require_relative '../puppet-check' require_relative 'utils' # executes diagnostics on ruby files class RubyParser # checks ruby (.rb) def self.ruby(files, style, rc_args) files.each do |file| # check ruby syntax begin # prevents ruby code from actually executing catch(:good) { instance_eval("BEGIN {throw :good}; #{}") } rescue ScriptError, StandardError => err PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{err}") else # check ruby style if style require 'rubocop' # check RuboCop and collect warnings rubocop_warnings = Utils.capture_stdout { + ['--format', 'emacs', file]) } warnings = rubocop_warnings == '' ? '' : rubocop_warnings.split("#{File.absolute_path(file)}:").join('') # check Reek and collect warnings require 'reek' require 'reek/cli/application' reek_warnings = Utils.capture_stdout {[file]).execute } warnings += reek_warnings.split("\n")[1..-1].map(&:strip).join("\n") unless reek_warnings == '' # return warnings next PuppetCheck.warning_files.push("#{file}:\n#{warnings.strip}") unless warnings == '' end PuppetCheck.clean_files.push(file.to_s) end end end # checks ruby template (.erb) def self.template(files) require 'erb' files.each do |file| # check ruby template syntax begin # need to eventually have this associated with a different binding during each iteration # warnings = Util.capture_stderr {, nil, '-').result( } warnings = Utils.capture_stderr {, nil, '-').result } # credits to gds-operations/puppet-syntax for errors to ignore rescue NameError, TypeError # empty out warnings since it would contain an error if this pass triggers warnings = '' rescue ScriptError => err next PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{err}") end # return warnings from the check if there were any next PuppetCheck.warning_files.push("#{file}:\n#{warnings.gsub('warning: ', '').split('(erb):').join('').strip}") unless warnings == '' PuppetCheck.clean_files.push(file.to_s) end end # checks librarian puppet (Puppetfile/Modulefile) and misc ruby (Rakefile/Gemfile) def self.librarian(files, style, rc_args) files.each do |file| # check librarian puppet syntax begin # prevents ruby code from actually executing catch(:good) { instance_eval("BEGIN {throw :good}; #{}") } rescue SyntaxError, LoadError, ArgumentError => err PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{err}") # check librarian puppet style else if style require 'rubocop' # check Rubocop # RuboCop is grumpy about non-snake_case filenames so disable the Style/FileName check rc_args.include?('--except') ? rc_args[rc_args.index('--except') + 1] = "#{rc_args[rc_args.index('--except') + 1]},Style/FileName" : rc_args.concat(['--except', 'Style/FileName']) warnings = Utils.capture_stdout { + ['--format', 'emacs', file]) } # collect style warnings next PuppetCheck.warning_files.push("#{file}:\n#{warnings.split("#{File.absolute_path(file)}:").join('')}") unless warnings.empty? end PuppetCheck.clean_files.push(file.to_s) end end end # potentially for unique erb bindings def binding binding end end