Given(/^it is encoded as "(.*?)"$/) do |encoding| @csv = @csv.encode(encoding) @encoding = encoding end Given(/^I set an encoding header of "(.*?)"$/) do |encoding| @encoding = encoding end Given(/^I do not set an encoding header$/) do @encoding = nil end Given(/^I have a CSV file called "(.*?)"$/) do |filename| @csv = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", filename ) ) end When(/^I ask if there are warnings$/) do @csv_options ||= default_csv_options if @schema_json @schema = Csvlint::Schema.from_json_table( @schema_url || " ", JSON.parse(@schema_json) ) end @validator = @url, @csv_options, @schema ) @warnings = @validator.warnings end Then(/^there should be (\d+) warnings$/) do |count| @warnings.count.should == count.to_i end Given(/^the content type is set to "(.*?)"$/) do |type| @content_type = type end Then(/^that warning should have the row "(.*?)"$/) do |row| @warnings.first.row.should == row.to_i end Then(/^that warning should have the column "(.*?)"$/) do |column| @warnings.first.column.should == column.to_i end Then(/^that warning should have the type "(.*?)"$/) do |type| @warnings.first.type.should == type.to_sym end