module Bioshogi module ScreenImage concern :Stand do class_methods do def default_params super.merge({ # 全体 :stand_board_gap => 0.25, # 盤と駒台の隙間(1.0 = 1セル幅) # 持駒 :stand_piece_line_height => 1.0, # 持駒の高さ(1.0 = 1セル高) :stand_piece_font_scale => nil, # 持駒(nil なら soldier_font_scale を代用) :stand_piece_font_bold => false, # 持駒を太くする? # 持駒数 :piece_count_bg_color => "hsla(0,0%,100%,0.7)", # 駒数の背景 :piece_count_font_color => "hsla(0,0%, 0%,0.9)", # *駒数の色(nilなら piece_font_color を代用) :piece_count_font_scale => 0.6, # 持駒数の大きさ :piece_count_stroke_color => nil, # 持駒数の縁取り色 :piece_count_stroke_width => nil, # 持駒数の縁取り太さ :piece_count_position_adjust => { # 駒数の位置 :single => [0.7, 0.05], # 駒数1桁のとき。[0, 0] なら該当の駒の中央 :double => [0.8, 0.05], # 駒数2桁のとき }, :piece_count_bg_scale => 0, # 駒数の背景の大きさ 0:なし 1.0:セルの半分 # :piece_count_bg_adjust => { # 駒数の背景の微調整 # :black => [0.0, 0.0], # :white => [0.0, 0.0], # }, }) end end def stand_draw g = params[:stand_piece_line_height] container.players.each do |player| location = player.location s = location.value_sign if player.location.key == :black v = v_bottom_right_outer else v = v_top_left_outer end h = V[0, player.piece_box.count] * g # 駒数に対応した高さ v -= h * s # 右下から右端中央にずらす v += V[params[:stand_board_gap], 0] * s # 盤と持駒の隙間を開ける face_pentagon_draw(v: v, location: location) # ☗☖ v += V[0, 1] * g * s player.piece_box.each.with_index do |(piece_key, count), i| piece = Piece.fetch(piece_key) if params[:piece_image_key] piece_image_draw(v: v, location: location, piece: piece) else # 持駒の影 piece_pentagon_draw(v: v, location: location, piece: piece) # 持駒 char_draw( :layer => @d_piece_layer, :v => v + piece_char_adjust(location), :text =>, :location => location, :color => params[:stand_piece_color] || params[:piece_font_color], :font_scale => (params[:stand_piece_font_scale] || params[:soldier_font_scale]) * piece.scale, :bold => params[:stand_piece_font_bold] ) end # 持駒数 piece_count_draw(v: v, count: count, location: location) v += V[0, 1] * g * s end end end # 駒数 def piece_count_draw(v:, count:, location:) if count >= 2 w = count <= 9 ? :single : :double v = v + V[*params[:piece_count_position_adjust][w]] * location.value_sign piece_count_bg_draw(v: v, location: location) char_draw( :layer => @d_piece_count_layer, :v => v, :text => count.to_s, :location => location, :color => params[:piece_count_font_color] || params[:piece_font_color], # 地べたに描画するのでコントラスト比を下げるの重要 :font_scale => params[:piece_count_font_scale], :stroke_color => params[:piece_count_stroke_color], :stroke_width => params[:piece_count_stroke_width], ) end end # 駒数の下の丸 def piece_count_bg_draw(v:, location:) if params[:piece_count_bg_color] && params[:piece_count_bg_scale].nonzero? draw_context(@d_piece_count_layer) do |g| g.fill(params[:piece_count_bg_color]) # v2 = v + V[*params[:piece_count_bg_adjust][w]] * location.value_sign # v2 = v + (V.half + V[*params[:piece_count_bg_adjust]]) * location.value_sign # g.ellipse(*px(v2), *(cell_rect * params[:piece_count_bg_scale] * location.value_sign), 0, 360) # x, y, w, h, angle(0 to 360) # g.ellipse(*px(v2), *cell_rect, 0, 360) # x, y, w, h, angle(0 to 360) # 個数は左上を原点とした枠の中心(CenterGravity)で表示するのでその位置に移動する from = v + V.half # 中心に移動 # from += V[*params[:piece_count_bg_adjust][location.key]] # 微調整 # fromを基点として大きさを決める to = from + V.half * params[:piece_count_bg_scale]*px(from), *px(to)) # (x1, y1) と (x2, y2) の2点を通る円 # roundrectangle でも円風にできるけど原点が左上なので半径の調整が難しい # ellipse より roundrectangle の方が扱いやすい? # g.roundrectangle(*px(v + * 0.25), *px(v +, *(cell_rect * 0.25)) # roundrectangle2(g, v) # g.rectangle(*px(v), *px(v + * params[:piece_count_bg_scale] * s)) # debug end end end end end end