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).get_gradient_input(); } const tensor& get_final_data_gradient( ) const { return subnetwork.get_final_data_gradient(); } void back_propagate_error(const tensor& x) { subnetwork.back_propagate_error(x); } template <typename solver_type> void update_parameters(sstack<solver_type> solvers, double learning_rate) { subnetwork.update_parameters(solvers, learning_rate); } const tensor& get_parameter_gradient( ) const { return params_grad; } tensor& get_parameter_gradient ( ) { return params_grad; } const subnet_type& subnet() const { return subnetwork; } subnet_type& subnet() { return subnetwork; } unsigned int sample_expansion_factor() const { return subnet().sample_expansion_factor(); } void clean() { subnetwork.clean(); } friend void serialize(const add_skip_layer& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 1; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.subnetwork, out); } friend void deserialize(add_skip_layer& item, std::istream& in) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::add_skip_layer."); deserialize(item.subnetwork, in); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const add_skip_layer& item) { int min_length = 0; item.print(out, 0, min_length); return out; } void print (std::ostream& out, unsigned long idx, int& min_length) const { out << "layer<" << idx << ">\t"<<impl::tensor_to_str(private_get_output(), min_length) <<"skip"<<id<<"\n"; subnet().print(out, idx+1, min_length); } private: template <typename T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_layer; template <typename T, bool is_first, typename E> friend class dimpl::subnet_wrapper; template <unsigned long T, typename U, typename E> friend class add_tag_layer; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> friend class add_skip_layer; template <size_t N, template<typename> class L, typename S> friend class repeat; bool this_layer_requires_forward_output( ) { return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).this_layer_requires_forward_output(); } void disable_output_and_gradient_getters ( ) { layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).disable_output_and_gradient_getters(); } tensor& private_get_output() const { return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).private_get_output(); } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { return layer<TAG_TYPE>(subnetwork).private_get_gradient_input(); } subnet_type subnetwork; // This member doesn't logically contribute to the state of the object since it is // always empty. It's just here so we can have the get_parameter_gradient() methods // which have to return something. So they return this empty tensor. resizable_tensor params_grad; }; template <template<typename> class T, typename U> struct is_nonloss_layer_type<add_skip_layer<T,U>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename SUBNET> using tag1 = add_tag_layer< 1, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag2 = add_tag_layer< 2, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag3 = add_tag_layer< 3, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag4 = add_tag_layer< 4, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag5 = add_tag_layer< 5, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag6 = add_tag_layer< 6, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag7 = add_tag_layer< 7, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag8 = add_tag_layer< 8, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag9 = add_tag_layer< 9, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using tag10 = add_tag_layer<10, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip1 = add_skip_layer< tag1, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip2 = add_skip_layer< tag2, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip3 = add_skip_layer< tag3, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip4 = add_skip_layer< tag4, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip5 = add_skip_layer< tag5, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip6 = add_skip_layer< tag6, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip7 = add_skip_layer< tag7, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip8 = add_skip_layer< tag8, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip9 = add_skip_layer< tag9, SUBNET>; template <typename SUBNET> using skip10 = add_skip_layer<tag10, SUBNET>; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace timpl { inline void fill_with_gassuan_random_numbers ( tensor& t, dlib::rand& rnd, double sigma = 1 ) { float* data = t.host(); for (size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) data[i] = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*sigma; } class test_layer_subnet { public: test_layer_subnet ( dlib::rand& rnd_ ) : rnd(rnd_) { // Output and gradient_input have to have the same dimensions in each // layer. const long num_samples = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+3; const long k = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+2; const long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+2; const long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+2; output.set_size(num_samples, k, nr, nc); gradient_input.set_size(num_samples, k, nr, nc); // Use a non-zero initial gradient to make sure the layers add to it // rather than assign and blow away the initial value. fill_with_gassuan_random_numbers(gradient_input, rnd, 0.01); fill_with_gassuan_random_numbers(output, rnd); } tensor& get_mutable_output() { return output; } const tensor& get_output() const { return output; } const tensor& private_get_output() const { return get_output(); } const test_layer_subnet& subnet() const { init_sub(); return *subnetwork; } tensor& get_gradient_input() { return gradient_input; } tensor& private_get_gradient_input() { return get_gradient_input(); } test_layer_subnet& subnet() { init_sub(); return *subnetwork; } unsigned long count_outputs() const { if (subnetwork) return subnetwork->count_outputs() + output.size(); else return output.size(); } float& get_output_element(unsigned long i) { if (i < output.size()) return output.host()[i]; else return subnet().get_output_element(i-output.size()); } float get_gradient_input_element(unsigned long i) const { if (i < gradient_input.size()) return gradient_input.host()[i]; else return subnet().get_gradient_input_element(i-gradient_input.size()); } private: // We lazily initialize sub-layers as needed when someone tries to call // subnet() void init_sub() const { if (!subnetwork) subnetwork.reset(new test_layer_subnet(rnd)); } dlib::rand& rnd; mutable std::unique_ptr<test_layer_subnet> subnetwork; resizable_tensor output; resizable_tensor gradient_input; }; } struct layer_test_results { layer_test_results() : was_good(true) {} explicit layer_test_results(const std::string& l) : log(l),was_good(false) {} std::string log; bool was_good; operator bool() const { return was_good; } }; inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const layer_test_results& item) { out << item.log; return out; } template < typename layer_details_type > layer_test_results impl_test_layer ( layer_details_type l, const float base_eps ) { using namespace timpl; // Do some setup running_stats<double> rs_data, rs_params; dlib::rand rnd; std::ostringstream sout; for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter) { test_layer_subnet subnetwork(rnd); resizable_tensor output, out2, out3; // Run setup() and forward() as well to make sure any calls to subnet() have // happened before we start assuming we know how many data elements there are // (since we do a lazy layer creation thing based on calls to subnet() inside // test_layer_subnet). l.setup(subnetwork); impl::call_layer_forward(l, subnetwork, output); resizable_tensor input_grad; input_grad.copy_size(output); fill_with_gassuan_random_numbers(input_grad, rnd); // The f() we are computing gradients of is this thing. It's value at the current // parameter and data values is: //sout << "f(data,params): " << dot(output, input_grad) << std::endl; // We are going to save a copy of the subnetwork.get_gradient_input() data before we do // backpropagation since the backward() function is supposed to *add* to the // gradients rather than overwrite them. We will use this saved data to check if // that is the case. const unsigned long num_data_inputs = subnetwork.count_outputs(); std::vector<float> initial_gradient_input(num_data_inputs); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_data_inputs; ++i) initial_gradient_input[i] = subnetwork.get_gradient_input_element(i); // Now tell the layer to compute all the gradients. In the rest of this function // we will just be checking that these gradients were computed correctly by // comparing them to a central differences approximation. resizable_tensor params_grad; params_grad.copy_size(l.get_layer_params()); // But first, set the params grad to something crazy so that it's very obvious if // it doesn't get fully assigned. params_grad = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); impl::call_layer_backward(l, output, input_grad, subnetwork, params_grad); static_assert(impl::is_inplace_layer(l, subnetwork) == impl::has_inplace_backward(l, subnetwork), "Layer not defined correctly. forward and backward methods must either both be in-place or both out-of-place. "); // Make sure the outputs of forward() and backward() are the same when they are run // in in-place mode. if (impl::is_inplace_layer(l, subnetwork)) { test_layer_subnet subnetwork2(rnd); layer_details_type ll(l); ll.setup(subnetwork2); resizable_tensor ip_out; impl::call_layer_forward(ll, subnetwork2, ip_out); impl::call_layer_forward(ll, subnetwork2, subnetwork2.get_mutable_output()); const auto forward_error = max(abs(mat(ip_out) - mat(subnetwork2.get_output()))); if (forward_error > 0.00001) { using namespace std; sout << "This layer is supposed to support in-place computations but the output of forward_inplace()\n"; sout << "changes when invoked in-place vs. out-of-place. The error was: " << forward_error << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } resizable_tensor params_grad; params_grad.copy_size(ll.get_layer_params()); params_grad = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); resizable_tensor input_grad; input_grad.copy_size(ip_out); fill_with_gassuan_random_numbers(input_grad, rnd); resizable_tensor params_grad1, params_grad2, data_grad1, data_grad2; params_grad1 = params_grad; params_grad2 = params_grad; // Now call backward() and make sure it works as well. Recall that when an // in-place layer works in-place it assigns to it's outputs but when it's // not running in-place it adds. So we initialize to a non-zero value to // check that this is the behavior that really executes. subnetwork2.get_gradient_input() = 9; impl::call_layer_backward(ll, ip_out, input_grad, subnetwork2, params_grad1); data_grad1 = subnetwork2.get_gradient_input(); subnetwork2.get_gradient_input() = mat(input_grad); impl::call_layer_backward(ll, ip_out, subnetwork2.get_gradient_input(), subnetwork2, params_grad2); data_grad2 = subnetwork2.get_gradient_input(); if (params_grad.size() != 0) { const auto backward_param_error = max(abs(mat(params_grad1) - mat(params_grad2))); if (backward_param_error > 0.00001) { using namespace std; sout << "This layer is supposed to support in-place computations but the output of backward_inplace()\n"; sout << "changes when invoked in-place vs. out-of-place. The error was: " << backward_param_error << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } } const auto backward_data_error = max(abs(mat(data_grad1)-9 - mat(data_grad2))); if (backward_data_error > 0.00001) { using namespace std; sout << "This layer is supposed to support in-place computations but the output of backward_inplace()\n"; sout << "changes when invoked in-place vs. out-of-place. The error was: " << backward_data_error << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } } // ================================================================== // first validate the way the parameter gradients are computed for (unsigned long i = 0; i < params_grad.size(); ++i) { layer_details_type l1(l); float eps = l1.get_layer_params().host()[i]*base_eps; if (eps == 0) eps = base_eps; const float oldval = l1.get_layer_params().host()[i]; l1.get_layer_params().host()[i] = oldval+eps; impl::call_layer_forward(l1, subnetwork, out2); l1.get_layer_params().host()[i] = oldval-eps; impl::call_layer_forward(l1, subnetwork, out3); l1.get_layer_params().host()[i] = oldval; // Compute a reference derivative via a central differences approximation and // compare it to the one output by the layer and make sure they match. double reference_derivative = (dot(out2,input_grad)-dot(out3, input_grad))/(2*eps); double output_derivative = params_grad.host()[i]; double relative_error; if (reference_derivative*output_derivative != 0) relative_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative)/(reference_derivative); else relative_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative); double absolute_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative); rs_params.add(std::abs(relative_error)); if (std::abs(relative_error) > 0.05 && std::abs(absolute_error) > 0.006) { using namespace std; sout << "Gradient error in parameter #" << i <<". Relative error: "<< relative_error << endl; sout << "expected derivative: " << reference_derivative << endl; sout << "output derivative: " << output_derivative << endl; sout << "iteration: " << iter << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } } // ================================================================== // now validate the data gradients for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_data_inputs; ++i) { const float oldval = subnetwork.get_output_element(i); float eps = oldval*base_eps; if (eps == 0) eps = base_eps; subnetwork.get_output_element(i) = oldval+eps; impl::call_layer_forward(l, subnetwork, out2); subnetwork.get_output_element(i) = oldval-eps; impl::call_layer_forward(l, subnetwork, out3); subnetwork.get_output_element(i) = oldval; // Compute a reference derivative via a central differences approximation and // compare it to the one output by the layer and make sure they match. double reference_derivative = (dot(out2,input_grad)-dot(out3, input_grad))/(2*eps); double output_derivative = subnetwork.get_gradient_input_element(i); output_derivative -= initial_gradient_input[i]; double relative_error; if (reference_derivative*output_derivative != 0) relative_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative)/(reference_derivative); else relative_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative); double absolute_error = (reference_derivative - output_derivative); rs_data.add(std::abs(relative_error)); if (std::abs(relative_error) > 0.05 && std::abs(absolute_error) > 0.006) { using namespace std; sout << "Gradient error in data variable #" << i <<". Relative error: "<< relative_error << endl; sout << "expected derivative: " << reference_derivative << endl; sout << "output derivative: " << output_derivative << endl; sout << "iteration: " << iter << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } } } // end for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; ++iter) if (rs_params.mean() > 0.003) { using namespace std; sout << "Average parameter gradient error is somewhat large at: "<< rs_params.mean() << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } if (rs_data.mean() > 0.003) { using namespace std; sout << "Average data gradient error is somewhat large at: "<< rs_data.mean() << endl; return layer_test_results(sout.str()); } return layer_test_results(); } template < typename layer_details_type > layer_test_results test_layer ( layer_details_type l ) { // Try a few different derivative step sizes to see if any work. for (float base_eps = 0.0001; base_eps < 0.1; base_eps *= 2) { auto result = impl_test_layer(l, base_eps); if (result) return result; } // However, if none of the step sizes worked then try this one and probably result // in returning an error. return impl_test_layer(l, 0.01); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <size_t i, size_t num> struct vlp_loop { template <typename T, typename U> static typename std::enable_if<!is_add_layer<U>::value>::type invoke_functor(T&& , size_t& , U&& ) { // intentionally left empty } template <typename T, typename U> static typename std::enable_if<is_add_layer<U>::value>::type invoke_functor(T&& v , size_t& comp_i, U&& l ) { v(comp_i, l.layer_details().get_layer_params()); ++comp_i; } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( size_t comp_i, net_type& net, visitor&& v ) { invoke_functor(v, comp_i, layer<i>(net)); vlp_loop<i+1, num>::visit(comp_i, net,v); } }; template <size_t num> struct vlp_loop<num,num> { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( size_t, net_type&, visitor&& ) { // Base case of recursion. Don't do anything. } }; } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layer_parameters( net_type& net, visitor v ) { size_t comp_i = 0; impl::vlp_loop<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(comp_i, net, v); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <size_t i, size_t num> struct vlpg_loop { template <typename T, typename U> static typename std::enable_if<!is_add_layer<U>::value>::type invoke_functor(T&& , size_t& , U&& ) { // intentionally left empty } template <typename T, typename U> static typename std::enable_if<is_add_layer<U>::value>::type invoke_functor(T&& v , size_t& comp_i, U&& l ) { v(comp_i, l.get_parameter_gradient()); ++comp_i; } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( size_t comp_i, net_type& net, visitor&& v ) { invoke_functor(v, comp_i, layer<i>(net)); vlpg_loop<i+1, num>::visit(comp_i, net,v); } }; template <size_t num> struct vlpg_loop<num,num> { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( size_t, net_type&, visitor&& ) { // Base case of recursion. Don't do anything. } }; } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layer_parameter_gradients( net_type& net, visitor v ) { size_t comp_i = 0; impl::vlpg_loop<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(comp_i, net, v); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl { template <size_t i, size_t num> struct vl_loop { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( net_type& net, visitor&& v ) { v(i, layer<i>(net)); vl_loop<i+1, num>::visit(net,v); } }; template <size_t num> struct vl_loop<num,num> { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( net_type&, visitor&& ) { // Base case of recursion. Don't do anything. } }; template <size_t i, size_t num> struct vl_loop_backwards { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( net_type& net, visitor&& v ) { vl_loop<i+1, num>::visit(net,v); v(i, layer<i>(net)); } }; template <size_t num> struct vl_loop_backwards<num,num> { template < typename net_type, typename visitor > static void visit( net_type&, visitor&& ) { // Base case of recursion. Don't do anything. } }; } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layers( net_type& net, visitor v ) { impl::vl_loop<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(net, v); } template < typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layers_backwards( net_type& net, visitor v ) { impl::vl_loop_backwards<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(net, v); } template < size_t begin, size_t end, typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layers_range( net_type& net, visitor v ) { static_assert(begin <= end, "Invalid range"); static_assert(end <= net_type::num_layers, "Invalid range"); impl::vl_loop<begin,end>::visit(net, v); } template < size_t begin, size_t end, typename net_type, typename visitor > void visit_layers_backwards_range( net_type& net, visitor v ) { static_assert(begin <= end, "Invalid range"); static_assert(end <= net_type::num_layers, "Invalid range"); impl::vl_loop_backwards<begin,end>::visit(net, v); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_DNn_CORE_H_