module Shoulda # :nodoc: # Call autoload_macros when you want to load test macros automatically in a non-Rails # project (it's done automatically for Rails projects). # You don't need to specify ROOT/test/shoulda_macros explicitly. Your custom macros # are loaded automatically when you call autoload_macros. # # The first argument is the path to you application's root directory. # All following arguments are directories relative to your root, which contain # shoulda_macros subdirectories. These directories support the same kinds of globs as the # Dir class. # # Basic usage (from a test_helper): # Shoulda.autoload_macros(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') # will load everything in # - your_app/test/shoulda_macros # # To load vendored macros as well: # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/*') # will load everything in # - APP_ROOT/vendor/*/shoulda_macros # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros # # To load macros in an app with a vendor directory laid out like Rails': # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/{plugins,gems}/*') # or # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/plugins/*', 'vendor/gems/*') # will load everything in # - APP_ROOT/vendor/plugins/*/shoulda_macros # - APP_ROOT/vendor/gems/*/shoulda_macros # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros # # If you prefer to stick testing dependencies away from your production dependencies: # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/*', 'test/vendor/*') # will load everything in # - APP_ROOT/vendor/*/shoulda_macros # - APP_ROOT/test/vendor/*/shoulda_macros # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros def self.autoload_macros(root, *dirs) dirs << File.join('test') complete_dirs ={|d| File.join(root, d, 'shoulda_macros')} all_files = complete_dirs.inject([]){ |files, dir| files + Dir[File.join(dir, '*.rb')] } all_files.each do |file| require file end end end