module Sufia module GenericFile module Thumbnail # Create thumbnail requires that the characterization has already been run (so mime_type, width and height is available) # and that the object is already has a pid set def create_thumbnail return unless self.content.has_content? if pdf? create_pdf_thumbnail elsif image? create_image_thumbnail elsif video? create_video_thumbnail end end protected def create_video_thumbnail return unless Sufia::Engine.config.enable_ffmpeg output_file = Dir::Tmpname.create(['sufia', ".png"], Sufia::Engine.config.temp_file_base){} content.to_tempfile do |f| # we could use something like this in order to find a frame in the middle. #ffprobe -show_files video.avi 2> /dev/null | grep duration | cut -d= -f2 53.399999 command = "#{Sufia::Engine.config.ffmpeg_path} -i \"#{f.path}\" -loglevel quiet -vf \"scale=338:-1\" -r 1 -t 1 #{output_file}" system(command) raise "Unable to execute command \"#{command}\"" unless $?.success? end self.thumbnail.content =, 'rb').read self.thumbnail.mimeType = 'image/png' end def create_pdf_thumbnail retryCnt = 0 stat = false; for retryCnt in 1..3 begin pdf = load_image_transformer first = pdf.to_a[0] first.format = "PNG" thumb = first.scale(338, 493) self.thumbnail.content = thumb.to_blob { self.format = "PNG" } self.thumbnail.mimeType = 'image/png' break rescue => e logger.warn "Rescued an error #{e.inspect} retry count = #{retryCnt}" sleep 1 end end return stat end def create_image_thumbnail self.thumbnail.content = scale_image.to_blob { self.format = "PNG" } self.thumbnail.mimeType = 'image/png' #logger.debug "Has the content before saving? #{self.content.changed?}" end def scale_image img = load_image_transformer height = Float(self.height.first.to_i) width = Float(self.width.first.to_i) if width > height && width > 150 && height > 105 # horizontal img scale = 150 / width img.scale(150, height * scale) elsif height >= width && width > 150 && height > 200 # vertical or square scale = 200 / height img.scale(width*scale, 200) else # Too small to worry about resizing img end end # Override this method if you want a different transformer, or need to load the # raw image from a different source (e.g. external datastream) def load_image_transformer xformer = xformer.from_blob(content.content) xformer end end end end