class Chair::Row include Comparable # Create a new cell # @param table [Table] the table holding this row # @param id [Fixnum] the array index of this row in the internal 2D array def initialize(table, id, data = {}) @row_id = id @table = table @attributes = data @attributes.clone. keep_if{ |col, _| @table.indices.include? col }. each_pair{ |col, val| add_to_index(col, val) } end # Get a cell based on the column name # @return [Object, nil] the value in the cell, can be nil def [](column) @attributes[column] end # Assign a new value to one of the cells in the row # @param column [Symbol] the column name to add to # @param value [Object] the value to assign # @return [Object] the assigned value def []=(column, value) if @table.indices.include? column add_to_index(column, value) end @attributes[column] = value end def empty? @attributes.empty? end # Create a hash of the data based on the columns # @return [Hash] the data in the row def to_hash @attributes end # Convert the row data to an array # @return [Array] the data in the row def to_a { |col| @attributes[col] } end # Compare Row instances based on internal representation # @param other [Object] the object to compare to # @return [Bool] whether or not the objects are the same def ==(other) case other when Chair::Row @attributes == other.instance_variable_get('@attributes') when Array @attributes.values == other else false end end # Compare rows within a table # @param other [Object] the object to compare to def <=>(other) # only be comparable if we're in the same table if @table.equal?(other.instance_variable_get(@table)) other_id = other.instance_variable_get('@id') @id <=> other_id else nil end end # Returns the contents of the record as a nicely formatted string. def inspect pairs = [] # Use the table's column list to order our columns @table.columns.each { |name| pairs << "#{name}: #{@attributes[name].inspect}"} inspection = pairs.compact.join(', ') "#<#{self.class} #{inspection}>" end # Looks to see if we have a attribute # @param name [Symbol] the column to look at # @return [Bool] whether or not the value is empty def has_attribute?(name) val = @attributes[name] val.nil? ? false : (not val.empty?) end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^has_(.*)\?$/ has_attribute?($1.to_sym) else super end end protected def add_to_index(column, value) if @table.instance_variable_get("@#{column}_index_map".to_sym)[value].nil? @table.instance_variable_get("@#{column}_index_map".to_sym)[value] = end @table.instance_variable_get("@#{column}_index_map")[value] = @table.instance_variable_get("@#{column}_index_map")[value] << @row_id end end