module RecordCollection class Base include Enumerable include ActiveAttr::Model attr_reader :collection delegate :first, :last, :size, :length, :count, :empty?, :any?, to: :collection class << self def model_name end def human_attribute_name(*args) raise "No record_class defined and could not be inferred based on the inheritance namespace. Please define self.record_clas = ClassNameOfIndividualRecords in the collection" unless record_class.present? record_class.human_attribute_name(*args) end # GETTER def record_class return @record_class if defined?(@record_class) @record_class = name.deconstantize.safe_constantize end # SETTER def record_class=(klass) @record_class = klass end def before_record_update(&blk) if blk @before_record_update = blk else @before_record_update end end def after_record_update(&blk) if blk @after_record_update = blk else @after_record_update end end alias_method :old_validates, :validates def validates(attr, options) # Collection nil attributes mean they do not play a role for the collection. # So validating when the value is nil is not the default behaviour. I to be used explicitly # by specifying allow_nil: false options[:allow_nil] = true unless options.has_key?(:allow_nil) old_validates attr, options end #FINDERS def find(ids) raise "Cannot call find on a collection object if there is no record_class defined" unless respond_to?(:record_class) && record_class collection = case ids.presence when String then record_class.find(ids.split(RecordCollection.ids_separator)) when nil then [] else record_class.find(Array.wrap(ids)) end end # instantiate a new instance of the collection with the # scope set to the received argument: # Collection.joins(:project).where(projects: {state: 'active'}) # The joins returns the instance, the second where is handled by # the instance itself as an instance delegate method %i[where joins includes all].each do |delegate_method| define_method delegate_method do |*args|, *args)) end end end def initialize(collection = [], params = {}) super(params) # active attr initialize with params @collection = collection end # implement enumerable logic for collection def each(&block) collection.each do |record| if block_given? record else yield record end end end def save valid? && update_collection_attributes! end def update(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end def update_collection_attributes! after_blk = self.class.after_record_update before_blk = self.class.before_record_update each do |record| if before_blk #before_blk = before_blk.to_proc unless before_blk.is_a?(Proc) # Allow symbol to proc without cumbersome notation if record.instance_eval(&before_blk) else end end record.update changed_attributes if after_blk #after_blk = after_blk.to_proc unless after_blk.is_a?(Proc) # Allow symbol to proc without cumbersome notation if record.instance_eval(&after_blk) else end end end self end # Return a hash of the changed attributes of the collection: # { # name: 'Ben', # ....etc... # } def changed_attributes @changed_attributes ||= attributes.reject{|attr, val| val.nil? } end def persisted? # Behave like a non persisted record in forms, this triggers plural (collection) routes false end def to_ary(*) self end # This method returns nil when the values of `attr` in the collection # are mixed. Otherwise the value itself. For boolean attributes the # check is wether the values are truthy or falsy. If the # set_if_nil: true # option is given, a uniform value will be set as the collection value if # it is not already set. This is important since there might be a uniform # value in the collection, but the values of the collection are a result of # an invalid form submission. In this case you want to keep the values of the # submitted form as collection values, not the current uniform attribute. def uniform_collection_value(attr, options = {}) attribute_spec = self.class.attributes[attr] raise "Attribute #{attr} not defined on collection" unless attribute_spec if attribute_spec[:type] == Boolean # For boolean attributes presence is the true or false difference # not the value itself results = map{|r| r.public_send(attr).present? }.uniq else results = map{|r| r.public_send(attr) }.uniq end return nil unless results.size == 1 # one value found self[attr] = results.first if options[:set_if_nil] and self[attr].nil? results.first end def mixed_values_for_attribute?(attr, options = {}) attribute_spec = self.class.attributes[attr] raise "Attribute #{attr} not defined on collection" unless attribute_spec collection_values ={|r| r[attr] }.uniq return true if collection_values.size > 1 self[attr] = collection_values.first if collection_values.any? and options[:set_if_nil] false end def ids @ids ||= map{|record| record.try(:id) }.compact end # delegate model name to class def model_name self.class.model_name end def refine_relation(&blk) return self unless defined?(ActiveRecord::Relation) return self unless @collection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) @collection = @collection.instance_eval(&blk) self end # delegate methods to the collection returning self %i[joins includes where not].each do |delegate_method| define_method delegate_method do |*args| @collection = @collection.public_send(delegate_method, *args) self end end def find(ids) ids = ids.split(RecordCollection.ids_separator) if ids.is_a?(String) @collection = @collection.find(Array.wrap(ids)) self end end end