module Lipseys # Each method will return an array of inventory items with the following fields: # # { # item_number: content_for(item, 'ItemNo'), # upc: content_for(item, 'UPC'), # manufacturer_model_number: content_for(item, 'MFGModelNo'), # quantity_on_hand: content_for(item, 'QtyOnHand'), # allocation: (content_for(item, 'Allocation') == 'Y'), # price: content_for(item, 'Price'), # on_sale: (content_for(item, 'OnSale') == 'Y'), # retail_map: content_for(item, 'RetailMAP') # } class Inventory < Base API_URL = '' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :email, :password) @email = options[:email] @password = options[:password] end def self.all(options = {}) new(options).all end def self.all_as_chunks(size, options = {}, &block) new(options).all_as_chunks(size, &block) end def self.accessories(options = {}) new(options).accessories end def self.firearms(options = {}) new(options).firearms end def self.nfa(options = {}) new(options).nfa end def self.optics(options = {}) new(options).optics end def all tempfile = stream_to_tempfile(API_URL, default_params) items = Lipseys::Parser.parse(tempfile, 'Item') do |node| items.push(map_hash(node)) end items end def all_as_chunks(size, &block) chunker = tempfile = stream_to_tempfile(API_URL, default_params) Lipseys::Parser.parse(tempfile, 'Item') do |node| if chunker.is_full? yield(chunker.chunk) chunker.reset else chunker.add(map_hash(node)) end end # HACK-david # since we can't get a count of the items without reading the file # Let's just check to see if we have any left in the chunk if chunker.chunk.count > 0 yield(chunker.chunk) end tempfile.unlink end def accessories get_items('ACCESSORY') end def firearms get_items('FIREARM') end def nfa get_items('NFA') end def optics get_items('OPTIC') end private def default_params { email: @email, pass: @password } end def get_items(item_type = nil) default_params[:itemtype] = item_type unless item_type.nil? xml_doc = get_response_xml(API_URL, default_params) items = xml_doc.css('LipseysInventoryPricing/Item').each do |item| items.push(map_hash(item)) end items end def map_hash(node) { item_number: content_for(node, 'ItemNo'), upc: content_for(node, 'UPC'), manufacturer_model_number: content_for(node, 'MFGModelNo'), quantity_on_hand: content_for(node, 'QtyOnHand'), allocation: (content_for(node, 'Allocation') == 'Y'), price: content_for(node, 'Price'), on_sale: (content_for(node, 'OnSale') == 'Y'), retail_map: content_for(node, 'RetailMAP') } end end end