require 'spec_helper' describe Gatling::Configuration do describe "#reference_image_path" do after :each do config_clean_up end describe "without Rails" do it "should default to './spec/reference_images' when not in a rails environment" do Gatling::Configuration.reference_image_path.should eql("spec/reference_images") end end describe "with rails" do before do begin # Check that rails exists, otherwise fake it for the test Module.const_get("Rails") rescue NameError module Rails def self.root "fake_rails_root" end end end end it "should default to /spec/reference_images in a rails environment" do Gatling::Configuration.reference_image_path.should eql("fake_rails_root/spec/reference_images") end it "should be overrideable in a rails environment" do subject.reference_image_path = "my custom path" Gatling::Configuration.reference_image_path.should eql("my custom path") end it 'should return the directory for a type of image' do Gatling::Configuration.reference_image_path = "a_path" subject.path(:temp).should == 'a_path/temp' end it 'should thrown an error when you ask for the path of an unknown image type' do expect { Gatling::Configuration.path(:unknown)}.should raise_error "Unkown image type 'unknown'" end end describe "creating custom reference folders" do before :each do Gatling.reference_image_path = '/some/ref/path' end it "should default to custom folders off" do subject.browser_folders.should == false end it "should allow setting custom folders on" do Gatling::Configuration.browser_folders = true subject.browser_folders.should == true end it "should set reference_image_path to default when browser can\'t be found" do subject.browser_folders = true subject.reference_image_path.should == '/some/ref/path' end it "should create custom folder for each browser according to ENV" do pending end it "should set the image reference path for each browser according to selenium driver if no ENV is set" do subject.browser_folders = true subject.stub!(:browser).and_return('chrome') subject.reference_image_path.should == '/some/ref/path/chrome' subject.browser_folders = false end end end describe '#trainer_toggle' do it 'should default to false' do subject.trainer_toggle.should eql(false) end it 'can be toggled to true' do Gatling::Configuration.trainer_toggle = true subject.trainer_toggle.should eql(true) end it 'toggeled using GATLING_TRAINER = false' do ENV['GATLING_TRAINER'] = 'false' subject.trainer_toggle.should eql(false) end it 'toggeled using GATLING_TRAINER = true' do ENV['GATLING_TRAINER'] = 'true' subject.trainer_toggle.should eql(true) end it 'toggeled using GATLING_TRAINER = nil' do ENV['GATLING_TRAINER'] = nil subject.trainer_toggle.should eql(false) end after(:each) do Gatling::Configuration.trainer_toggle = false ENV['GATLING_TRAINER'] = nil end end describe "#max_no_tries" do it "should default to 5" do subject.max_no_tries.should == 5 end it "should be settable" do Gatling::Configuration.max_no_tries = 1 subject.max_no_tries.should == 1 end end describe "#sleep_between_tries" do it "should default to 0.5" do subject.sleep_between_tries.should == 0.5 end it "should be settable" do Gatling::Configuration.sleep_between_tries = 55 subject.sleep_between_tries.should eql 55 end end describe "settings" do describe "should accept a block of settings and parse them correctly" do it "for reference_image_path" do Gatling.config do |setting| Gatling.reference_image_path = 'custom_path' end subject.reference_image_path.should eql 'custom_path' end it "for max_no_tries" do Gatling.config do |setting| Gatling.max_no_tries = 3 end subject.max_no_tries.should eql 3 end it "sleep_between_tries" do Gatling.config do |setting| Gatling.sleep_between_tries = 0.7 end subject.sleep_between_tries.should eql 0.7 end it "browser_folders" do Gatling.config do |setting| Gatling.browser_folders = true end subject.browser_folders.should eql true end end end end