require 'test_helper' class LocaleTest < ActiveSupport::IntegrationCase teardown do Capybara.reset_sessions! end test 'sign_in.before flash' do visit new_article_path within '.flash' do assert page.has_content?('Please sign in first.') end end test 'sign_in.after flash' do user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' within '.flash' do assert page.has_content?('You have successfully signed in.') end end test 'sign_in.failed flash' do sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' within '.flash' do assert page.has_content?('Sorry, we did not recognise you.') end end test 'sign_out flash' do visit sign_out_path within '.flash' do assert page.has_content?('You have successfully signed out.') end end test 'sign_in.before flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:sign_in => {:before => ''}}}} visit new_article_path assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'sign_in.after flash is optional' do user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:sign_in => {:after => ''}}}} sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'sign_in.failed flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:sign_in => {:failed => ''}}}} sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'sign_in.blocked flash' do QuoVadis.blocked = true user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' within '.flash' do assert page.has_content?('Sorry, your account is blocked.') end end test 'sign_in.blocked flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:sign_in => {:blocked => ''}}}} QuoVadis.blocked = true user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' sign_in_as 'bob', 'secret' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'sign_out flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:sign_out => ''}}} visit sign_out_path assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'forgotten.unknown flash' do submit_forgotten_details 'bob' within '.flash.alert' do assert page.has_content?('Sorry, we did not recognise you.') end end test 'forgotten.unknown flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:forgotten => {:unknown => ''}}}} submit_forgotten_details 'bob' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'forgotten.no_email flash' do user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' submit_forgotten_details 'bob' within '.flash.alert' do assert page.has_content?("Sorry, we don't have an email address for you.") end end test 'forgotten.no_email flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:forgotten => {:no_email => ''}}}} user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret' submit_forgotten_details 'bob' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'forgotten.sent_email flash' do user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret', '' submit_forgotten_details 'bob' within '.flash.notice' do assert page.has_content?("We've emailed you a link where you can change your password.") end end test 'forgotten.sent_email flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:forgotten => {:sent_email => ''}}}} user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret', '' submit_forgotten_details 'bob' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'forgotten.invalid_token flash' do visit change_password_path('123') within '.flash.alert' do assert page.has_content?("Sorry, this link isn't valid anymore.") end end test 'forgotten.invalid_token flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:forgotten => {:invalid_token => ''}}}} visit change_password_path('123') assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end test 'forgotten.password_changed flash' do user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret', '' User.last.generate_token visit change_password_path(User.last.token) fill_in :password, :with => 'topsecret' click_button 'Change my password' within '.flash.notice' do assert page.has_content?("You have successfully changed your password and you're now signed in.") end end test 'forgotten.password_changed flash is optional' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {:quo_vadis => {:flash => {:forgotten => {:password_changed => ''}}}} user_factory 'Bob', 'bob', 'secret', '' User.last.generate_token visit change_password_path(User.last.token) fill_in :password, :with => 'topsecret' click_button 'Change my password' assert page.has_no_css?('div.flash') ensure I18n.reload! end end end