module Osm class Activity < Osm::Model class Badge; end # Ensure the constant exists for the validators class File; end # Ensure the constant exists for the validators class Version; end # Ensure the constant exists for the validators # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the id for the activity # @!attribute [rw] version # @return [Fixnum] the version of the activity # @!attribute [rw] group_id # @return [Fixnum] the group_id # @!attribute [rw] user_id # @return [Fixnum] the user_id of the creator of the activity # @!attribute [rw] title # @return [String] the activity's title # @!attribute [rw] description # @return [String] the description of the activity # @!attribute [rw] resources # @return [String] resources required to do the activity # @!attribute [rw] instructions # @return [String] instructions for doing the activity # @!attribute [rw] running_time # @return [Fixnum] duration of the activity in minutes # @!attribute [rw] location # @return [Symbol] :indoors, :outdoors or :both # @!attribute [rw] shared # @return [Fixnum] 2 - Public, 0 - Private # @!attribute [rw] rating # @return [Fixnum] ? # @!attribute [rw] editable # @return [Boolean] Wether the current API user can edit this activity # @!attribute [rw] deletable # @return [Boolean] Wether the current API user can delete this activity # @!attribute [rw] used # @return [Fixnum] How many times this activity has been used (total accross all of OSM) # @!attribute [rw] versions # @return [Array] # @!attribute [rw] sections # @return [Array] the sections the activity is appropriate for # @!attribute [rw] tags # @return [Array] the tags attached to the activity # @!attribute [rw] files # @return [Array # @!attribute [rw] badges # @return [Array attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :version, :type => Integer attribute :group_id, :type => Integer attribute :user_id, :type => Integer attribute :title, :type => String attribute :description, :type => String attribute :resources, :type => String attribute :instructions, :type => String attribute :running_time, :type => Integer attribute :location attribute :shared, :type => Integer attribute :rating, :type => Integer attribute :editable, :type => Boolean attribute :deletable, :type => Boolean attribute :used, :type => Integer attribute :versions, :default => [] attribute :sections, :default => [] attribute :tags, :default => [] attribute :files, :default => [] attribute :badges, :default => [] attr_accessible :id, :version, :group_id, :user_id, :title, :description, :resources, :instructions, :running_time, :location, :shared, :rating, :editable, :deletable, :used, :versions, :sections, :tags, :files, :badges validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :version, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :group_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :user_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :running_time, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :shared, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :rating, :only_integer=>true validates_numericality_of :used, :only_integer=>true validates_presence_of :title validates_presence_of :description validates_presence_of :resources validates_presence_of :instructions validates_inclusion_of :editable, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :deletable, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :location, :in => [:indoors, :outdoors, :both], :message => 'is not a valid location' validates :sections, :array_of => {:item_type => Symbol} validates :tags, :array_of => {:item_type => String} validates :badges, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::Activity::Badge, :item_valid => true} validates :files, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::Activity::File, :item_valid => true} validates :versions, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::Activity::Version, :item_valid => true} # Get activity details # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Fixnum] activity_id the activity ID # @param [Fixnum] version the version of the activity to retreive, if nil the latest version will be assumed # @!macro options_get # @return [Osm::Activity] def self.get(api, activity_id, version=nil, options={}) cache_key = ['activity', activity_id] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, [*cache_key, version]) # TODO work out permission check return cache_read(api, [*cache_key, version]) end data = nil if version.nil? data = api.perform_query("programme.php?action=getActivity&id=#{activity_id}") else data = api.perform_query("programme.php?action=getActivity&id=#{activity_id}&version=#{version}") end attributes = {} attributes[:id] = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['details']['activityid']) attributes[:version] = data['details']['version'].to_i attributes[:group_id] = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['details']['groupid']) attributes[:user_id] = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['details']['userid']) attributes[:title] = data['details']['title'] attributes[:description] = data['details']['description'] attributes[:resources] = data['details']['resources'] attributes[:instructions] = data['details']['instructions'] attributes[:running_time] = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['details']['runningtime']) attributes[:location] = data['details']['location'].to_sym attributes[:shared] = Osm::to_i_or_nil(data['details']['shared']) attributes[:rating] = data['details']['rating'].to_i attributes[:editable] = data['editable'] attributes[:deletable] = data['deletable'] ? true : false attributes[:used] = data['used'].to_i attributes[:sections] = data['sections'].is_a?(Array) ? Osm::make_array_of_symbols(data['sections']) : [] attributes[:tags] = data['tags'].is_a?(Array) ? data['tags'] : [] attributes[:versions] = [] attributes[:files] = [] attributes[:badges] = [] # Populate Arrays (data['files'].is_a?(Array) ? data['files'] : []).each do |file_data| attributes[:files].push :id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(file_data['fileid']), :activity_id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(file_data['activityid']), :file_name => file_data['filename'], :name => file_data['name'] ) end (data['badges'].is_a?(Array) ? data['badges'] : []).each do |badge_data| attributes[:badges].push :activity_id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(badge_data['activityid']), :section_type => badge_data['section'].to_sym, :type => badge_data['badgetype'].to_sym, :badge => badge_data['badge'], :requirement => badge_data['columnname'], :label => badge_data['label'] ) end (data['versions'].is_a?(Array) ? data['versions'] : []).each do |version_data| attributes[:versions].push :version => Osm::to_i_or_nil(version_data['value']), :created_by => Osm::to_i_or_nil(version_data['userid']), :created_by_name => version_data['firstname'], :label => version_data['label'] ) end activity = cache_write(api, [*cache_key, nil], activity) if version.nil? cache_write(api, [*cache_key, version], activity) return activity end # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Term # @param [Hash] attributes the hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Add this activity to the programme in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] activity The Section (or it's ID) to add the Activity to # @param [Date, DateTime] date The date of the Evening to add the Activity to (OSM will create the Evening if it doesn't already exist) # @param [String] notes The notes which should appear for this Activity on this Evening # @return [Boolean] Whether the activity ws successfully added def add_to_programme(api, section, date, notes="") data = api.perform_query("programme.php?action=addActivityToProgramme", { 'meetingdate' => date.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT), 'activityid' => id, 'sectionid' => section.to_i, 'notes' => notes, }) return (data == {'result'=>0}) end private class File include ::ActiveAttr::MassAssignmentSecurity include ::ActiveAttr::Model # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the OSM ID for the file # @!attribute [rw] activity_id # @return [Fixnum] the OSM ID for the activity # @!attribute [rw] file_name # @return [String] the file name of the file # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] the name of the file (more human readable than file_name) attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :activity_id, :type => Integer attribute :file_name, :type => String attribute :name, :type => String attr_accessible :id, :activity_id, :file_name, :name validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :activity_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_presence_of :file_name validates_presence_of :name # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Term # @param [Hash] attributes the hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) end # Class Activity::File class Badge include ::ActiveAttr::MassAssignmentSecurity include ::ActiveAttr::Model # @!attribute [rw] activity_id # @return [Fixnum] the activity being done # @!attribute [rw] section_type # @return [Symbol] the section the badge 'belongs' to # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [Symbol] the type of badge # @!attribute [rw] badge # @return [String] short name of the badge # @!attribute [rw] requirement # @return [String] OSM reference to this badge requirement # @!attribute [rw] label # @return [String] human readable label for the requirement attribute :activity_id, :type => Integer attribute :section_type attribute :type attribute :badge, :type => String attribute :requirement, :type => String attribute :label, :type => String attr_accessible :activity_id, :section_type, :type, :badge, :requirement, :label validates_numericality_of :activity_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_presence_of :badge validates_presence_of :requirement validates_presence_of :label validates_each :type, :section_type do |record, attr, value| record.errors.add(attr, 'must be a Symbol') unless value.is_a?(Symbol) end # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Badge # @param [Hash] attributes the hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) end # Class Activity::Badge class Version include ::ActiveAttr::MassAssignmentSecurity include ::ActiveAttr::Model # @!attribute [rw] version # @return [Fixnum] the version of the activity # @!attribute [rw] created_by # @return [Fixnum] the OSM user ID of the person who created this version # @!attribute [rw] created_by_name # @return [String] the aname of the OSM user who created this version # @!attribute [rw] label # @return [String] the human readable label to use for this version attribute :version, :type => Integer attribute :created_by, :type => Integer attribute :created_by_name, :type => String attribute :label, :type => String attr_accessible :version, :created_by, :created_by_name, :label validates_numericality_of :version, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :created_by, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_presence_of :created_by_name validates_presence_of :label # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Version # @param [Hash] attributes the hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) end # Class Activity::Version end # Class Activity end # Module