<%= content_tag :div, data: { target: "tab-group", index: index, controller: "tabs", tabs_view_value: view, tabs_active_tab_value: active_tab_name } do %> <% visible_tabs.each_with_index do |tab, index| %> <% args = { # Hide the turbo frames that aren't in the current tab # This way we can lazy load the un-selected tabs on the show view class: "block #{'hidden' unless tab.name == active_tab_name}", data: { # Add a marker to know if we already loaded a turbo frame loaded: tab.name == active_tab_name, tabs_target: :tabPanel, tab_id: tab.name, } } is_current_tab = active_tab_name.to_s == tab.name.to_s # On edit screens we want to load each tab because we wnst the DOM to have the fields present on form submission. # If you have a field which is in the second tab and it's required, the form submission will fail because the required field is not in view, and we don't want that. # We also want to load the current tab should_lazy_load = if @view.in?(%w[edit new update create]) false else !is_current_tab end if should_lazy_load args[:src] = helpers.resource_path(resource: resource, record: resource.record, keep_query_params: true, active_tab_name: tab.name, tab_turbo_frame: group.turbo_frame_id) args[:loading] = :lazy end %> <%= turbo_frame_tag tab.turbo_frame_id(parent: @group), **args do %>
<%= render Avo::TabSwitcherComponent.new resource: resource, current_tab: tab, group: group, active_tab_name: active_tab_name, view: view %> <% if should_lazy_load %>
<%= render Avo::LoadingComponent.new title: "#{tab.name}" %>
<% else %> <% if !tab.is_empty? %>
<% tab.visible_items.each do |item| %> <%= render Avo::ItemSwitcherComponent.new resource: resource, item: item, index: index, form: form, view: @view %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% end %>