begin selenium_client_path = "selenium/client" require selenium_client_path rescue LoadError => e if e.message =~ /#{Regexp.escape(selenium_client_path)}$/ raise "selenium-client not available. Install it with sudo gem install selenium-client" else raise e end end module Spectie class SeleniumStoryExampleGroup include StoryExampleGroupMethods include Selenium::Client::SeleniumHelper selenium = nil selenium_config = Spec::Runner.configuration.selenium before :suite do if selenium_config.controlled? and selenium_config.start_browser_once selenium = selenium.start end end after :suite do if selenium_config.controlled? and selenium_config.start_browser_once selenium.stop end end before :each do if selenium_config.controlled? and !selenium_config.start_browser_once selenium = selenium.start end @selenium = selenium end after :each do if selenium_config.controlled? if selenium_config.start_browser_once selenium.delete_all_visible_cookies else selenium.stop end end end end end