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# AmberComponent
AmberComponent is a simple component library which seamlessly hooks into your Rails project and allows you to create simple backend components which consist of a Ruby controller, view, stylesheet and even a JavaScript controller (using [Stimulus](https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/)).
Created by [Garbus Beach](https://github.com/garbusbeach) and [Mateusz Drewniak](https://github.com/Verseth).
## Getting started
You can read a lot more about AmberComponent in its [official docs](https://ambercomponent.com).
## Installation
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add amber_component
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install amber_component
If you're using a Rails application there's an installation generator that you should run:
$ bin/rails generate amber_component:install
Amber component supports [Stimulus](https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/) to make your components
reactive using JavaScript.
If you want to use stimulus you should install this gem with the `--stimulus` flag
$ bin/rails generate amber_component:install --stimulus
## Usage
### Components
Components are located under `app/components`. And their tests under `test/components`.
Every component consists of:
- a Ruby file which defines its properties, encapsulates logic and may implement helper methods (like a controller)
- a view/template file (html.erb, haml, slim etc.)
- a style file (css, scss, sass etc.)
- [optional] a JavaScript file with a Stimulus controller (if you installed the gem with `--stimulus`)
├─ [name]_component.rb
└─ [name]_component/
├─ style.css # may be .sass or .scss
├─ view.html.erb
└─ controller.js # if stimulus is configured
└─ [name]_component_test.rb
An individual component which implements a button may look like this.
# app/components/button_component.rb
class ButtonComponent < AmberComponent::Base
prop :label, required: true
<%= label %>
// app/components/button_component/style.scss
.button_component {
background-color: indigo;
border-radius: 1rem;
transition-duration: 500ms;
&:hover {
background-color: blue;
If you used the `--stimulus` option when installing the gem, a JS controller will be generated as well.
// app/components/button_component/controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// Read more about Stimulus here https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
console.log("Stimulus controller 'button-component' is connected!")
greet() {
alert("Hi there!")
You can render this component in other components or in a Rails view.
We're inside FooController
<%= button_component label: 'Click me!' %>
<%= ButtonComponent.call label: 'Click me!' %>
Or even directly in Ruby
# Calling a method on the component class. Outputs an HTML string.
ButtonComponent.call label: 'Click me!'
#=> 'Click me!
### Components with namespaces
Components may be defined inside multiple modules/namespaces.
# app/components/sign_up/button_component.rb
class SignUp::ButtonComponent < AmberComponent::Base
prop :label, required: true
<%= label %>
// app/components/sign_up/button_component/style.scss
.sign_up_button_component {
background-color: indigo;
border-radius: 1rem;
transition-duration: 500ms;
&:hover {
background-color: blue;
You can render such a component by calling the `::call` method
on its class, or by using the helper method defined on its parent module.
SignUp::ButtonComponent.call label: 'Sign up!'
SignUp.button_component label: 'Sign up!'
### Generating Components
You can generate new components by running
$ bin/rails generate component [name]
Name of the component may be PascalCased like `FooBar` or snake_cased `foo_bar`
This will generate a new component in `app/components/[name]_component.rb` along with a view, stylesheet, test file and a stimulus controller (if configured).
├─ [name]_component.rb
└─ [name]_component/
├─ style.css
├─ view.html.erb
└─ controller.js # if stimulus is configured
└─ [name]_component_test.rb
### Component properties
There is a neat prop DSL.
# app/components/comment_component.rb
class CommentComponent < ApplicationComponent
# will raise an error when not present
prop :body, required: true
# will raise an error when an object of a different
# class is received (uses `is_a?`)
prop :author, type: User, allow_nil: true
# the default value
prop :date, default: -> { DateTime.now }
Props can be passed as keyword arguments
to the `::call` method of the component class
or the helper method.
CommentComponent.call body: 'Foo bar', author: User.first
# only in views and other components
comment_component body: 'Foo bar', author: User.first
### Helper methods
Defining helper methods which are available
in the template is extremely easy.
Just define a method on the component class.
# app/components/comment_component.rb
class CommentComponent < ApplicationComponent
# you can also include helper modules
include SomeHelper
prop :body, required: true
prop :author, type: Author, allow_nil: true
prop :date, default: -> { DateTime.now }
def humanized_date
date.strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
def author_name
author&.name || 'Unknown'
def author_avatar
author&.avatar_url || User.placeholder_avatar_url
### Overriding prop getters and setters
Getters and setters for properties are
defined in a module which means that you can override them and call them with `super`.
# app/components/priority_icon_component.rb
class PriorityIconComponent < ApplicationComponent
PriorityStruct = Struct.new :icon, :color
low: PriorityStruct.new('fa-solid fa-chevrons-down', 'green'),
medium: PriorityStruct.new('fa-solid fa-chevron-up', 'yellow'),
high: PriorityStruct.new('fa-solid fa-chevrons-up', 'red')
prop :severity, default: -> { :low }
def severity=(val)
# super will call the original
# implementation of the setter
### Nested components
It's possible to nest components or provide
custom HTML to a component.
This works similarly to React's `props.children`.
To render the passed nested content call `yield.html_safe` somewhere inside the template/view.
# app/components/modal_component.rb
class ModalComponent < ApplicationComponent
prop :id, required: true
prop :title, required: true
<%= yield.html_safe %>
You can pass a body to this modal by passing
a block.
<%= ModalComponent.call id: 'update-task-modal' title: 'Update the task' do %>
This is your task!
<%= form_with model: @task do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<%= OtherComponent.call some: 'prop' %>
<% end %>
Note that this will raise an error when no block/nested content is provided.
In order to render nested content
only when it is present (will work without nested content)
you can use `yield.html_safe if block_given?`
In general `block_given?` will return `true` when a block/nested content is present, otherwise `false`.
You can use it to render content conditionally based on
whether nested content is present.
### Rails helpers inside component templates
Component views/template files can make use
of all ActionView helpers and Rails route helpers.
This makes component views very flexible and convenient.
<%= form_with url: sign_up_path, class: "login_form_component" do |f| %>
<%= f.label :first_name %>
<%= f.text_field :first_name %>
<%= f.label :last_name %>
<%= f.text_field :last_name %>
<%= f.label :email, "Email Address" %>
<%= f.text_field :email %>
<%= f.label :password %>
<%= f.password_field :password %>
<%= f.label :password_confirmation, "Confirm Password" %>
<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %>
<%= f.submit "Create account" %>
<% end %>
### Testing Components
### Rails
After setting up this gem with the rails generator
`rails generate amber_component:install` a new abstract
test class will be available called `ApplicationComponentTestCase`.
It provides a handful of helper methods to make it
easier to inspect the rendered HTML.
A simple test file may look like this:
# test/components/foo_component_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class FooComponentTest < ApplicationComponentTestCase
test 'render correct HTML' do
# Specify what the assertions are supposed to
# check against.
# There can be multiple renders in one test
# but they override the previous one.
# So there is only one rendered component
# at any given time.
render do
FooComponent.call some: 'prop'
# Assertions on the rendered HTML
# Use a CSS selector
assert_selector ".foo_component span.my_class", text: 'Some Text'
# Check text
assert_text 'Amber Component is awesome!'
A full list of available assertions can be found [here](https://rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/Capybara/Node/Matchers).
### Non Rails
There is a test case class for minitest. You can
access it by requiring `'amber_component/minitest_test_case'`.
It has the same assertion methods as the Rails test case class.
It requires [capybara](https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara) to be installed and present in the Gemfile.
A full list of available assertions can be found [here](https://rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/Capybara/Node/Matchers).
require 'amber_component/minitest_test_case'
class FooComponentTest < AmberComponent::MinitestTestCase
def test_render_correct_html
# Specify what the assertions are supposed to
# check against.
# There can be multiple renders in one test
# but they override the previous one.
# So there is only one rendered component
# at any given time.
render do
FooComponent.call some: 'prop'
# Assertions on the rendered HTML
# Use a CSS selector
assert_selector ".foo_component span.my_class", text: 'Some Text'
# Check text
assert_text 'Amber Component is awesome!'
There is also a helper module which provides all of these assertions
under `'amber_component/test_helper'`.
require 'amber_component/test_helper'
class MyAbstractTestCase < ::Minitest::Test
include ::AmberComponent::TestHelper
Note that this module has only been tested with minitest and rails test suites,
so it may require overriding or implementing a few methods to work with other test suites.
## Contribute
Do you want to contribute to AmberComponent? Open the issues page and check for the help wanted label! But before you start coding, please read our [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/amber-ruby/amber_component/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/amber-ruby/amber_component.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).