=begin rdoc == Convenience Helpers Adds a few handy packages and aliases for developing poolparty instances. == Usage has_convenience_helpers == Examples $ inspect-poolparty-recipes # => will vim the poolparty chef recipe file $ cd-cookbooks # => cd into the poolparty cookbooks directory $ tree # => show the directory structure as a nice tree /var/poolparty/dr_configure/chef/cookbooks/poolparty# tree . |-- attributes | `-- poolparty.rb |-- recipes | `-- default.rb `-- templates `-- default |-- etc | |-- jvm.erb | `-- motd.erb |-- home | `-- hadoop | `-- ssh | `-- hadoop_id_rsa.erb `-- usr `-- local `-- hadoop `-- conf |-- hadoop-env.sh.erb `-- hadoop-site.xml.erb =end module PoolParty module Plugin class ConvenienceHelpers < Plugin def before_load(o={}, &block) add_packages add_aliases add_binaries add_profile_updates end def add_packages has_package "tree" has_package "vim-nox" has_package" screen" has_package" irb" end def add_aliases has_bash_alias :name => "inspect-poolparty-recipes", :value => "vi /var/poolparty/dr_configure/chef/cookbooks/poolparty/recipes/default.rb" has_bash_alias :name => "cd-cookbooks", :value => "pushd /var/poolparty/dr_configure/chef/cookbooks/poolparty" %w{instance-id local-hostname local-ipv4 public-hostname public-ipv4 security-groups}.each do |metaalias| has_bash_alias :name => metaalias, :value => "curl{metaalias}" end end def add_binaries has_exec "wget http://gist.github.com/raw/131294/0622454b2cc2f787c04d20ab3d47e888e31edcd4/gistfile1 -O /usr/bin/xtail && chmod +x /usr/bin/xtail", :not_if => "test -e /usr/bin/xtail" has_exec "curl timkay.com/aws/aws -o /usr/bin/aws", :not_if => "test -e /usr/bin/aws" end def add_profile_updates has_exec %Q{echo \\"export PS1='\\\\u@\\\\h \\\\A \\\\w (#{cloud_name}) $ '\\" >> /root/.profile}, :not_if => "grep PS1 /root/.profile | grep #{cloud_name}" # bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward' # bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward' end end end end