# Copyright 2017 Pixar

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
#    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
#       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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module JSS

  # Classes

  # An OS X Configuration Profile in the JSS.
  # Note that the profile payloads and the profile UUID cannot be edited or updated with this via this class.
  # Use the web UI.
  # @see JSS::APIObject
  class OSXConfigurationProfile < JSS::APIObject

    # Mix-Ins
    include JSS::Updatable
    include JSS::Scopable
    include JSS::SelfServable
    include JSS::Categorizable
    include JSS::Sitable

    # Class Constants

    # The base for REST resources of this class
    RSRC_BASE = 'osxconfigurationprofiles'.freeze

    # the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS
    RSRC_LIST_KEY = :os_x_configuration_profiles

    # The hash key used for the JSON object output.
    # It's also used in various error messages
    RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :os_x_configuration_profile

    # these keys, as well as :id and :name,  are present in valid API JSON data for this class
    VALID_DATA_KEYS = %i[distribution_method scope redeploy_on_update].freeze

    # Our scopes deal with computers
    SCOPE_TARGET_KEY = :computers

    # Our SelfService happens on OSX

    # Our SelfService deploys profiles

    # The possible values for the :distribution_method
    DISTRIBUTION_METHODS = ['Install Automatically', 'Make Available in Self Service'].freeze

    SELF_SERVICE_DIST_METHOD = 'Make Available in Self Service'.freeze

    # The possible values for :level
    LEVELS = %w[user computer].freeze

    # the object type for this object in
    # the object history table.
    # See {APIObject#add_object_history_entry}

    # Where is the Site data in the API JSON?
    SITE_SUBSET = :general

    # Attributes

    # @return [String] the description of this profile
    attr_reader :description

    # @return [String] the distribution_method of this profile
    attr_reader :distribution_method

    # @return [Boolean] can the user remove this profile
    attr_reader :user_removable

    # @return [String] the level (user/computer) of this profile
    attr_reader :level

    # @return [String] the uuid of this profile. NOT Updatable
    attr_reader :uuid

    # @return [Boolean] Should this profile be redeployed when an inventory update happens?
    attr_reader :redeploy_on_update

    # @return [String] the plist containing the payloads for this profile. NOT Updatable
    attr_reader :payloads

    # Constructor

    # See JSS::APIObject#initialize
    def initialize(args = {})

      @description = @main_subset[:description]
      @distribution_method = @main_subset[:distribution_method]
      @user_removable = @main_subset[:user_removable]
      @level = @main_subset[:level]
      @uuid = @main_subset[:uuid]
      @redeploy_on_update = @main_subset[:redeploy_on_update]
      @payloads = @main_subset[:payloads]

    # Public Instance Methods

    # @param new_val[String] the new discription
    # @return [void]
    def description=(new_val)
      return nil if @self_service_description == new_val
      @description = new_val.strip!
      @need_to_update = true
    end # @param new_val[String] how should this be distributed to clients?

    # @return [void]
    def distribution_method=(new_val)
      return nil if @distribution_method == new_val
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "New value must be one of '#{DISTRIBUTION_METHODS.join("' '")}'" unless DISTRIBUTION_METHODS.include? new_val
      @distribution_method = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    # @param new_val[Boolean] should the user be able to remove this?
    # @return [void]
    def user_removable=(new_val)
      return nil if @self_service_feature_on_main_page == new_val
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Distribution method must be '#{SELF_SERVICE_DIST_METHOD}' to let the user remove it." unless in_self_service?
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'New value must be true or false' unless JSS::TRUE_FALSE.include? new_val
      @user_removable = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    # @param new_val[String] the new level for this profile (user/computer)
    # @return [void]
    def level=(new_val)
      return nil if @level == new_val
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "New value must be one of '#{LEVELS.join("' '")}'" unless LEVELS.include? new_val
      @level = new_val
      @need_to_update = true
    end # @return [Boolean] is this profile available in Self Service?

    def in_self_service?
      @distribution_method == SELF_SERVICE_DIST_METHOD
    end # @return [Boolean] is this profile removable by the user?

    def user_removable?
    end # @return [Hash] The payload plist parsed into a Ruby hash

    def parsed_payloads
      Plist.parse_xml @payloads

    # @return [Array<Hash>] the individual payloads from the payload Plist
    def payload_content

    # @return [Array<String>] the PayloadType of each payload (e.g. com.apple.caldav.account)
    def payload_types
      payload_content.map { |p| p['PayloadType'] }

    # Private Instance Methods

    def rest_xml
      doc = REXML::Document.new

      obj = doc.add_element RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s
      gen = obj.add_element('general')
      gen.add_element('description').text = @description
      gen.add_element('distribution_method').text = @distribution_method
      gen.add_element('user_removable').text = @user_removable
      gen.add_element('level').text = @level
      gen.add_element('redeploy_on_update').text = @redeploy_on_update

      obj << @scope.scope_xml
      add_self_service_xml doc
      add_category_to_xml doc
      add_site_to_xml doc

  end # class OSXConfigurationProfile

end # module