module Locomotive::Steam class Server # Mimic the submission of a content entry # class EntrySubmission < Middleware def call(env) self.set_accessors(env) if && env['PATH_INFO'] =~ /^\/entry_submissions\/(.*)/ self.process_form($1) # puts "html? #{html?} / json? #{json?} / #{self.callback_url} / #{params.inspect}" if @entry.valid? if self.html? self.record_submitted_entry self.redirect_to self.callback_url elsif self.json? self.json_response end else if self.html? if self.callback_url =~ /^http:\/\// self.redirect_to self.callback_url else env['PATH_INFO'] = self.callback_url self.liquid_assigns[@content_type.slug.singularize] = @entry end elsif self.json? self.json_response(422) end end else self.fetch_submitted_entry end end protected def record_submitted_entry self.request.session[:now] ||= {} self.request.session[:now][:submitted_entry] = [@content_type.slug, @entry._slug] end def fetch_submitted_entry if data = self.request.session[:now].try(:delete, :submitted_entry) content_type = self.mounting_point.content_types[data.first.to_s] entry = (content_type.entries || []).detect { |e| e._slug == data.last } # do not keep track of the entry content_type.entries.delete(entry) if entry # add it to the additional liquid assigns for the next liquid rendering if entry self.liquid_assigns[content_type.slug.singularize] = entry end end end # Mimic the creation of a content entry with a minimal validation. # # @param [ String ] permalink The permalink (or slug) of the content type # # def process_form(permalink) permalink = permalink.split('.').first @content_type = self.mounting_point.content_types[permalink] raise "Unknown content type '#{@content_type.inspect}'" if @content_type.nil? attributes = self.params[:entry] || self.params[:content] || {} @entry = @content_type.build_entry(attributes) # if not valid, we do not need to keep track of the entry @content_type.entries.delete(@entry) if !@entry.valid? end def callback_url (@entry.valid? ? params[:success_callback] : params[:error_callback]) || '/' end # Build the JSON response # # @param [ Integer ] status The HTTP return code # # @return [ Array ] The rack response depending on the validation status and the requested format # def json_response(status = 200) locale = self.mounting_point.default_locale if self.request.path =~ /^\/(#{self.mounting_point.locales.join('|')})+(\/|$)/ locale = $1 end hash = @entry.to_hash(false).tap do |_hash| if !@entry.valid? _hash['errors'] = @entry.errors.inject({}) do |memo, name| memo[name] = ::I18n.t('errors.messages.blank', locale: locale) memo end end end [status, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, [ { @content_type.slug.singularize => hash }.to_json ]] end end end end