defaults: &defaults # QuickSearch theme name # # To use a different theme, you must first add a new theme gem to the Gemfile, # run 'bundle install', then update this with the new theme name. # # See docs for more details: theme: '' # Searchers that QuickSearch will automatically search # # To use different searchers, you must first add the new searcher gem to the Gemfile, # run 'bundle install', then add the searcher name to this list. You must also # add a 'render_module()' helper call to your search results page tempate to expose the # results for that searcher. # # See docs for more details: searchers: [best_bets] # Searchers listed in the "result type guide" bar that lists result types that were found for a given search found_types: [] per_page: 3 max_per_page: 50 http_timeout: 1.5 xhr_http_timeout: 15 # google_analytics_tracking_id: "" user: "stats" password: "stats" on_campus: - !ruby/regexp '/^192\.(1|168)\.\d*\.\d*$/' common_searches: ["web of science", "google scholar", "refworks", "harvard business review", "pubmed", "ieee"] common_website_searches: ["dissertations", "exhibits", "textbooks", "visit the libraries", "government information", "literature review", "printing"] loaded_searches: - name: "Google Scholar" landing_page: "" query: "" - name: "WorldCat" landing_page: "" query: "" - name: "Google" landing_page: "" query: "" loaded_website_searches: - name: "Books, Articles, Journals & More" landing_page: "" query: "" doi_loaded_link: "" best_bets: solr_url: "http://localhost:8983/solr/bestbets/select?" development: <<: *defaults # realtime_url: http://path_to_websockets_server test: <<: *defaults staging: <<: *defaults # realtime_url: http://path_to_websockets_server # google_analytics_tracking_id: "" production: <<: *defaults # realtime_url: http://path_to_websockets_server # Add or override config options here