require 'fastlane_core/configuration/config_item' require 'credentials_manager/appfile_config' require_relative 'module' # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength module Scan class Options def self.verify_type(item_name, acceptable_types, value) type_ok = [Array, String].any? { |type| value.kind_of?(type) } UI.user_error!("'#{item_name}' should be of type #{acceptable_types.join(' or ')} but found: #{}") unless type_ok end def self.available_options containing = FastlaneCore::Helper.fastlane_enabled_folder_path [ # app to test :workspace, short_option: "-w", env_name: "SCAN_WORKSPACE", optional: true, description: "Path to the workspace file", verify_block: proc do |value| v = File.expand_path(value.to_s) UI.user_error!("Workspace file not found at path '#{v}'") unless File.exist?(v) UI.user_error!("Workspace file invalid") unless UI.user_error!("Workspace file is not a workspace, must end with .xcworkspace") unless v.include?(".xcworkspace") end), :project, short_option: "-p", optional: true, env_name: "SCAN_PROJECT", description: "Path to the project file", verify_block: proc do |value| v = File.expand_path(value.to_s) UI.user_error!("Project file not found at path '#{v}'") unless File.exist?(v) UI.user_error!("Project file invalid") unless UI.user_error!("Project file is not a project file, must end with .xcodeproj") unless v.include?(".xcodeproj") end), :scheme, short_option: "-s", optional: true, env_name: "SCAN_SCHEME", description: "The project's scheme. Make sure it's marked as `Shared`"), # device (simulator) to use for testing :device, short_option: "-a", optional: true, is_string: true, env_name: "SCAN_DEVICE", description: "The name of the simulator type you want to run tests on (e.g. 'iPhone 6')", conflicting_options: [:devices], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'device' and 'devices' options in one run") end), :devices, optional: true, is_string: false, env_name: "SCAN_DEVICES", type: Array, description: "Array of devices to run the tests on (e.g. ['iPhone 6', 'iPad Air'])", conflicting_options: [:device], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'device' and 'devices' options in one run") end), :skip_detect_devices, description: "Should skip auto detecting of devices if none were specified", default_value: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), # simulator management :force_quit_simulator, env_name: 'SCAN_FORCE_QUIT_SIMULATOR', description: "Enabling this option will automatically killall Simulator processes before the run", default_value: false, type: Boolean), :reset_simulator, env_name: 'SCAN_RESET_SIMULATOR', description: "Enabling this option will automatically erase the simulator before running the application", default_value: false, type: Boolean), :disable_slide_to_type, env_name: 'SCAN_DISABLE_SLIDE_TO_TYPE', description: "Enabling this option will disable the simulator from showing the 'Slide to type' prompt", default_value: true, type: Boolean), :prelaunch_simulator, env_name: 'SCAN_PRELAUNCH_SIMULATOR', description: "Enabling this option will launch the first simulator prior to calling any xcodebuild command", default_value: ENV['FASTLANE_EXPLICIT_OPEN_SIMULATOR'], optional: true, type: Boolean), :reinstall_app, env_name: 'SCAN_REINSTALL_APP', description: "Enabling this option will automatically uninstall the application before running it", default_value: false, type: Boolean), :app_identifier, env_name: 'SCAN_APP_IDENTIFIER', optional: true, description: "The bundle identifier of the app to uninstall (only needed when enabling reinstall_app)", code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier), default_value_dynamic: true), # tests to run :only_testing, env_name: "SCAN_ONLY_TESTING", description: "Array of strings matching Test Bundle/Test Suite/Test Cases to run", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| verify_type('only_testing', [Array, String], value) end), :skip_testing, env_name: "SCAN_SKIP_TESTING", description: "Array of strings matching Test Bundle/Test Suite/Test Cases to skip", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| verify_type('skip_testing', [Array, String], value) end), # test plans to run :testplan, env_name: "SCAN_TESTPLAN", description: "The testplan associated with the scheme that should be used for testing", is_string: true, optional: true), :only_test_configurations, env_name: "SCAN_ONLY_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS", description: "Array of strings matching test plan configurations to run", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| verify_type('only_test_configurations', [Array, String], value) end), :skip_test_configurations, env_name: "SCAN_SKIP_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS", description: "Array of strings matching test plan configurations to skip", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| verify_type('skip_test_configurations', [Array, String], value) end), # other test options :xctestrun, short_option: "-X", env_name: "SCAN_XCTESTRUN", description: "Run tests using the provided `.xctestrun` file", conflicting_options: [:build_for_testing], is_string: true, optional: true), :toolchain, env_name: "SCAN_TOOLCHAIN", conflicting_options: [:xctestrun], description: "The toolchain that should be used for building the application (e.g. `, org.swift.30p620160816a`)", optional: true, is_string: false), :clean, short_option: "-c", env_name: "SCAN_CLEAN", description: "Should the project be cleaned before building it?", is_string: false, default_value: false), :code_coverage, env_name: "SCAN_CODE_COVERAGE", description: "Should code coverage be generated? (Xcode 7 and up)", is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :address_sanitizer, description: "Should the address sanitizer be turned on?", is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true, conflicting_options: [:thread_sanitizer], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'address_sanitizer' and 'thread_sanitizer' options in one run") end), :thread_sanitizer, description: "Should the thread sanitizer be turned on?", is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true, conflicting_options: [:address_sanitizer], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'thread_sanitizer' and 'address_sanitizer' options in one run") end), # output :open_report, short_option: "-g", env_name: "SCAN_OPEN_REPORT", description: "Should the HTML report be opened when tests are completed?", is_string: false, default_value: false), :disable_xcpretty, env_name: "SCAN_DISABLE_XCPRETTY", description: "Disable xcpretty formatting of build, similar to `output_style='raw'` but this will also skip the test results table", type: Boolean, optional: true), :output_directory, short_option: "-o", env_name: "SCAN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", description: "The directory in which all reports will be stored", code_gen_sensitive: true, code_gen_default_value: "./test_output", default_value: File.join(containing, "test_output"), default_value_dynamic: true), :output_style, short_option: "-b", env_name: "SCAN_OUTPUT_STYLE", description: "Define how the output should look like. Valid values are: standard, basic, rspec, or raw (disables xcpretty during xcodebuild)", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Invalid output_style #{value}") unless ['standard', 'basic', 'rspec', 'raw'].include?(value) end), :output_types, short_option: "-f", env_name: "SCAN_OUTPUT_TYPES", description: "Comma separated list of the output types (e.g. html, junit, json-compilation-database)", default_value: "html,junit"), :output_files, env_name: "SCAN_OUTPUT_FILES", description: "Comma separated list of the output files, corresponding to the types provided by :output_types (order should match). If specifying an output type of json-compilation-database with :use_clang_report_name enabled, that option will take precedence", conflicting_options: [:custom_report_file_name], optional: true, default_value: nil), :buildlog_path, short_option: "-l", env_name: "SCAN_BUILDLOG_PATH", description: "The directory where to store the raw log", default_value: "#{FastlaneCore::Helper.buildlog_path}/scan", default_value_dynamic: true), :include_simulator_logs, env_name: "SCAN_INCLUDE_SIMULATOR_LOGS", description: "If the logs generated by the app (e.g. using NSLog, perror, etc.) in the Simulator should be written to the output_directory", type: Boolean, default_value: false, optional: true), :suppress_xcode_output, env_name: "SCAN_SUPPRESS_XCODE_OUTPUT", description: "Suppress the output of xcodebuild to stdout. Output is still saved in buildlog_path", optional: true, type: Boolean), :formatter, short_option: "-n", env_name: "SCAN_FORMATTER", description: "A custom xcpretty formatter to use", optional: true), :xcpretty_args, env_name: "SCAN_XCPRETTY_ARGS", description: "Pass in xcpretty additional command line arguments (e.g. '--test --no-color' or '--tap --no-utf')", type: String, optional: true), :derived_data_path, short_option: "-j", env_name: "SCAN_DERIVED_DATA_PATH", description: "The directory where build products and other derived data will go", optional: true), :should_zip_build_products, short_option: "-Z", env_name: "SCAN_SHOULD_ZIP_BUILD_PRODUCTS", description: "Should zip the derived data build products and place in output path?", optional: true, is_string: false, default_value: false), :result_bundle, short_option: "-z", env_name: "SCAN_RESULT_BUNDLE", is_string: false, description: "Should an Xcode result bundle be generated in the output directory", default_value: false, optional: true), :use_clang_report_name, description: "Generate the json compilation database with clang naming convention (compile_commands.json)", is_string: false, default_value: false), # concurrency :concurrent_workers, type: Integer, env_name: "SCAN_CONCURRENT_WORKERS", description: "Specify the exact number of test runners that will be spawned during parallel testing. Equivalent to -parallel-testing-worker-count", optional: true), :max_concurrent_simulators, type: Integer, env_name: "SCAN_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIMULATORS", description: "Constrain the number of simulator devices on which to test concurrently. Equivalent to -maximum-concurrent-test-simulator-destinations", optional: true), :disable_concurrent_testing, type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "SCAN_DISABLE_CONCURRENT_TESTING", description: "Do not run test bundles in parallel on the specified destinations. Testing will occur on each destination serially. Equivalent to -disable-concurrent-testing", optional: true), # build :skip_build, description: "Should debug build be skipped before test build?", short_option: "-r", env_name: "SCAN_SKIP_BUILD", is_string: false, type: Boolean, default_value: false), :test_without_building, short_option: "-T", env_name: "SCAN_TEST_WITHOUT_BUILDING", description: "Test without building, requires a derived data path", is_string: false, type: Boolean, conflicting_options: [:build_for_testing], optional: true), :build_for_testing, short_option: "-B", env_name: "SCAN_BUILD_FOR_TESTING", description: "Build for testing only, does not run tests", conflicting_options: [:test_without_building], is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :sdk, short_option: "-k", env_name: "SCAN_SDK", description: "The SDK that should be used for building the application", optional: true), :configuration, short_option: "-q", env_name: "SCAN_CONFIGURATION", description: "The configuration to use when building the app. Defaults to 'Release'", default_value_dynamic: true, optional: true), :xcargs, short_option: "-x", env_name: "SCAN_XCARGS", description: "Pass additional arguments to xcodebuild. Be sure to quote the setting names and values e.g. OTHER_LDFLAGS=\"-ObjC -lstdc++\"", optional: true, type: :shell_string), :xcconfig, short_option: "-y", env_name: "SCAN_XCCONFIG", description: "Use an extra XCCONFIG file to build your app", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("File not found at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), # build settings :app_name, env_name: "SCAN_APP_NAME", optional: true, description: "App name to use in slack message and logfile name", is_string: true), :deployment_target_version, env_name: "SCAN_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_VERSION", optional: true, description: "Target version of the app being build or tested. Used to filter out simulator version", is_string: true), # slack :slack_url, short_option: "-i", env_name: "SLACK_URL", sensitive: true, description: "Create an Incoming WebHook for your Slack group to post results there", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| if !value.to_s.empty? && !value.start_with?("https://") UI.user_error!("Invalid URL, must start with https://") end end), :slack_channel, short_option: "-e", env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_CHANNEL", description: "#channel or @username", optional: true), :slack_message, short_option: "-m", env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_MESSAGE", description: "The message included with each message posted to slack", optional: true), :slack_use_webhook_configured_username_and_icon, env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_USE_WEBHOOK_CONFIGURED_USERNAME_AND_ICON", description: "Use webhook's default username and icon settings? (true/false)", default_value: false, type: Boolean, optional: true), :slack_username, env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_USERNAME", description: "Overrides the webhook's username property if slack_use_webhook_configured_username_and_icon is false", default_value: "fastlane", is_string: true, optional: true), :slack_icon_url, env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_ICON_URL", description: "Overrides the webhook's image property if slack_use_webhook_configured_username_and_icon is false", default_value: "", is_string: true, optional: true), :skip_slack, env_name: "SCAN_SKIP_SLACK", description: "Don't publish to slack, even when an URL is given", is_string: false, default_value: false), :slack_only_on_failure, env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_ONLY_ON_FAILURE", description: "Only post on Slack if the tests fail", is_string: false, default_value: false), :slack_default_payloads, env_name: "SCAN_SLACK_DEFAULT_PAYLOADS", description: "Specifies default payloads to include in Slack messages. For more info visit", optional: true, type: Array), # misc :destination, short_option: "-d", env_name: "SCAN_DESTINATION", description: "Use only if you're a pro, use the other options instead", is_string: false, optional: true), :catalyst_platform, env_name: "SCAN_CATALYST_PLATFORM", description: "Platform to build when using a Catalyst enabled app. Valid values are: ios, macos", type: String, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| av = %w(ios macos) UI.user_error!("Unsupported export_method '#{value}', must be: #{av}") unless av.include?(value) end), :custom_report_file_name, env_name: "SCAN_CUSTOM_REPORT_FILE_NAME", description: "Sets custom full report file name when generating a single report", deprecated: "Use `--output_files` instead", conflicting_options: [:output_files], optional: true, is_string: true), :xcodebuild_command, env_name: "GYM_XCODE_BUILD_COMMAND", description: "Allows for override of the default `xcodebuild` command", type: String, optional: true, default_value: "env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild"), :cloned_source_packages_path, env_name: "SCAN_CLONED_SOURCE_PACKAGES_PATH", description: "Sets a custom path for Swift Package Manager dependencies", type: String, optional: true), :use_system_scm, env_name: "SCAN_USE_SYSTEM_SCM", description: "Lets xcodebuild use system's scm configuration", optional: true, type: Boolean, default_value: false) ] end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end