# Rack middleware/endpoint for serving MogileFS files ## Getting Started: First install the gem: gem install rack-mogilefs There are a variety of ways to use it: ### Rack middleware # (config.ru) use Rack::MogileFS, :path => %r{^/system/*} ### Rails 3: # (config/routes.rb) match "/system/*" => Rack::MogileFS::Endpoint.new ### Rails 2: # (app/metal/mogilefs.rb) class MogileFSMetal def self.call(env) if env["PATH_INFO"] =~ %r{^/system/*} Rack::MogileFS::Endpoint.new.call(env) else [ 404, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, ["Not Found"] ] end end end ## File Lookup `Rack::MogileFS` uses the request path (`PATH_INFO`) for the MogileFS key. The content type of the file is detected by the extension, using the `mime-types` gem. ## Configuration By default will look for a yaml config in `config/mogilefs.yml` that looks like this: development: connection: domain: "development.myapp.com" hosts: - - class: "file" staging: ... and initialize a mogilefs client like this: config = YAML.load_file( Rails.root.join("config/mogilefs.yml") )[Rails.env] MogileFS::MogileFS.new( config["connection"].symbolize_keys ) You can override this by passing in a MogileFS client of your own: Rack::MogileFS::Endpoint.new :client => MyMogileFSClient.new