# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] ## [1.0.1] ### Fixed - The `--verify-ssl` command option did not properly set SSL configuration on GitHub API clients. - Setting GitHub access tokens with `--access-tokens` command option resulted in an error. - Analyze command did not collect private repositories from organizations. ## [1.0.0] ### Added - Complete rewrite of Gitrob - Analyze arbitrary amount of organizations and users - Create and delete assessments directly from web interface - Run Gitrob against GitHub Enterprise installations - Compare two assessments to find new/modified files as well as new users and repositories - Highlight interesting things such as hostnames, IPs, email addresses and tokens in files - Detect likely testing/mock related files - General web UI/UX improvements - More tests ### Changed - Use [sequel](https://rubygems.org/gems/sequel) Gem for database operations - Use [github_api](https://rubygems.org/gems/github_api) Gem for GitHub API operations - Use [thor](https://rubygems.org/gems/thor) Gem for CLI - Rename `patterns.json` to `signatures.json` ### New signatures - SSH configuration files (`path =~ /\.?ssh/config\z/`) - Postgresql password files (`filename =~ /\A\.?pgpass\z/`) - AWS CLI credential files (`path =~ /\.?aws/credentials\z/`) - Day One journal files (`extension == "dayone"`) - jrnl journal files (`filename == "journal.txt"`) - Tugboat DigitalOcean management tool configuration files (`filename =~ /\A\.?tugboat\z/`) - git-credential-store helper credential files (`filename =~ /\A\.?git-credentials\z/`) - Git configuration files (`filename =~ /\A\.?gitconfig\z/`) - Chef Knife configuration file (`filename == "knife.rb"`) - Chef private keys (`path =~ /\.?chef/(.*)\.pem\z/`) - cPanel backup ProFTPd credential files (`filename == "proftpdpasswd"`) - Robomongo MongoDB manager configuration files (`filename == "robomongo.json"`) - FileZilla FTP configuration files (`filename == "filezilla.xml"`) - FileZilla FTP recent servers files (`filename == "recentservers.xml"`) - Ventrilo server configuration files (`filename == "ventrilo_srv.ini"`) - Docker configuration files (`filename =~ /\A\.?dockercfg\z/`) - NPM configuration file (`filename =~ /\A\.?npmrc\z/`) - Files containing word: credential (`filename =~ /credential/`) - Files containing word: secret (`filename =~ /secret/`)