require 'request_log_analyzer/request' module RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat autoload :Rails, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/rails' autoload :Rails3, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/rails3' autoload :RailsDevelopment, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/rails_development' autoload :Oink, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/oink' autoload :Rack, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/rack' autoload :Merb, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/merb' autoload :Mysql, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/mysql' autoload :Nginx, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/nginx' autoload :Postgresql, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/postgresql' autoload :DelayedJob, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/delayed_job' autoload :DelayedJob2, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/delayed_job2' autoload :DelayedJob21, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/delayed_job21' autoload :DelayedJob3, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/delayed_job3' autoload :DelayedJob4, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/delayed_job4' autoload :Apache, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/apache' autoload :AmazonS3, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/amazon_s3' autoload :W3c, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/w3c' autoload :Haproxy, 'request_log_analyzer/file_format/haproxy' # Loads a FileFormat::Base subclass instance. # You can provide: # * A FileFormat instance (which will return itself) # * A FileFormat class (of which an imstance will be returned) # * A filename (from which the FileFormat class is loaded) # * A symbol of a built-in file format (e.g. :rails) def self.load(file_format, *args) klass = nil if file_format.is_a?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) # this already is a file format! return itself return @current_file_format = file_format elsif file_format.is_a?(Class) && file_format.ancestors.include?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) # a usable class is provided. Use this format class. klass = file_format elsif file_format.is_a?(String) && File.exist?(file_format) && File.file?(file_format) # load a format from a ruby file require File.expand_path(file_format) const = RequestLogAnalyzer.to_camelcase(File.basename(file_format, '.rb')) if RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_defined?(const) klass = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_get(const) elsif Object.const_defined?(const) klass = Object.const_get(const) else fail "Cannot load class #{const} from #{file_format}!" end else # load a provided file format klass = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_get(RequestLogAnalyzer.to_camelcase(file_format)) end # check the returned klass to see if it can be used fail "Could not load a file format from #{file_format.inspect}" if klass.nil? fail "Invalid FileFormat class from #{file_format.inspect}" unless klass.is_a?(Class) && klass.ancestors.include?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) @current_file_format = klass.create(*args) # return an instance of the class end # Returns an array of all FileFormat instances that are shipped with request-log-analyzer by default. def self.all_formats @all_formats ||= Dir[File.expand_path('file_format/*.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))].map do |file| load(File.basename(file, '.rb')) end end # Autodetects the filetype of a given file. # # Returns a FileFormat instance, by parsing the first couple of lines of the provided file # with avery known file format and return the most promosing file format based on the parser # statistics. The <tt>autodetect_score</tt> method is used to score the fitness of a format. # # <tt>file</tt>:: The file to detect the file format for. # <tt>line_count</tt>:: The number of lines to take into consideration def self.autodetect(file, line_count = 50) parsers = { |f|, parse_strategy: 'cautious') }, 'rb') do |io| while io.lineno < line_count && (line = io.gets) parsers.each { |parser| parser.parse_line(line) } end end { |p| autodetect_score(p) > 0 }.max { |a, b| autodetect_score(a) <=> autodetect_score(b) }.file_format rescue nil end # Calculates a file format auto detection score based on the parser statistics. # # This method returns a score as an integer. Usually, the score will increase as more # lines are parsed. Usually, a file_format with a score of zero or lower should not be # considered. # # <tt>parser</tt>:: The parsed that was use to parse the initial lines of the log file. def self.autodetect_score(parser) score = 0 score -= parser.file_format.line_definitions.length score -= parser.warnings * 3 score += parser.parsed_lines * 1 score += parser.parsed_requests * 10 # As Apache matches several simular formats, subtracting 1 will make a specific matcher have a higher score score -= 1 if parser.file_format.class == RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache score end # This module contains some methods to construct regular expressions for log fragments # that are commonly used, like IP addresses and timestamp. # # You need to extend (or include in an unlikely case) this module in your file format # to use these regular expression constructors. module CommonRegularExpressions TIMESTAMP_PARTS = { 'a' => '(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)', 'b' => '(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)', 'y' => '\d{2}', 'Y' => '\d{4}', 'm' => '\d{2}', 'd' => '\d{2}', 'H' => '\d{2}', 'M' => '\d{2}', 'S' => '\d{2}', 'k' => '(?:\d| )\d', 'z' => '(?:[+-]\d{4}|[A-Z]{3,4})', 'Z' => '(?:[+-]\d{4}|[A-Z]{3,4})', '%' => '%' } # Creates a regular expression to match a hostname def hostname(blank = false) regexp = /(?:(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*(?:[A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])/ add_blank_option(regexp, blank) end # Creates a regular expression to match a hostname or ip address def hostname_or_ip_address(blank = false) regexp = Regexp.union(hostname, ip_address) add_blank_option(regexp, blank) end # Create a regular expression for a timestamp, generated by a strftime call. # Provide the format string to construct a matching regular expression. # Set blank to true to allow and empty string, or set blank to a string to set # a substitute for the nil value. def timestamp(format_string, blank = false) regexp = '' format_string.scan(/([^%]*)(?:%([A-Za-z%]))?/) do |literal, variable| regexp << Regexp.quote(literal) if variable if TIMESTAMP_PARTS.key?(variable) regexp << TIMESTAMP_PARTS[variable] else fail "Unknown variable: %#{variable}" end end end add_blank_option(, blank) end # Construct a regular expression to parse IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. # # Allow nil values if the blank option is given. This can be true to # allow an empty string or to a string substitute for the nil value. def ip_address(blank = false) # IP address regexp copied from Resolv::IPv4 and Resolv::IPv6, # but adjusted to work for the purpose of request-log-analyzer. ipv4_regexp = /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ ipv6_regex_8_hex = /(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}/ ipv6_regex_compressed_hex = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)::(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)/ ipv6_regex_6_hex_4_dec = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6})#{ipv4_regexp}/ ipv6_regex_compressed_hex_4_dec = /(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)::(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)*)#{ipv4_regexp}/ ipv6_regexp = Regexp.union(ipv6_regex_8_hex, ipv6_regex_compressed_hex, ipv6_regex_6_hex_4_dec, ipv6_regex_compressed_hex_4_dec) add_blank_option(Regexp.union(ipv4_regexp, ipv6_regexp), blank) end def anchored(regexp) /^#{regexp}$/ end protected # Allow the field to be blank if this option is given. This can be true to # allow an empty string or a string alternative for the nil value. def add_blank_option(regexp, blank) case blank when String then Regexp.union(regexp, when true then Regexp.union(regexp, //) else regexp end end end # Base class for all log file format definitions. This class provides functions for subclasses to # define their LineDefinitions and to define a summary report. # # A subclass of this class is instantiated when request-log-analyzer is started and this instance # is shared with all components of the application so they can act on the specifics of the format class Base extend RequestLogAnalyzer::ClassLevelInheritableAttributes inheritable_attributes :line_definer, :report_definer attr_reader :line_definitions, :report_trackers #################################################################################### # CLASS METHODS for format definition #################################################################################### # Specifies a single line defintions. def self.line_definition(name, &block) line_definer.define_line(name, &block) end # Specifies multiple line definitions at once using a block def self.format_definition(&_block) if block_given? yield line_definer else return line_definer end end # Specifies the summary report using a block. def = :append, &_block) report_definer.reset! if mode == :overwrite yield(report_definer) end # Setup the default line definer. def self.line_definer @line_definer ||= end # Setup the default report definer. def self.report_definer @report_definer ||= end # Setup the default Request class. Request = ::RequestLogAnalyzer::Request #################################################################################### # Instantiation #################################################################################### def self.create(*_args) # Ignore arguments new(line_definer.line_definitions, report_definer.trackers) end def initialize(line_definitions = {}, report_trackers = []) @line_definitions, @report_trackers = line_definitions, report_trackers end #################################################################################### # INSTANCE methods #################################################################################### # Returns the Request class of this file format def request_class self.class::Request end # Returns a Request instance with the given parsed lines that should be provided as hashes. def request(*hashes) request_class.create(self, *hashes) end # Checks whether the file format is valid so it can be safely used with RLA. def well_formed? valid_line_definitions? && valid_request_class? end alias_method :valid?, :well_formed? # Checks whether the line definitions form a valid language. # A file format should have at least a header and a footer line type def valid_line_definitions? line_definitions.any? { |(_, ld)| ld.header } && line_definitions.any? { |(_, ld)| ld.footer } end # Checks whether the request class inherits from the base Request class. def valid_request_class? request_class.ancestors.include?(RequestLogAnalyzer::Request) end # Returns true if this language captures the given symbol in one of its line definitions def captures?(name) line_definitions.any? { |(_, ld)| ld.captures?(name) } end # Function that a file format con implement to monkey patch the environment. # * <tt>controller</tt> The environment is provided as a controller instance def setup_environment(_controller) end # Parses a line by trying to parse it using every line definition in this file format def parse_line(line, &warning_handler) line_definitions.each do |_lt, definition| match = definition.matches(line, &warning_handler) return match if match end nil end # Returns the max line length for this file format if any. def max_line_length self.class.const_get(MAX_LINE_LENGTH) if self.class.const_defined?(:MAX_LINE_LENGTH) end def line_divider self.class.const_get(LINE_DIVIDER) if self.class.const_defined?(:LINE_DIVIDER) end end end