require_relative 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'input handling' do attr_reader :clazz, :max_process_wait before do @clazz = @max_process_wait = ENV['MAX_PROCESS_WAIT'] ? ENV['MAX_PROCESS_WAIT'].to_f : 0.5 end describe 'with non-exiting blocking cmd requiring timeout' do it 'handles a single line of STDIN to STDOUT with ruby output flushing' do expect do clazz.process( "ruby -e 'while(i=$stdin.gets) do puts i; $stdout.flush; end'", input_lines: ['input1'], timeout: max_process_wait ) output(/input1\n/).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end it 'handles multiple lines of STDIN to STDOUT with ruby output flushing' do expect do clazz.process( "ruby -e 'while(i=$stdin.gets) do puts i; $stdout.flush; end'", input_lines: %w(input1 input2), timeout: max_process_wait ) output(/input1\ninput2\n/).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end it 'handles cat cmd' do expect do clazz.process( # -u disables output buffering, -n numbers output lines (to distinguish from input) 'cat -u -n', # TODO: how to send Ctrl-D to exit without timeout being required? input_lines: ['line1', 'line2', 'line3', "\C-d"], timeout: max_process_wait ) output(/.*1\tline1\n.*2\tline2\n.*3\tline3\n.*4\t\u0004\n/).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end it 'handles interleaved stdout and stderr based on stdin input' do expect do cmd = 'while ' \ ' line = $stdin.readline; ' \ ' $stdout.puts("out:#{line}"); ' \ ' $stdout.flush; ' \ ' $stderr.puts("err:#{line}"); ' \ ' $stderr.flush; ' \ ' exit 0 if line =~ /exit/; ' \ 'end' clazz.process( %(ruby -e '#{cmd}'), input_lines: %w(line1 line2 line3 exit), timeout: max_process_wait ) output(/out:line1\nerr:line1\nout:line2\nerr:line2\nout:line3\nerr:line3\n/).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end end describe 'with exiting cmd' do it 'handles stdout and stderr triggered via stdin' do expect do clazz.process( 'irb -f --prompt=default', input_lines: [ '$stdout.puts "hi"', '$stdout.flush', '$stderr.puts "aaa\nbbb\nccc"', '$stderr.flush', '$stdout.puts "bye"', '$stdout.flush', 'exit' ] ) output(/\nhi\n.*\naaa\nbbb\nccc.*\nbye\n/m).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end it 'handles unexpected exit status' do expect do clazz.process( "ruby -e 'i=$stdin.gets; $stdout.puts i; $stdout.flush; " \ "$stderr.puts i; $stderr.flush; exit 1'", puts_output: :error, input_lines: ['hi'] ) raise_error( ProcessHelper::UnexpectedExitStatusError, /Command failed/) .and(output(/hi\nhi\n/).to_stdout) end it 'pipes input before processing output' do expect do clazz.process( "ruby -e 'i=$stdin.gets; $stdout.puts i; $stdout.flush; exit'", input_lines: ['hi'] ) output(/hi\n/m).to_stdout .and(not_output.to_stderr) end it 'fails if unprocessed input remains when command exits' do # TODO: This fails when run with code coverage instrumentation # enabled (via RubyMine). Why??? expect do clazz.process( "ruby -e 'i=$stdin.gets; $stdout.puts i; exit'", input_lines: %w(hi unprocessed) ) raise_error( ProcessHelper::UnprocessedInputError, /Output stream closed with 1 input lines left unprocessed/) .and(output(/hi\n/).to_stdout) end end end