require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" require 'net/http' require 'csv' require 'yaml' task :default => :spec namespace :zipcoder do desc "Pulls the latest zip code data base file" task :update do # Fetch the latest database file uri = URI("") puts "Downloading newest zip codes from '#{uri.to_s}'" doc = Net::HTTP.get(uri) # Write the file to the file system filename = "lib/data/zipcode.csv" puts "Writing to the file '#{filename}'", 'w') { |file| file.write(doc.to_s) } end desc "Converts the database file into the formats expected for the library" task :convert do # Open the file filename = "lib/data/zipcode.csv" puts "Opening the file '#{filename}'" csv_text = # Import the CSV file and build the data structure zip_lookup_data = {} city_lookup_data = {} csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true) puts "Importing data from '#{filename}'" csv.each do |row| zip_code = row["Zipcode"] city = row["City"] state = row["State"] lat = row["Lat"].to_f long = row["Long"].to_f # Write the zip_lookup_data zip_lookup_data[zip_code] = { zip: zip_code, city: city, state: state, lat: lat, long: long } # Write the city_lookup_data city_key = "#{city},#{state}" city_data = city_lookup_data[city_key] || {} zips = city_data[:zips] || [] zips << zip_code lats = city_data[:lats] || [] lats << lat longs = city_data[:longs] || [] longs << long city_lookup_data[city_key] = { zips: zips, city: city, state: state, lats: lats, longs: longs } end # Write the data to the yaml file zip_lookup = "lib/data/zip_lookup.yml" puts "Writing data to '#{zip_lookup}'", 'w') {|file| file.write zip_lookup_data.to_yaml } # Write the city lookup data city_lookup = "lib/data/city_lookup.yml" puts "Writing data to '#{city_lookup}'", 'w') {|file| file.write city_lookup_data.to_yaml } end end