# Assumptions ~~1. ApiBankingCred has 'password'~~ 2. Payment should have IMT passcode (to resend email) ~~3. Payment Account to have credential method, that will return the ApiBankingCred (basis the envronment/star/bank_name of self)~~ # Questions 1. How do I get api credentials from a bank_beneficiary? 2. How do I get service subscriptions from a bank_beneficary? # Improvements 1. Payment should have the debit account detail & complete beneficiary address 2. Payment should not have environment (it can pick it up from Payment Account), unless payment_account_id is being removed 3. Payment Account should not have transfer_type 4. Payment Account to be renamed Bank Account 5. Service Subscription needs to be per service, not for an operation 6. Service Subscription to store a config hash, instead of app_id (different services will have different configs) 7. Use t.number for migration