require 'json' module Lev class BackgroundJob attr_reader :id, :status, :progress, :errors STATE_QUEUED = 'queued' STATE_WORKING = 'working' STATE_COMPLETED = 'completed' STATE_FAILED = 'failed' STATE_KILLED = 'killed' STATE_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' STATES = [ STATE_QUEUED, STATE_WORKING, STATE_COMPLETED, STATE_FAILED, STATE_KILLED, STATE_UNKNOWN ].freeze def initialize(attrs = {}) @id = attrs[:id] || attrs['id'] || SecureRandom.uuid @status = attrs[:status] || attrs['status'] || STATE_UNKNOWN @progress = attrs[:progress] || attrs['progress'] || 0 @errors = attrs[:errors] || attrs['errors'] || [] set({ id: id, status: status, progress: progress, errors: errors }) end def self.find(id) attrs = { id: id } if job = fetch_and_parse(job_key(id)) attrs.merge!(job) else attrs.merge!(status: STATE_UNKNOWN) end new(attrs) end def self.all { |id| find(id) } end def set_progress(at, out_of = nil) progress = compute_fractional_progress(at, out_of) data_to_set = { progress: progress } data_to_set[:status] = STATE_COMPLETED if 1.0 == progress set(data_to_set) progress end (STATES - [STATE_COMPLETED]).each do |state| define_method("#{state}!") do set(status: state) end end def completed! set({status: STATE_COMPLETED, progress: 1.0}) end def add_error(error, options = { }) options = { is_fatal: false }.merge(options) @errors << { is_fatal: options[:is_fatal], code: error.code, message: error.message, data: } set(errors: @errors) end # Rails compatibility # returns a Hash of all key-value pairs that have been #set() def as_json(options = {}) stored end def save(incoming_hash) if reserved = { |k, _| RESERVED_KEYS.include?(k) }.first raise IllegalArgument, "Cannot set reserved key: #{reserved[0]}" else set(incoming_hash) end end def method_missing(method_name, *args) instance_variable_get("@#{method_name}") || super end def respond_to?(method_name) if method_name.match /\?$/ super else instance_variable_get("@#{method_name}").present? || super end end protected RESERVED_KEYS = [:id, :status, :progress, :errors] def set(incoming_hash) incoming_hash = incoming_hash.stringify_keys incoming_hash = stored.merge(incoming_hash) incoming_hash.each { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) }, incoming_hash.to_json) track_job_id end def Lev.configuration.job_store end def self.fetch_and_parse(job_key) fetched = store.fetch(job_key) return nil if fetched.nil? JSON.parse(fetched).stringify_keys! end def self.job_ids store.fetch(job_key('lev_job_ids')) || [] end def stored self.class.fetch_and_parse(job_key) || {} end def track_job_id ids = self.class.job_ids return if ids.include?(@id) ids << @id'lev_job_ids'), ids) end def job_key self.class.job_key(@id) end def self.job_key(id) "#{Lev.configuration.job_store_namespace}:#{id}" end def has_reserved_keys?(hash) (hash.keys.collect(&:to_sym) & RESERVED_KEYS).any? end def push(key, new_item) new_value = (send(key) || []).push(new_item) set(key => new_value) end STATES.each do |state| define_method("#{state}?") do status == state end end def compute_fractional_progress(at, out_of) if at.nil? raise IllegalArgument, "Must specify at least `at` argument to `progress` call" elsif at < 0 raise IllegalArgument, "progress cannot be negative (at=#{at})" elsif out_of && out_of < at raise IllegalArgument, "`out_of` must be greater than `at` in `progress` calls" elsif out_of.nil? && (at < 0 || at > 1) raise IllegalArgument, "If `out_of` not specified, `at` must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]" end at.to_f / (out_of || 1).to_f end end end