# 0.7.2 - 2017-07-03 ### Fixed - Add missing rom-factory dependency to generated project Gemfile (alejandrobabio) - Fix reference to main application class in generated spec helpers file (alejandrobabio) # 0.7.1 - 2017-06-22 ### Fixed - Fix spelling of generated "lib/persistence" directory (timriley) - Stop generating a welcome view in the umbrella system (timriley) # 0.7.0 - 2017-06-16 ### Added In generated app: - Shared `Operation` class for all application operations to inherit from (timriley) - Enable `auto_restrictions` relation plugin for ROM (timriley) - Register low-level database connection object as "persistence.db" in core container (timriley) ### Changed In generated app: - Use full database URL to include credentials in pg_dump (lukkor) - Move view controller and context classes into main lib/ dirs (timriley) - Use dry-system 0.7.0 magic comments to prevent auto-registration of base repository, view controller and view context classes (timriley) - Update dry-system dependency to support string paths for container root configs (timriley) - [BREAKING] Use Dry::Web::Settings from dry-web 0.7.0, which loads settings from .env files instead of .yml files (timriley) - [BREAKING] Provide settings object via a bootable component - [BREAKING] Remove special transactions setup harness, since dry-transaction 0.10.0 supports class-based transactions # 0.6.3 - 2017-03-02 ### Changed - Use the newly-released rom/rom-sql instrumentation plugin to generate SQL logs, rather than a local monkey patch (timriley) # 0.6.2 - 2017-02-20 ### Fixed - Support dashed names when generating projects, e.g. `dry-web-roda new my-app` (radar & timriley) - Require securerandom for generating session keys in new flat architecture projects (alexandru-calinoiu) # 0.6.1 - 2017-02-08 ### Added - In generated projects, set up dry-monitor for request logging (timriley) - In generated projects, use dry-monitor to log SQL queries (timriley) - Add new flat project generator: `dry-web-roda new --arch=flat` (timriley) ### Changed - Renamed sub-app generator from `dry-web-roda generate app` to `dry-web-roda generate sub_app` (timriley) ### Fixed - Ensure dry-monitor is set up in `Application` regardless of the order in which the application's configs are applied (timriley) # 0.6.1 - 2017-02-03 ### Added - In generated projects, integrate with dry-monitor (via dry-web) for centralized application logging and error reporting (solnic) # 0.5.1 - 2016-12-27 ### Fixed - `.gitignore` in generated umbrella app correctly ignores `log/` directory (alsemyonov) # 0.5.0 - 2016-10-21 ### Changed - Depend on the version of shotgun with fixes for Rack 2.0 (timriley) - Update to work with latest dry-web and dry-system - Expect `system/` dirs instead of `component/` (gotar) - Update bootable dependency files to match latest dry-system API for bootable dependencies with lifecycles (gotar) - Use latest released versions of rom-repository and rom-sql, instead of relying on their master branches (wafcio) - Replace dry-result_matcher gem with dry-matcher (gotar) - Add dry-monads and dry-struct gems to generated Gemfile (gotar) - Expect symbols for flash keys in generated `Page` class (timriley) ### Fixed - Update `view` roda plugin to expect default namespace in sub-app containers (timriley) # 0.4.0 - 2016-08-15 Update to dry-web with dry-system (solnic) # 0.3.0 - 2016-07-26 ### Added - Set a default namespace on sub-app containers generated by the CLI (timriley) ### Changed - Use latest dry-web for latest dry-component injector API (timriley) # 0.2.3 / 2016-07-23 ### Changed - By default, don't display warning output when running specs (timriley) # 0.2.2 / 2016-07-18 ### Fixed - Fixed a misnamed module in sub-app generator (hl) - Removed a deprecated option from the `pg_dump` invocation after migrations (timriley) # 0.2.1 / 2016-06-22 ### Fixed - Fixed a broken require in generated apps (timriley) # 0.2.0 / 2016-06-22 ### Added - Added a `dry-web-roda` executable CLI command, which can generate new dry-web-roda projects and apps within projects (timriley) To generate a new project: ```sh dry-web-roda new my_new_project ``` And to generate a new app within an existing project: ```sh dry-web-roda generate app my_sub_app --umbrella=my_new_project ``` - Added the beginnings of a skeleton-based code generator, to support the above (timriley) # 0.1.0 / 2016-06-12 - Extracted from dry-web (timriley)