require 'pathname' require 'autobuild/timestamps' require 'autobuild/environment' require 'autobuild/package' require 'autobuild/subcommand' require 'shellwords' require 'fileutils' module Autobuild def self.autotools(opts, &proc), &proc) end if Autobuild.macos? Autobuild.programs['libtoolize'] = "glibtoolize" end # # ==== Handles autotools-based packages # # == Used programs (see Autobuild.programs) # Autotools will use the 'aclocal', 'autoheader', 'autoconf' and 'automake' # programs defined on Autobuild.programs. autoheader is disabled by default, # aclocal, autoconf and automake use are autodetected. # # To override this default behaviour on a per-package basis, use Autotools#use # class Autotools < Configurable attr_accessor :using attr_accessor :configureflags attr_accessor :aclocal_flags attr_accessor :autoheader_flags attr_accessor :autoconf_flags attr_accessor :automake_flags @builddir = 'build' def configurestamp; "#{builddir}/config.status" end def initialize(options) @using = @configureflags = [] @aclocal_flags = @autoheader_flags = @autoconf_flags = @automake_flags = super end def common_utility_handling(utility, target) utility.task do progress_start "generating documentation for %s", :done_message => 'generated documentation for %s' do if internal_doxygen_mode? run_doxygen else run(, Autobuild.tool(:make), "-j#{parallel_build_level}", target, :working_directory => builddir) end yield if block_given? end end end # Declare that the given target can be used to generate documentation def with_doc(target = 'doc', &block) common_utility_handling(doc_utility, target, &block) end def with_tests(target = 'test', &block) common_utility_handling(test_utility, target, &block) end # Overrides the default behaviour w.r.t. autotools script generation # # Use it like that: # * to force a generation step (skipping autodetection), do # pkg.use => true # For instance, for aclocal # pkg.use :aclocal => true # # * to force a generation step, overriding the program defined on Autobuild # pkg.use => true # For instance, for autoconf # pkg.use :autoconf => 'my_autoconf_program' # # * to disable a generation step, do # pkg.use => false # For instance, for automake # pkg.use :automake => false # # * to restore autodetection, do # pkg.use => nil # For instance, for automake # pkg.use :automake => nil # def use(*programs) programs = if programs.size == 1 programs.first else programs end if !programs.kind_of?(Hash) programs = Array[*programs].inject({}) do |progs, spec| progs[spec.first] = spec.last progs end end programs.each do |name, opt| using[name.to_sym] = opt end nil end def prepare_for_forced_build super autodetect_needed_stages if using[:autoconf] || using[:autogen] FileUtils.rm_f File.join(srcdir, 'configure') end if using[:automake] Find.find(srcdir) do |path| if File.basename(path) == "" FileUtils.rm_f path end end end FileUtils.rm_f configurestamp end def import(options = # We force a regen after the first checkout. The issue is that # autotools is less robust than it should, and very often it is # better to generate the build system for the system on which we # must build # # When we are doing a fresh checkout, a file is touched in the # source directory. That file is then deleted after #prepare gets # called is_checking_out = ! super ensure if is_checking_out && FileUtils.touch File.join(srcdir, ".fresh_checkout") end end class UnexpectedConfigStatusOutput < RuntimeError; end def prepare super autodetect_needed_stages fresh_checkout_mark = File.join(srcdir, '.fresh_checkout') if File.file?(fresh_checkout_mark) prepare_for_forced_build FileUtils.rm_f fresh_checkout_mark end # Check if config.status has been generated with the # same options than the ones in configureflags # # If it is not the case, remove it to force reconfiguration if File.exist?(configurestamp) output = run('prepare', configurestamp, '--version'). grep(/with options/).first if output && (match = /with options "(.*)"/.match(output)) options = Shellwords.shellwords(match[1]) else raise UnexpectedConfigStatusOutput, "invalid output of config.status --version, expected a line with `with options \"OPTIONS\"`" end # Add the --prefix option to the configureflags array testflags = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"] + configureflags.flatten old_opt = options.find do |o| if testflags.include?(o) false elsif o =~ /^-/ # Configuration option that is not specified, have to # reconfigure true else # This is an envvar entry. Ignore it if it is not # explicitely given in configureflags varname, value = o.split("=").first if current_flag = testflags.find { |fl| fl =~ /^#{varname}=/ } current_flag != o else false end end end new_opt = testflags.find { |o| !options.include?(o) } if old_opt || new_opt if Autobuild.verbose Autobuild.message "forcing reconfiguration of #{name} (#{old_opt} != #{new_opt})" end FileUtils.rm_f configurestamp # to force reconfiguration end end regen_target = create_regen_target file configurestamp => regen_target end # If set to true, configure will be called with --no-create and # ./config.status will be started each time before "make" # # In general, you should not need that. attr_accessor :force_config_status private def autodetect_needed_stages # Autodetect autoconf/aclocal/automake # # Let the user disable the use of autoconf explicitely by using 'false'. # 'nil' means autodetection if using[:autoconf].nil? if File.file?(File.join(srcdir, '')) || File.file?(File.join(srcdir, '')) using[:autoconf] = true end end using[:aclocal] = using[:autoconf] if using[:aclocal].nil? if using[:automake].nil? using[:automake] = File.exist?(File.join(srcdir, '')) end if using[:libtool].nil? using[:libtool] = File.exist?(File.join(srcdir, '')) end if using[:autogen].nil? using[:autogen] = %w{autogen}.find { |f| File.exist?(File.join(srcdir, f)) } end end # Adds a target to rebuild the autotools environment def create_regen_target(confsource = nil) conffile = "#{srcdir}/configure" if confsource file conffile => confsource elsif confext = %w{.ac .in}.find { |ext| File.exist?("#{conffile}#{ext}") } file conffile => "#{conffile}#{confext}" elsif using[:autoconf] raise, 'prepare'), "neither nor present in #{srcdir}" end file conffile do isolate_errors do progress_start "generating autotools for %s", :done_message => 'generated autotools for %s' do regen end end end return conffile end def regen if using[:libtool] run 'configure', Autobuild.tool('libtoolize'), '--copy', working_directory: srcdir end if using[:autogen] run 'configure', File.expand_path(using[:autogen], srcdir), working_directory: srcdir else [ :aclocal, :autoconf, :autoheader, :automake ].each do |tool| if tool_flag = using[tool] tool_program = if tool_flag.respond_to?(:to_str) tool_flag.to_str else; Autobuild.tool(tool) end run 'configure', tool_program, *send("#{tool}_flags"), working_directory: srcdir end end end end # Configure the builddir directory before starting make def configure super do command = [ "#{srcdir}/configure"] if force_config_status command << "--no-create" end command << "--prefix=#{prefix}" command += configureflags.flatten progress_start "configuring autotools for %s", done_message: 'configured autotools for %s' do run('configure', *command, working_directory: builddir) end end end # Do the build in builddir def build in_dir(builddir) do progress_start "building %s [progress not available]", :done_message => 'built %s' do if force_config_status run('build', './config.status') end run('build', Autobuild.tool(:make), "-j#{parallel_build_level}") end end Autobuild.touch_stamp(buildstamp) end # Install the result in prefix def install in_dir(builddir) do progress_start "installing %s", :done_message => 'installed %s' do run('install', Autobuild.tool(:make), 'install') end end super end end end