#include #include #include #include "helpers.h" #include "libdatadog_helpers.h" #include "ruby_helpers.h" // Used to report profiling data to Datadog. // This file implements the native bits of the Datadog::Profiling::HttpTransport class static VALUE ok_symbol = Qnil; // :ok in Ruby static VALUE error_symbol = Qnil; // :error in Ruby static ID agentless_id; // id of :agentless in Ruby static ID agent_id; // id of :agent in Ruby static ID log_failure_to_process_tag_id; // id of :log_failure_to_process_tag in Ruby static VALUE http_transport_class = Qnil; static VALUE library_version_string = Qnil; struct call_exporter_without_gvl_arguments { ddog_prof_Exporter *exporter; ddog_prof_Exporter_Request_BuildResult *build_result; ddog_CancellationToken *cancel_token; ddog_prof_Exporter_SendResult result; bool send_ran; }; inline static ddog_ByteSlice byte_slice_from_ruby_string(VALUE string); static VALUE _native_validate_exporter(VALUE self, VALUE exporter_configuration); static ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult create_exporter(VALUE exporter_configuration, VALUE tags_as_array); static VALUE handle_exporter_failure(ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult exporter_result); static ddog_Endpoint endpoint_from(VALUE exporter_configuration); static ddog_Vec_Tag convert_tags(VALUE tags_as_array); static void safely_log_failure_to_process_tag(ddog_Vec_Tag tags, VALUE err_details); static VALUE _native_do_export( VALUE self, VALUE exporter_configuration, VALUE upload_timeout_milliseconds, VALUE start_timespec_seconds, VALUE start_timespec_nanoseconds, VALUE finish_timespec_seconds, VALUE finish_timespec_nanoseconds, VALUE pprof_file_name, VALUE pprof_data, VALUE code_provenance_file_name, VALUE code_provenance_data, VALUE tags_as_array ); static void *call_exporter_without_gvl(void *call_args); static void interrupt_exporter_call(void *cancel_token); static VALUE ddtrace_version(void); void http_transport_init(VALUE profiling_module) { http_transport_class = rb_define_class_under(profiling_module, "HttpTransport", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(http_transport_class, "_native_validate_exporter", _native_validate_exporter, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(http_transport_class, "_native_do_export", _native_do_export, 11); ok_symbol = ID2SYM(rb_intern_const("ok")); error_symbol = ID2SYM(rb_intern_const("error")); agentless_id = rb_intern_const("agentless"); agent_id = rb_intern_const("agent"); log_failure_to_process_tag_id = rb_intern_const("log_failure_to_process_tag"); library_version_string = ddtrace_version(); rb_global_variable(&library_version_string); } inline static ddog_ByteSlice byte_slice_from_ruby_string(VALUE string) { ENFORCE_TYPE(string, T_STRING); ddog_ByteSlice byte_slice = {.ptr = (uint8_t *) StringValuePtr(string), .len = RSTRING_LEN(string)}; return byte_slice; } static VALUE _native_validate_exporter(DDTRACE_UNUSED VALUE _self, VALUE exporter_configuration) { ENFORCE_TYPE(exporter_configuration, T_ARRAY); ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult exporter_result = create_exporter(exporter_configuration, rb_ary_new()); VALUE failure_tuple = handle_exporter_failure(exporter_result); if (!NIL_P(failure_tuple)) return failure_tuple; // We don't actually need the exporter for now -- we just wanted to validate that we could create it with the // settings we were given ddog_prof_Exporter_drop(exporter_result.ok); return rb_ary_new_from_args(2, ok_symbol, Qnil); } static ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult create_exporter(VALUE exporter_configuration, VALUE tags_as_array) { ENFORCE_TYPE(exporter_configuration, T_ARRAY); ENFORCE_TYPE(tags_as_array, T_ARRAY); // This needs to be called BEFORE convert_tags since it can raise an exception and thus cause the ddog_Vec_Tag // to be leaked. ddog_Endpoint endpoint = endpoint_from(exporter_configuration); ddog_Vec_Tag tags = convert_tags(tags_as_array); ddog_CharSlice library_name = DDOG_CHARSLICE_C("dd-trace-rb"); ddog_CharSlice library_version = char_slice_from_ruby_string(library_version_string); ddog_CharSlice profiling_family = DDOG_CHARSLICE_C("ruby"); ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult exporter_result = ddog_prof_Exporter_new(library_name, library_version, profiling_family, &tags, endpoint); ddog_Vec_Tag_drop(tags); return exporter_result; } static VALUE handle_exporter_failure(ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult exporter_result) { return exporter_result.tag == DDOG_PROF_EXPORTER_NEW_RESULT_OK ? Qnil : rb_ary_new_from_args(2, error_symbol, get_error_details_and_drop(&exporter_result.err)); } static ddog_Endpoint endpoint_from(VALUE exporter_configuration) { ENFORCE_TYPE(exporter_configuration, T_ARRAY); ID working_mode = SYM2ID(rb_ary_entry(exporter_configuration, 0)); // SYM2ID verifies its input so we can do this safely if (working_mode != agentless_id && working_mode != agent_id) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Failed to initialize transport: Unexpected working mode, expected :agentless or :agent"); } if (working_mode == agentless_id) { VALUE site = rb_ary_entry(exporter_configuration, 1); VALUE api_key = rb_ary_entry(exporter_configuration, 2); ENFORCE_TYPE(site, T_STRING); ENFORCE_TYPE(api_key, T_STRING); return ddog_Endpoint_agentless(char_slice_from_ruby_string(site), char_slice_from_ruby_string(api_key)); } else { // agent_id VALUE base_url = rb_ary_entry(exporter_configuration, 1); ENFORCE_TYPE(base_url, T_STRING); return ddog_Endpoint_agent(char_slice_from_ruby_string(base_url)); } } __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) static ddog_Vec_Tag convert_tags(VALUE tags_as_array) { ENFORCE_TYPE(tags_as_array, T_ARRAY); long tags_count = RARRAY_LEN(tags_as_array); ddog_Vec_Tag tags = ddog_Vec_Tag_new(); for (long i = 0; i < tags_count; i++) { VALUE name_value_pair = rb_ary_entry(tags_as_array, i); if (!RB_TYPE_P(name_value_pair, T_ARRAY)) { ddog_Vec_Tag_drop(tags); ENFORCE_TYPE(name_value_pair, T_ARRAY); } // Note: We can index the array without checking its size first because rb_ary_entry returns Qnil if out of bounds VALUE tag_name = rb_ary_entry(name_value_pair, 0); VALUE tag_value = rb_ary_entry(name_value_pair, 1); if (!(RB_TYPE_P(tag_name, T_STRING) && RB_TYPE_P(tag_value, T_STRING))) { ddog_Vec_Tag_drop(tags); ENFORCE_TYPE(tag_name, T_STRING); ENFORCE_TYPE(tag_value, T_STRING); } ddog_Vec_Tag_PushResult push_result = ddog_Vec_Tag_push(&tags, char_slice_from_ruby_string(tag_name), char_slice_from_ruby_string(tag_value)); if (push_result.tag == DDOG_VEC_TAG_PUSH_RESULT_ERR) { // libdatadog validates tags and may catch invalid tags that ddtrace didn't actually catch. // We warn users about such tags, and then just ignore them. safely_log_failure_to_process_tag(tags, get_error_details_and_drop(&push_result.err)); } } return tags; } static VALUE log_failure_to_process_tag(VALUE err_details) { return rb_funcall(http_transport_class, log_failure_to_process_tag_id, 1, err_details); } // Since we are calling into Ruby code, it may raise an exception. This method ensure that dynamically-allocated tags // get cleaned before propagating the exception. static void safely_log_failure_to_process_tag(ddog_Vec_Tag tags, VALUE err_details) { int exception_state; rb_protect(log_failure_to_process_tag, err_details, &exception_state); if (exception_state) { // An exception was raised ddog_Vec_Tag_drop(tags); // clean up rb_jump_tag(exception_state); // "Re-raise" exception } } // Note: This function handles a bunch of libdatadog dynamically-allocated objects, so it MUST not use any Ruby APIs // which can raise exceptions, otherwise the objects will be leaked. static VALUE perform_export( ddog_prof_Exporter *exporter, ddog_Timespec start, ddog_Timespec finish, ddog_prof_Exporter_Slice_File slice_files, ddog_Vec_Tag *additional_tags, uint64_t timeout_milliseconds ) { ddog_prof_ProfiledEndpointsStats *endpoints_stats = NULL; // Not in use yet ddog_prof_Exporter_Request_BuildResult build_result = ddog_prof_Exporter_Request_build(exporter, start, finish, slice_files, additional_tags, endpoints_stats, timeout_milliseconds); if (build_result.tag == DDOG_PROF_EXPORTER_REQUEST_BUILD_RESULT_ERR) { ddog_prof_Exporter_drop(exporter); return rb_ary_new_from_args(2, error_symbol, get_error_details_and_drop(&build_result.err)); } ddog_CancellationToken *cancel_token = ddog_CancellationToken_new(); // We'll release the Global VM Lock while we're calling send, so that the Ruby VM can continue to work while this // is pending struct call_exporter_without_gvl_arguments args = {.exporter = exporter, .build_result = &build_result, .cancel_token = cancel_token, .send_ran = false}; // We use rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 instead of rb_thread_call_without_gvl as the gvl2 variant never raises any // exceptions. // // (With rb_thread_call_without_gvl, if someone calls Thread#kill or something like it on the current thread, // the exception will be raised without us being able to clean up dynamically-allocated stuff, which would leak.) // // Instead, we take care of our own exception checking, and delay the exception raising (`rb_jump_tag` call) until // after we cleaned up any dynamically-allocated resources. // // We run rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 in a loop since an "interrupt" may cause it to return before even running // our code. In such a case, we retry the call -- unless the interrupt was caused by an exception being pending, // and in that case we also give up and break out of the loop. int pending_exception = 0; while (!args.send_ran && !pending_exception) { rb_thread_call_without_gvl2(call_exporter_without_gvl, &args, interrupt_exporter_call, cancel_token); // To make sure we don't leak memory, we never check for pending exceptions if send ran if (!args.send_ran) pending_exception = check_if_pending_exception(); } // Cleanup exporter and token, no longer needed ddog_CancellationToken_drop(cancel_token); ddog_prof_Exporter_drop(exporter); if (pending_exception) { // If we got here send did not run, so we need to explicitly dispose of the request ddog_prof_Exporter_Request_drop(&build_result.ok); // Let Ruby propagate the exception. This will not return. rb_jump_tag(pending_exception); } // The request itself does not need to be freed as libdatadog takes ownership of it as part of sending. ddog_prof_Exporter_SendResult result = args.result; return result.tag == DDOG_PROF_EXPORTER_SEND_RESULT_HTTP_RESPONSE ? rb_ary_new_from_args(2, ok_symbol, UINT2NUM(result.http_response.code)) : rb_ary_new_from_args(2, error_symbol, get_error_details_and_drop(&result.err)); } static VALUE _native_do_export( DDTRACE_UNUSED VALUE _self, VALUE exporter_configuration, VALUE upload_timeout_milliseconds, VALUE start_timespec_seconds, VALUE start_timespec_nanoseconds, VALUE finish_timespec_seconds, VALUE finish_timespec_nanoseconds, VALUE pprof_file_name, VALUE pprof_data, VALUE code_provenance_file_name, VALUE code_provenance_data, VALUE tags_as_array ) { ENFORCE_TYPE(upload_timeout_milliseconds, T_FIXNUM); ENFORCE_TYPE(start_timespec_seconds, T_FIXNUM); ENFORCE_TYPE(start_timespec_nanoseconds, T_FIXNUM); ENFORCE_TYPE(finish_timespec_seconds, T_FIXNUM); ENFORCE_TYPE(finish_timespec_nanoseconds, T_FIXNUM); ENFORCE_TYPE(pprof_file_name, T_STRING); ENFORCE_TYPE(pprof_data, T_STRING); ENFORCE_TYPE(code_provenance_file_name, T_STRING); // Code provenance can be disabled and in that case will be set to nil bool have_code_provenance = !NIL_P(code_provenance_data); if (have_code_provenance) ENFORCE_TYPE(code_provenance_data, T_STRING); uint64_t timeout_milliseconds = NUM2ULONG(upload_timeout_milliseconds); ddog_Timespec start = {.seconds = NUM2LONG(start_timespec_seconds), .nanoseconds = NUM2UINT(start_timespec_nanoseconds)}; ddog_Timespec finish = {.seconds = NUM2LONG(finish_timespec_seconds), .nanoseconds = NUM2UINT(finish_timespec_nanoseconds)}; int files_to_report = 1 + (have_code_provenance ? 1 : 0); ddog_prof_Exporter_File files[files_to_report]; ddog_prof_Exporter_Slice_File slice_files = {.ptr = files, .len = files_to_report}; files[0] = (ddog_prof_Exporter_File) { .name = char_slice_from_ruby_string(pprof_file_name), .file = byte_slice_from_ruby_string(pprof_data) }; if (have_code_provenance) { files[1] = (ddog_prof_Exporter_File) { .name = char_slice_from_ruby_string(code_provenance_file_name), .file = byte_slice_from_ruby_string(code_provenance_data) }; } ddog_Vec_Tag *null_additional_tags = NULL; ddog_prof_Exporter_NewResult exporter_result = create_exporter(exporter_configuration, tags_as_array); // Note: Do not add anything that can raise exceptions after this line, as otherwise the exporter memory will leak VALUE failure_tuple = handle_exporter_failure(exporter_result); if (!NIL_P(failure_tuple)) return failure_tuple; return perform_export(exporter_result.ok, start, finish, slice_files, null_additional_tags, timeout_milliseconds); } static void *call_exporter_without_gvl(void *call_args) { struct call_exporter_without_gvl_arguments *args = (struct call_exporter_without_gvl_arguments*) call_args; args->result = ddog_prof_Exporter_send(args->exporter, &args->build_result->ok, args->cancel_token); args->send_ran = true; return NULL; // Unused } // Called by Ruby when it wants to interrupt call_exporter_without_gvl above, e.g. when the app wants to exit cleanly static void interrupt_exporter_call(void *cancel_token) { ddog_CancellationToken_cancel((ddog_CancellationToken *) cancel_token); } static VALUE ddtrace_version(void) { VALUE ddtrace_module = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("DDTrace")); ENFORCE_TYPE(ddtrace_module, T_MODULE); VALUE version_module = rb_const_get(ddtrace_module, rb_intern("VERSION")); ENFORCE_TYPE(version_module, T_MODULE); VALUE version_string = rb_const_get(version_module, rb_intern("STRING")); ENFORCE_TYPE(version_string, T_STRING); return version_string; }