begin require 'spec' rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'spec' end begin require 'spec/rake/spectask' rescue LoadError puts <<-EOS To use rspec for testing you must install rspec gem: gem install rspec EOS exit(0) end APP_ROOT = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../") require 'jettywrapper' $: << 'lib' desc "Run active-fedora rspec tests" task :spec do Rake::Task["active_fedora:rspec"].invoke end desc "Hudson build" task :hudson do ENV['environment'] = "test" Rake::Task["active_fedora:doc"].invoke Rake::Task["active_fedora:configure_jetty"].invoke jetty_params = Jettywrapper.load_config jetty_params[:startup_wait]= 20 error = Jettywrapper.wrap(jetty_params) do Rake::Task["active_fedora:load_fixtures"].invoke Rake::Task["active_fedora:rspec"].invoke end raise "test failures: #{error}" if error end namespace :active_fedora do require 'lib/active-fedora' # Use yard to build docs begin require 'yard' require 'yard/rake/yardoc_task' project_root = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../") doc_destination = File.join(project_root, 'doc') do |yt| yt.files = Dir.glob(File.join(project_root, 'lib', '**', '*.rb')) + [ File.join(project_root, 'README.textile'),'-', File.join(project_root,'CONSOLE_GETTING_STARTED.textile'),'-', File.join(project_root,'NOKOGIRI_DATASTREAMS.textile') ] yt.options = ['--output-dir', doc_destination, '--readme', 'README.textile'] end rescue LoadError desc "Generate YARD Documentation" task :doc do abort "Please install the YARD gem to generate rdoc." end end do |t| t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts << ['--exclude', 'gems'] t.rcov_opts << ['--exclude', 'spec'] end task :refresh_fixtures do Rake::Task["active_fedora:clean_jetty"].invoke Rake::Task["active_fedora:load_fixtures"].invoke end task :clean_jetty do Dir.chdir("./jetty") system("git clean -f -d") system("git checkout .") Dir.chdir("..") end task :load_fixtures => :environment do # require 'solrizer' # require 'solrizer-fedora' # require 'spec/samples/models/hydrangea_article' # ENV["FEDORA_HOME"] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','jetty','fedora','default')) # retval = `$FEDORA_HOME/client/bin/ localhost 8983 fedoraAdmin fedoraAdmin http` # puts "loaded demo objects #{retval}" ActiveFedora.init unless Thread.current[:repo] ENV["pid"] = "hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" Rake::Task["af:refresh_fixture"].invoke ENV["pid"] = nil end desc "Copies the default SOLR config for the bundled Testing Server" task :configure_jetty do Rake::Task["active_fedora:clean_jetty"].invoke FileList['solr/conf/*'].each do |f| cp("#{f}", 'jetty/solr/development-core/conf/', :verbose => true) cp("#{f}", 'jetty/solr/test-core/conf/', :verbose => true) end end end # Provides an :environment task for use while working within a working copy of active-fedora # You should never load this rake file into any other application desc 'Set up ActiveFedora environment. !! Only for use while working within a working copy of active-fedora' task :environment do puts "Initializing ActiveFedora Rake environment. This should only be called when working within a workign copy of the active-fedora code." require 'spec/samples/models/hydrangea_article' require 'active_fedora/samples' end