import { get, set, objectAt, addObserver, observer as emberObserver, computed, addArrayObserver, removeArrayObserver, arrayContentDidChange, arrayContentWillChange, } from 'ember-metal'; import EmberObject from '../../lib/system/object'; import EmberArray from '../../lib/mixins/array'; import { A as emberA } from '../../lib/mixins/array'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; /* Implement a basic fake mutable array. This validates that any non-native enumerable can impl this API. */ const TestArray = EmberObject.extend(EmberArray, { _content: null, init() { this._content = this._content || []; }, // some methods to modify the array so we can test changes. Note that // arrays can be modified even if they don't implement MutableArray. The // MutableArray is just a standard API for mutation but not required. addObject(obj) { let idx = this._content.length; arrayContentWillChange(this, idx, 0, 1); this._content.push(obj); arrayContentDidChange(this, idx, 0, 1); }, removeFirst() { arrayContentWillChange(this, 0, 1, 0); this._content.shift(); arrayContentDidChange(this, 0, 1, 0); }, objectAt(idx) { return this._content[idx]; }, length: computed(function() { return this._content.length; }), }); moduleFor( 'Ember.Array', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test the return value of slice has Ember.Array applied'](assert) { let x = EmberObject.extend(EmberArray).create({ length: 0, }); let y = x.slice(1); assert.equal(EmberArray.detect(y), true, 'mixin should be applied'); } ['@test slice supports negative index arguments'](assert) { let testArray = new TestArray({ _content: [1, 2, 3, 4] }); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-2), [3, 4], 'slice(-2)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-2, -1), [3], 'slice(-2, -1'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-2, -2), [], 'slice(-2, -2)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-1, -2), [], 'slice(-1, -2)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-4, 1), [1], 'slice(-4, 1)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-4, 5), [1, 2, 3, 4], 'slice(-4, 5)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(-4), [1, 2, 3, 4], 'slice(-4)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(0, -1), [1, 2, 3], 'slice(0, -1)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(0, -4), [], 'slice(0, -4)'); assert.deepEqual(testArray.slice(0, -3), [1], 'slice(0, -3)'); } } ); // .......................................................... // CONTENT DID CHANGE // const DummyArray = EmberObject.extend(EmberArray, { length: 0, objectAt(idx) { return 'ITEM-' + idx; }, }); let obj, observer; // .......................................................... // NOTIFY ARRAY OBSERVERS // moduleFor( 'mixins/array/arrayContent[Will|Did]Change', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test should notify observers of []'](assert) { obj = DummyArray.extend({ enumerablePropertyDidChange: emberObserver('[]', function() { this._count++; }), }).create({ _count: 0, }); assert.equal(obj._count, 0, 'should not have invoked yet'); arrayContentWillChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); arrayContentDidChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); assert.equal(obj._count, 1, 'should have invoked'); } } ); // .......................................................... // NOTIFY CHANGES TO LENGTH // moduleFor( 'notify observers of length', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach(assert) { obj = DummyArray.extend({ lengthDidChange: emberObserver('length', function() { this._after++; }), }).create({ _after: 0, }); assert.equal(obj._after, 0, 'should not have fired yet'); } afterEach() { obj = null; } ['@test should notify observers when call with no params'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj); assert.equal(obj._after, 0); arrayContentDidChange(obj); assert.equal(obj._after, 1); } // API variation that included items only ['@test should not notify when passed lengths are same'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); assert.equal(obj._after, 0); arrayContentDidChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); assert.equal(obj._after, 0); } ['@test should notify when passed lengths are different'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj, 0, 1, 2); assert.equal(obj._after, 0); arrayContentDidChange(obj, 0, 1, 2); assert.equal(obj._after, 1); } } ); // .......................................................... // NOTIFY ARRAY OBSERVER // moduleFor( 'notify array observers', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach(assert) { obj = DummyArray.create(); observer = EmberObject.extend({ arrayWillChange() { assert.equal(this._before, null); // should only call once this._before =; }, arrayDidChange() { assert.equal(this._after, null); // should only call once this._after =; }, }).create({ _before: null, _after: null, }); addArrayObserver(obj, observer); } afterEach() { obj = observer = null; } ['@test should notify array observers when called with no params'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj); assert.deepEqual(observer._before, [obj, 0, -1, -1]); arrayContentDidChange(obj); assert.deepEqual(observer._after, [obj, 0, -1, -1]); } // API variation that included items only ['@test should notify when called with same length items'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); assert.deepEqual(observer._before, [obj, 0, 1, 1]); arrayContentDidChange(obj, 0, 1, 1); assert.deepEqual(observer._after, [obj, 0, 1, 1]); } ['@test should notify when called with diff length items'](assert) { arrayContentWillChange(obj, 0, 2, 1); assert.deepEqual(observer._before, [obj, 0, 2, 1]); arrayContentDidChange(obj, 0, 2, 1); assert.deepEqual(observer._after, [obj, 0, 2, 1]); } ['@test removing array observer should disable'](assert) { removeArrayObserver(obj, observer); arrayContentWillChange(obj); assert.deepEqual(observer._before, null); arrayContentDidChange(obj); assert.deepEqual(observer._after, null); } } ); // .......................................................... // @each // let ary; moduleFor( 'EmberArray.@each support', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { ary = new TestArray({ _content: [ { isDone: true, desc: 'Todo 1' }, { isDone: false, desc: 'Todo 2' }, { isDone: true, desc: 'Todo 3' }, { isDone: false, desc: 'Todo 4' }, ], }); } afterEach() { ary = null; } ['@test adding an object should notify (@each.isDone)'](assert) { let called = 0; let observerObject = EmberObject.create({ wasCalled() { called++; }, }); addObserver(ary, '@each.isDone', observerObject, 'wasCalled'); ary.addObject( EmberObject.create({ desc: 'foo', isDone: false, }) ); assert.equal(called, 1, 'calls observer when object is pushed'); } ['@test getting @each is deprecated'](assert) { assert.expect(1); expectDeprecation(() => { get(ary, '@each'); }, /Getting the '@each' property on object .* is deprecated/); } ['@test @each is readOnly'](assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.throws(function() { set(ary, '@each', 'foo'); }, /Cannot set read-only property "@each"/); } ['@test using @each to observe arrays that does not return objects raise error'](assert) { let called = 0; let observerObject = EmberObject.create({ wasCalled() { called++; }, }); ary = TestArray.create({ objectAt(idx) { return get(this._content[idx], 'desc'); }, }); addObserver(ary, '@each.isDone', observerObject, 'wasCalled'); expectAssertion(() => { ary.addObject( EmberObject.create({ desc: 'foo', isDone: false, }) ); }, /When using @each to observe the array/); assert.equal(called, 0, 'not calls observer when object is pushed'); } ['@test modifying the array should also indicate the isDone prop itself has changed'](assert) { // NOTE: we never actually get the '@each.isDone' property here. This is // important because it tests the case where we don't have an isDone // EachArray materialized but just want to know when the property has // changed. let each; expectDeprecation(() => { each = get(ary, '@each'); }); let count = 0; addObserver(each, 'isDone', () => count++); count = 0; let item = objectAt(ary, 2); set(item, 'isDone', !get(item, 'isDone')); assert.equal(count, 1, '@each.isDone should have notified'); } ['@test `objectAt` returns correct object'](assert) { let arr = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth']; assert.equal(objectAt(arr, 2), 'third'); assert.equal(objectAt(arr, 4), undefined); } ['@test should be clear caches for computed properties that have dependent keys on arrays that are changed after object initialization']( assert ) { let obj = EmberObject.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'resources', emberA()); }, common: computed('resources.@each.common', function() { return get(objectAt(get(this, 'resources'), 0), 'common'); }), }).create(); get(obj, 'resources').pushObject(EmberObject.create({ common: 'HI!' })); assert.equal('HI!', get(obj, 'common')); set(objectAt(get(obj, 'resources'), 0), 'common', 'BYE!'); assert.equal('BYE!', get(obj, 'common')); } ['@test observers that contain @each in the path should fire only once the first time they are accessed']( assert ) { let count = 0; let obj = EmberObject.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); // Observer does not fire on init set(this, 'resources', emberA()); }, commonDidChange: emberObserver('resources.@each.common', () => count++), }).create(); // Observer fires second time when new object is added get(obj, 'resources').pushObject(EmberObject.create({ common: 'HI!' })); // Observer fires third time when property on an object is changed set(objectAt(get(obj, 'resources'), 0), 'common', 'BYE!'); assert.equal(count, 2, 'observers should only be called once'); } } );