// Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #include "hash.h" #include #define HASH_SLOT_CNT ((uint32_t)8192) #define HASH_MASK (HASH_SLOT_CNT - 1) typedef struct _keyVal { struct _keyVal *next; const char * key; size_t len; VALUE val; } * KeyVal; struct _hash { struct _keyVal slots[HASH_SLOT_CNT]; }; struct _hash class_hash; struct _hash str_hash; struct _hash sym_hash; struct _hash intern_hash; // almost the Murmur hash algorithm #define M 0x5bd1e995 #define C1 0xCC9E2D51 #define C2 0x1B873593 #define N 0xE6546B64 static uint32_t hash_calc(const uint8_t *key, size_t len) { const uint8_t *end = key + len; const uint8_t *endless = key + (len / 4 * 4); uint32_t h = (uint32_t)len; uint32_t k; while (key < endless) { k = (uint32_t)*key++; k |= (uint32_t)*key++ << 8; k |= (uint32_t)*key++ << 16; k |= (uint32_t)*key++ << 24; k *= M; k ^= k >> 24; h *= M; h ^= k * M; } if (1 < end - key) { uint16_t k16 = (uint16_t)*key++; k16 |= (uint16_t)*key++ << 8; h ^= k16 << 8; } if (key < end) { h ^= *key; } h *= M; h ^= h >> 13; h *= M; h ^= h >> 15; return h; } void oj_hash_init() { memset(class_hash.slots, 0, sizeof(class_hash.slots)); memset(str_hash.slots, 0, sizeof(str_hash.slots)); memset(sym_hash.slots, 0, sizeof(sym_hash.slots)); memset(intern_hash.slots, 0, sizeof(intern_hash.slots)); } // if slotp is 0 then just lookup static VALUE hash_get(Hash hash, const char *key, size_t len, VALUE **slotp, VALUE def_value) { uint32_t h = hash_calc((const uint8_t *)key, len) & HASH_MASK; KeyVal bucket = hash->slots + h; if (0 != bucket->key) { KeyVal b; for (b = bucket; 0 != b; b = b->next) { if (len == b->len && 0 == strncmp(b->key, key, len)) { *slotp = &b->val; return b->val; } bucket = b; } } if (0 != slotp) { if (0 != bucket->key) { KeyVal b = ALLOC(struct _keyVal); b->next = 0; bucket->next = b; bucket = b; } bucket->key = oj_strndup(key, len); bucket->len = len; bucket->val = def_value; *slotp = &bucket->val; } return def_value; } void oj_hash_print() { uint32_t i; KeyVal b; for (i = 0; i < HASH_SLOT_CNT; i++) { printf("%4d:", i); for (b = class_hash.slots + i; 0 != b && 0 != b->key; b = b->next) { printf(" %s", b->key); } printf("\n"); } } void oj_hash_sizes() { uint32_t i; KeyVal b; int max = 0; int min = 1000000; for (i = 0; i < HASH_SLOT_CNT; i++) { int cnt = 0; for (b = str_hash.slots + i; 0 != b && 0 != b->key; b = b->next) { cnt++; } // printf(" %4d\n", cnt); if (max < cnt) { max = cnt; } if (cnt < min) { min = cnt; } } printf("min: %d max: %d\n", min, max); } VALUE oj_class_hash_get(const char *key, size_t len, VALUE **slotp) { return hash_get(&class_hash, key, len, slotp, Qnil); } VALUE oj_str_hash_get(const char *key, size_t len, VALUE **slotp) { return hash_get(&str_hash, key, len, slotp, Qnil); } VALUE oj_sym_hash_get(const char *key, size_t len, VALUE **slotp) { return hash_get(&sym_hash, key, len, slotp, Qnil); } ID oj_attr_hash_get(const char *key, size_t len, ID **slotp) { return (ID)hash_get(&intern_hash, key, len, (VALUE **)slotp, 0); } char *oj_strndup(const char *s, size_t len) { char *d = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); memcpy(d, s, len); d[len] = '\0'; return d; }