#= require _json2 #= require _history #= require _history.html4 #= require _history.adapter.jquery.js String.prototype.ends_with = (suffix) -> this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) != -1 class Wiselinks constructor: (@$target = $('body'), @options = {}) -> # Check that JQuery is available throw "Load jQuery to use Wiselinks" unless window.jQuery? self = this @options = jQuery.extend(self._defaults(), @options); if self.enabled() @assets_digest = $("meta[name='assets-digest']").attr("content") if History.emulated.pushState && @options.html4 == true if window.location.href.indexOf('#!') == -1 && @options.html4_root_path != null && window.location.pathname != @options.html4_root_path window.location.href = "#{window.location.protocol}//#{window.location.host}#{@options.html4_root_path}#!#{window.location.pathname}" if window.location.hash.indexOf('#!') != -1 self._call(window.location.hash.substring(2)) History.Adapter.bind( window, "statechange" (event, data) -> state = History.getState() self._call(state.url, state.data.target, state.data.render) ) $(document).on( "submit", "form[data-push], form[data-replace]" (event) -> self._process_form($(this)) event.preventDefault() return false ) $(document).on( "click", "a[data-push], a[data-replace]" (event) -> if self._cross_origin_link(event.target) || self._non_standard_click(event) return true; self._process_link($(this)) event.preventDefault() return false ) enabled: -> !History.emulated.pushState || @options.html4 == true load: (url, target, render = 'template') -> History.pushState({ timestamp: (new Date().getTime()), render: render, target: target }, document.title, url ) reload: () -> History.replaceState({ timestamp: (new Date().getTime()), render: 'template' }, document.title, History.getState().url ) _defaults: -> html4: true html4_root_path: '/' _call: (url, target, render = 'template') -> self = this $target = if target? then $(target) else self.$target $document = $(document).trigger('page:loading', [url, $target.selector, render]) $.ajax( url: url headers: 'X-Render': render complete: (xhr, status) -> $document.trigger('page:complete', [xhr, status]) success: (data, status, xhr) -> if self._assets_changed(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Assets-Digest')) window.location.reload(true) else self._set_title(xhr) $target.html(data) $document.trigger('page:success', [$target, status]) error: (xhr, status, error)-> $document.trigger('page:error', [status, error]) dataType: "html" ) _process_form: ($form) -> self = this $disable = $form.find(':input[value=""]:not(:disabled)') $disable.attr('disabled', true); params = {} for item in $form.serializeArray() if item.name != 'utf8' name = if item.name.ends_with('[]') item.name.substr(0, item.name.length - 2) else item.name if params[name]? params[name] = params[name] + ",#{item.value}" else params[name] = item.value serialized = [] for key of params serialized.push("#{key}=#{params[key]}") serialized = serialized.join('&').replace(/%|!/g, '') url = $form.attr("action") url += "?#{serialized}" if serialized.length > 0 $disable.attr('disabled', false); type = if ($form.attr("data-push") == 'partial') then 'partial' else 'template' self.load(url, $form.attr("data-target"), type) _process_link: ($link) -> self = this type = if ($link.attr("data-push") == 'partial') then 'partial' else 'template' self.load($link.attr("href"), $link.attr("data-target"), type) _cross_origin_link: (link) -> # we split host because IE returns host with port and other browsers not (location.protocol != link.protocol) || (location.host.split(':')[0] != link.host.split(':')[0]) _non_standard_click: (event) -> event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey _assets_changed: (digest) -> @assets_digest? && @assets_digest != digest _set_title: (xhr) -> value = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Title') document.title = decodeURI(value) if value? window.Wiselinks = Wiselinks