# (c) Copyright 2006-2007 Nick Sieger # See the file LICENSE.txt included with the distribution for # software license details. require 'delegate' require 'stringio' module CI module Reporter # Emulates/delegates IO to $stdout or $stderr in order to capture output to report in the XML file. class OutputCapture < DelegateClass(IO) # Start capturing IO, using the given block to assign self to the proper IO global. def initialize(io, &assign) super @delegate_io = io @captured_io = StringIO.new @assign_block = assign @assign_block.call self end # Finalize the capture and reset to the original IO object. def finish @assign_block.call @delegate_io @captured_io.string end # setup tee methods %w(<< print printf putc puts write).each do |m| module_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{m}(*args, &block) @delegate_io.send(:#{m}, *args, &block) @captured_io.send(:#{m}, *args, &block) end EOS end end # Basic structure representing the running of a test suite. Used to time tests and store results. class TestSuite < Struct.new(:name, :tests, :time, :failures, :errors, :assertions) attr_accessor :testcases attr_accessor :stdout, :stderr def initialize(name) super(name.to_s) # RSpec passes a "description" object instead of a string @testcases = [] end # Starts timing the test suite. def start @start = Time.now unless ENV['CI_CAPTURE'] == "off" @capture_out = OutputCapture.new($stdout) {|io| $stdout = io } @capture_err = OutputCapture.new($stderr) {|io| $stderr = io } end end # Finishes timing the test suite. def finish self.tests = testcases.size self.time = Time.now - @start self.failures = testcases.inject(0) {|sum,tc| sum += tc.failures.select{|f| f.failure? }.size } self.errors = testcases.inject(0) {|sum,tc| sum += tc.failures.select{|f| f.error? }.size } self.stdout = @capture_out.finish if @capture_out self.stderr = @capture_err.finish if @capture_err end # Creates the xml builder instance used to create the report xml document. def create_builder begin require 'rubygems' gem 'builder' rescue LoadError end require 'builder' # :escape_attrs is obsolete in a newer version, but should do no harm Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => 2, :escape_attrs => true) end # Creates an xml string containing the test suite results. def to_xml builder = create_builder # more recent version of Builder doesn't need the escaping def builder.trunc!(txt) txt.sub(/\n.*/m, '...') end builder.instruct! attrs = {} each_pair {|k,v| attrs[k] = builder.trunc!(v.to_s) unless v.nil? || v.to_s.empty? } builder.testsuite(attrs) do @testcases.each do |tc| tc.to_xml(builder) end builder.tag! "system-out" do builder.cdata! self.stdout end builder.tag! "system-err" do builder.cdata! self.stderr end end end end # Structure used to represent an individual test case. Used to time the test and store the result. class TestCase < Struct.new(:name, :time, :assertions) attr_accessor :failures def initialize(*args) super @failures = [] end # Starts timing the test. def start @start = Time.now end # Finishes timing the test. def finish self.time = Time.now - @start end # Returns non-nil if the test failed. def failure? !failures.empty? && failures.detect {|f| f.failure? } end # Returns non-nil if the test had an error. def error? !failures.empty? && failures.detect {|f| f.error? } end # Writes xml representing the test result to the provided builder. def to_xml(builder) attrs = {} each_pair {|k,v| attrs[k] = builder.trunc!(v.to_s) unless v.nil? || v.to_s.empty?} builder.testcase(attrs) do failures.each do |failure| builder.failure(:type => builder.trunc!(failure.name), :message => builder.trunc!(failure.message)) do builder.text!(failure.message + " (#{failure.name})\n") builder.text!(failure.location) end end end end end end end