#!/bin/python import subprocess, boto3, os, json, time, datetime ### TODO: ##### Grab the installer from a specific branch ##### Update installer url with the correct branch name ##### Have the CI server inject an env var of branch name if there's not one already ##### But what CI to use -- dunno #workspace=os.environ['WORKSPACE'] ssh_data_file = '/tmp/MU-MASTER-INSTALL-TEST.json' branch = os.environ['GIT_BRANCH'] #branch = 'issue_100' user_data= """#!/bin/bash sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/#PubkeyAuthentication yes/PubkeyAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "RSAAuthentication yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/.*ssh-rsa/ssh-rsa/g' /root/.ssh/authorized_keys service sshd reload yum install wget -y yum install git -y cd /tmp wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudamatic/mu/%s/install/installer chmod +x installer ip=$(curl admin_email="amrit.gill@eglobaltech.com" sed -i "s/\/opt\/mu\/bin\/mu-configure \$\@/\/opt\/mu\/bin\/mu-configure \$\@ -np $ip -m $admin_email/g" installer""" % branch def base_controls(): return ['default','init','basepackages','firewall-holes', 'ssl-certs', 'vault'] def recipe_existence_over_ssh(user,host,key_file): recipe = '/opt/mu/lib/site_cookbooks/demo/recipes/store_attr.rb' output = subprocess.check_output(["ssh","-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", key_file, user+"@"+host,"ls", recipe]) if 'store_attr' in output: return True else: return False def chef_solo_over_ssh(user, host,key_file): file_path = '/opt/mu/lib/site_cookbooks/demo/recipes/store_attr.rb' exists = recipe_existence_over_ssh(user,host,key_file) if exists: chef_solo = 'chef-solo %s' % file_path run_cmd = 'ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s %s@%s %s' % (key_file, user, host, chef_solo) os.system(run_cmd) else: raise Exception("store_attr demo recipe ==> DOES NOT EXIST ON NODE!") def run_installer_over_ssh(user,host, key_file, command): if user != None and host != None and command != None: time.sleep(90) counter = 0 max_retries = 20 while (counter != max_retries): out = subprocess.check_output(["ssh","-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no","-i", key_file, user+"@"+host,"ls","/tmp/"]) if 'installer' in out: break else: counter += 1 print "Installer does not exist yet... checking back in 10 secs... (Retry %s/%s)" % (counter,max_retries) time.sleep(10) ssh_syntax = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s %s@%s %s" % (key_file,user,host,command) os.system(ssh_syntax) chef_solo_over_ssh(user,host,key_file) def allocat_associate_eip(ins_id): ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') try: allocation = ec2.allocate_address(Domain='vpc') res = ec2.associate_address(AllocationId=allocation['AllocationId'],InstanceId=ins_id) print(res) except ClientError as e: print(e) print allocation['AllocationId'] ## to use release_eip, we need the alloc_id return allocation['AllocationId'] ## de-register eip and then release it def release_eip(alloc_id): ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') if alloc_id != None and len(alloc_id) != 0: res = ec2.release_address(AllocationId= alloc_id) return res else: raise Exception("Please pass a valid EIP Allocation ID..") ### Create instance to install mu-master def create_instance(name="MU-INSTALL-TEST", type='t2.medium',maxx=1,region='us-east-1'): ec2_name = name+"{:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now()) ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region) instance = ec2.create_instances( ImageId = 'ami-02e98f78', ## CS7 MinCount = 1, MaxCount = maxx, InstanceType = type, KeyName='MU-MASTER-INSTALL-TEST', ## exists prior UserData = user_data, SecurityGroupIds = ['sg-66fdfe12'], TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType':'instance', 'Tags':[ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value':ec2_name } ] } ], SubnetId = 'subnet-7dd64636', IamInstanceProfile={ 'Name': 'mu-master-role' } ) ins = instance[0] ins.wait_until_running() ins.load() ## reload instances = ins.id print "Instance Initliazed %s " % instances return instances ### Pull out servers ssh info for inspec def desc_instances(ins_ids,region='us-east-1'): ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') bootstrap = {} all_bootstraps = [] ins = ec2.describe_instances(InstanceIds=ins_ids) for each_running in ins['Reservations']: key = None fqdn = None name = None ins_id = None pub_ip = None for each in each_running['Instances']: key = '/root/.ssh/'+each['KeyName']+'.pem' fqdn = each['PublicDnsName'] name = each['Tags'][0]['Value'] ins_id = each['InstanceId'] pub_ip = each['PublicIpAddress'] private_dns_address = each['PrivateDnsName'] break bootstrap = {'pub_ip': pub_ip, 'private_dns': private_dns_address, 'key':key, 'fqdn':fqdn,'name':name, 'ins_id':ins_id} all_bootstraps.append(bootstrap) print all_bootstraps return all_bootstraps def run_master_test(ssh_data_file,controls): if os.path.isfile(ssh_data_file): ssh_info = json.load(open(ssh_data_file)) os.chdir("/opt/mu/lib/test") cmd = "inspec exec mu-master-test --controls=%s -t ssh://root@%s -i %s" % (controls, ssh_info[0]['fqdn'],ssh_info[0]['key']) exit = os.system(cmd) return exit else: raise Exception("ssh file does not exist: %s" % ssh_data_file) def dump_ssh_info(data): new_file = open(ssh_data_file,'w') json.dump(data, new_file) def rm_chef_node_json_frm_target(user,host,key,file_to_rm="/tmp/chef_node.json"): if user != None and host != None and os.path.isfile(key): cmd = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking -i %s %s@%s rm -rf %s" %(key,user,host,file_to_rm) exit = os.system(cmd) return exit else: raise Exception("Check user, host and make sure key file exists on this machine") def clean_up(ins_ids,bucket_name): ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2') s3 = boto3.resource('s3') if s3.Bucket(bucket_name) in s3.buckets.all(): print bucket_name master_bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) master_bucket.object_versions.all().delete() master_bucket.delete() print "*********************************************" print "INFO: CLEANED UP: %s" % ins_ids print "*********************************************" ec2.instances.filter(InstanceIds=ins_ids).terminate() termination_wait(ins_ids) def termination_wait(ins_ids): ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') wait = ec2.get_waiter('instance_terminated') wait.wait(InstanceIds=ins_ids) ######## Main instance_ids = [] instance_ids.append(create_instance()) eip_id = allocat_associate_eip(instance_ids[0]) controls = base_controls() controls_spaced_out = ' '.join(controls) data = desc_instances(instance_ids) dump_ssh_info(data) if os.path.isfile(ssh_data_file): ssh_info = json.load(open(ssh_data_file)) run_installer_over_ssh('root',ssh_info[0]['fqdn'],ssh_info[0]['key'],'sh /tmp/installer') time.sleep(10) status = run_master_test(ssh_data_file, controls_spaced_out) #if status != 0: # raise Exception("Mu Master Installation Failed") # why would I use this when I am terminating the instance .... #rm_chef_node_json_frm_target('root',ssh_info[0]['fqdn'],ssh_info[0]['key']) cleanup_ids = [] for each in ssh_info: cleanup_ids.append(each['ins_id']) clean_up(cleanup_ids, ssh_info[0]['private_dns']) release_eip(eip_id) else: print("Nothing to do! Instance Data file does not exists: %s" % ssh_data_file) os.system("rm -rf "+ssh_data_file)