require 'active_support/dependencies' require 'memoist' module Jets::Core extend Memoist # Calling application triggers load of configs. # Jets' the default config/application.rb is loaded, # then the project's config/application.rb is loaded. @@application = nil def application return @@application if @@application @@application = @@application.setup! @@application end # For some reason memoize doesnt work with application, think there's # some circular dependency issue. Figure this out later. def config application.config end def aws end # Load all application base classes and project classes def boot(options={}) Jets::Booter.boot!(options) end # Ensures trailing slash # Useful for appending a './' in front of a path or leaving it alone. # Returns: '/path/with/trailing/slash/' or './' def root root = ENV['JETS_ROOT'].to_s root = '.' if root == '' root = "#{root}/" unless root.ends_with?('/') end memoize :root def env env = ENV['JETS_ENV'] || 'development' ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ENV['RACK_ENV'] = env end memoize :env def build_root "/tmp/jets/#{config.project_name}".freeze end memoize :build_root def logger$stderr) end memoize :logger def webpacker? Gem.loaded_specs.keys.include?("webpacker") end memoize :webpacker? def load_tasks Jets::Commands::RakeTasks.load! end def version Jets::VERSION end def eager_load! eager_load_jets eager_load_app end # Eager load jet's lib and classes def eager_load_jets lib_jets = File.expand_path(".", File.dirname(__FILE__)) Dir.glob("#{lib_jets}/**/*.rb").select do |path| next if !File.file?(path) next if skip_eager_load_paths?(path) path = path.sub("#{lib_jets}/","jets/") class_name = path .sub(/\.rb$/,'') # remove .rb .sub(/^\.\//,'') # remove ./ .sub(/app\/\w+\//,'') # remove app/controllers or app/jobs etc .camelize # special class mappings class_name = class_mappings(class_name) class_name.constantize # use constantize instead of require so dont have to worry about order. end end # Skip these paths because eager loading doesnt work for them. def skip_eager_load_paths?(path) path =~ %r{/cli} || path =~ %r{/core_ext} || path =~ %r{/default/application} || path =~ %r{/functions} || path =~ %r{/internal/app} || path =~ %r{/jets/stack} || path =~ %r{/rackup_wrappers} || path =~ %r{/rails_overrides} || path =~ %r{/reconfigure_rails} || path =~ %r{/templates/} || path =~ %r{/version} || path =~ %r{/webpacker} end def class_mappings(class_name) map = { "Jets::Io" => "Jets::IO", } map[class_name] || class_name end # Eager load user's application def eager_load_app Dir.glob("#{Jets.root}app/**/*.rb").select do |path| next if !File.file?(path) or path =~ %r{/javascript/} or path =~ %r{/views/} next if path.include?('app/functions') || path.include?('app/shared/functions') class_name = path .sub(/\.rb$/,'') # remove .rb .sub(%{^\./},'') # remove ./ .sub(Jets.root.to_s,'') .sub(%r{app/shared/\w+/},'') # remove shared/resources or shared/extensions .sub(%r{app/\w+/},'') # remove app/controllers or app/jobs etc class_name = class_name.classify class_name.constantize # use constantize instead of require so dont have to worry about order. end end # NOTE: In development this will always be 1 because the app gets reloaded. # On AWS Lambda, this will be ever increasing until the container gets replaced. @@call_count = 0 def increase_call_count @@call_count += 1 end def call_count @@call_count end @@prewarm_count = 0 def increase_prewarm_count @@prewarm_count += 1 end def prewarm_count @@prewarm_count end def project_namespace [config.project_name, config.short_env, config.env_extra].compact.join('-').gsub('_','-') end def rack? path = "#{Jets.root}rack" File.exist?(path) || File.symlink?(path) end def lazy_load? config.ruby.lazy_load end end