# encoding: utf-8
# Rotating text is best avoided on free flowing text, so this example
# will only use the text_box
method as we can have much more
# control over its output.
# To rotate text all we need to do is use the :rotate
# passing an angle in degrees and an optional :rotate_around
# indicate the origin of the rotation (the default is :upper_left
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf')
Prawn::Example.generate(filename) do
width = 100
height = 60
angle = 30
x = 200
y = cursor - 30
stroke_rectangle [0, y], width, height
text_box("This text was not rotated",
:at => [0, y], :width => width, :height => height)
stroke_rectangle [0, y - 100], width, height
text_box("This text was rotated around the center",
:at => [0, y - 100], :width => width, :height => height,
:rotate => angle, :rotate_around => :center)
[:lower_left, :upper_left,
:lower_right, :upper_right].each_with_index do |corner, index|
y = y - 100 if index == 2
stroke_rectangle [x + (index % 2) * 200, y], width, height
text_box("This text was rotated around the #{corner} corner.",
:at => [x + (index % 2) * 200, y],
:width => width,
:height => height,
:rotate => angle,
:rotate_around => corner)