# frozen_string_literal: true BeyondCanvas.setup do |config| # Carefully read and fill this configuration file. # # All uncommented configuration parameters are necessary for proper operation # of Beyond Canvas. # ==> Engine configuration # Set the namespace where the Engine is going to be mounted. # # config.namespace = '/' # Set the url or path where a shop is going to be redirected after a # succesful authentication. # config.open_app_url = nil # Set if your app ig going to run as a cockpit app. If you are not sure about # this, please contact apps@epages.com. # # config.cockpit_app = false # Set if your app is going to be preinstalled on packages. If you are not sure # about this, please contact apps@epages.com. # # config.preinstalled = false # Set if you want to enable the available debug mode Beyond Canvas offers. # This options displays a parameter debug as well as some custom Beyond Canvas # logs. # # config.debug_mode = false # ==> Site configuration # Set the title that is displayed on the main layout. # config.site_title = '<%= Rails.application.class.name.split("::").first.humanize %>' # Set an optional image to be displayed instead of a string. Accepts any # string supported by image_tag's source parameter or a SVG file. Overrides # :site_title. # # config.site_logo = 'logo.png' # Set the favicon of the site. # # config.favicon = 'favicon.ico' # Set the menu items that will be displayed on the top of your app. # It accepts 3 parameters: # 1. name: the text displayed on the link tag. Supports any string or an I18n compatible path. # 2. url: the href of the link tag. Supports any string or a symbolized route. # 3. options: any html attributes that will be added to the link tag. # You can also run `rails g beyond_canvas:custom_menu` to generate a menu template you can override. # See examples: # # config.register_menu_item 'Contact', '/contact/, class: 'contact' # config.register_menu_item 'menu_item.about_us', :root_path, class: 'about-us', id: 'about-us' # config.register_menu_item 'Our website', 'https://epages.com', target: :_blank # ==> Stylesheets & Javascripts # We recommend using the built in Beyond Canvas layout and loading up your own # stylesheets / javascripts to customize the look and feel. # # To load a stylesheet: # config.register_stylesheet 'my_stylesheet.css' # # You can provide an options hash for more control, which is passed along # to stylesheet_link_tag(): # config.register_stylesheet 'my_print_stylesheet.css', media: :print # # To load a javascript file: # config.register_javascript 'my_javascript.js' # ==> Webpacker # By default, Beyond Canvas uses Webpacker. # You can switch to using Sprocket's asset pipeline here. # <% unless @skip_webpacker %># <% end %>config.skip_webpacker = <%= @skip_webpacker %> # ==> Database encryption config.encryption_key = '<%= SecureRandom.hex(32) %>' end