/** * History.js HTML4 Support * Depends on the HTML5 Support * @author Benjamin Arthur Lupton * @copyright 2010-2011 Benjamin Arthur Lupton * @license New BSD License */ (function(window, undefined) { "use strict"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialise // Localise Globals var document = window.document, // Make sure we are using the correct document setTimeout = window.setTimeout || setTimeout, clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout || clearTimeout, setInterval = window.setInterval || setInterval, History = window.History = window.History || {}; // Public History Object // Check Existence if (typeof History.initHtml4 !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('History.js HTML4 Support has already been loaded...'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialise HTML4 Support // Initialise HTML4 Support History.initHtml4 = function() { // Initialise if (typeof History.initHtml4.initialized !== 'undefined') { // Already Loaded return false; } else { History.initHtml4.initialized = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Properties /** * History.enabled * Is History enabled? */ History.enabled = true; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hash Storage /** * History.savedHashes * Store the hashes in an array */ History.savedHashes = []; /** * History.isLastHash(newHash) * Checks if the hash is the last hash * @param {string} newHash * @return {boolean} true */ History.isLastHash = function(newHash) { // Prepare var oldHash = History.getHashByIndex(); // Check var isLast = newHash === oldHash; // Return isLast return isLast; }; /** * History.saveHash(newHash) * Push a Hash * @param {string} newHash * @return {boolean} true */ History.saveHash = function(newHash) { // Check Hash if (History.isLastHash(newHash)) { return false; } // Push the Hash History.savedHashes.push(newHash); // Return true return true; }; /** * History.getHashByIndex() * Gets a hash by the index * @param {integer} index * @return {string} */ History.getHashByIndex = function(index) { // Prepare var hash = null; // Handle if (typeof index === 'undefined') { // Get the last inserted hash = History.savedHashes[History.savedHashes.length - 1]; } else if (index < 0) { // Get from the end hash = History.savedHashes[History.savedHashes.length + index]; } else { // Get from the beginning hash = History.savedHashes[index]; } // Return hash return hash; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Discarded States /** * History.discardedHashes * A hashed array of discarded hashes */ History.discardedHashes = {}; /** * History.discardedStates * A hashed array of discarded states */ History.discardedStates = {}; /** * History.discardState(State) * Discards the state by ignoring it through History * @param {object} State * @return {true} */ History.discardState = function(discardedState, forwardState, backState) { //History.debug('History.discardState', arguments); // Prepare var discardedStateHash = History.getHashByState(discardedState); // Create Discard Object var discardObject = { 'discardedState': discardedState, 'backState': backState, 'forwardState': forwardState }; // Add to DiscardedStates History.discardedStates[discardedStateHash] = discardObject; // Return true return true; }; /** * History.discardHash(hash) * Discards the hash by ignoring it through History * @param {string} hash * @return {true} */ History.discardHash = function(discardedHash, forwardState, backState) { //History.debug('History.discardState', arguments); // Create Discard Object var discardObject = { 'discardedHash': discardedHash, 'backState': backState, 'forwardState': forwardState }; // Add to discardedHash History.discardedHashes[discardedHash] = discardObject; // Return true return true; }; /** * History.discardState(State) * Checks to see if the state is discarded * @param {object} State * @return {bool} */ History.discardedState = function(State) { // Prepare var StateHash = History.getHashByState(State); // Check var discarded = History.discardedStates[StateHash] || false; // Return true return discarded; }; /** * History.discardedHash(hash) * Checks to see if the state is discarded * @param {string} State * @return {bool} */ History.discardedHash = function(hash) { // Check var discarded = History.discardedHashes[hash] || false; // Return true return discarded; }; /** * History.recycleState(State) * Allows a discarded state to be used again * @param {object} data * @param {string} title * @param {string} url * @return {true} */ History.recycleState = function(State) { //History.debug('History.recycleState', arguments); // Prepare var StateHash = History.getHashByState(State); // Remove from DiscardedStates if (History.discardedState(State)) { delete History.discardedStates[StateHash]; } // Return true return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // HTML4 HashChange Support if (History.emulated.hashChange) { /* * We must emulate the HTML4 HashChange Support by manually checking for hash changes */ /** * History.hashChangeInit() * Init the HashChange Emulation */ History.hashChangeInit = function() { // Define our Checker Function History.checkerFunction = null; // Define some variables that will help in our checker function var lastDocumentHash = ''; // Handle depending on the browser if (History.isInternetExplorer()) { // IE6 and IE7 // We need to use an iframe to emulate the back and forward buttons // Create iFrame var iframeId = 'historyjs-iframe', iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); // Adjust iFarme iframe.setAttribute('id', iframeId); iframe.style.display = 'none'; // Append iFrame document.body.appendChild(iframe); // Create initial history entry iframe.contentWindow.document.open(); iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); // Define some variables that will help in our checker function var lastIframeHash = '', checkerRunning = false; // Define the checker function History.checkerFunction = function() { // Check Running if (checkerRunning) { return false; } // Update Running checkerRunning = true; // Fetch var documentHash = History.getHash() || '', iframeHash = History.unescapeHash(iframe.contentWindow.document.location.hash) || ''; // The Document Hash has changed (application caused) if (documentHash !== lastDocumentHash) { // Equalise lastDocumentHash = documentHash; // Create a history entry in the iframe if (iframeHash !== documentHash) { //History.debug('hashchange.checker: iframe hash change', 'documentHash (new):', documentHash, 'iframeHash (old):', iframeHash); // Equalise lastIframeHash = iframeHash = documentHash; // Create History Entry iframe.contentWindow.document.open(); iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); // Update the iframe's hash iframe.contentWindow.document.location.hash = History.escapeHash(documentHash); } // Trigger Hashchange Event History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'hashchange'); } // The iFrame Hash has changed (back button caused) else if (iframeHash !== lastIframeHash) { //History.debug('hashchange.checker: iframe hash out of sync', 'iframeHash (new):', iframeHash, 'documentHash (old):', documentHash); // Equalise lastIframeHash = iframeHash; // Update the Hash History.setHash(iframeHash, false); } // Reset Running checkerRunning = false; // Return true return true; }; } else { // We are not IE // Firefox 1 or 2, Opera // Define the checker function History.checkerFunction = function() { // Prepare var documentHash = History.getHash(); // The Document Hash has changed (application caused) if (documentHash !== lastDocumentHash) { // Equalise lastDocumentHash = documentHash; // Trigger Hashchange Event History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'hashchange'); } // Return true return true; }; } // Apply the checker function History.intervalList.push(setInterval(History.checkerFunction, History.options.hashChangeInterval)); // Done return true; }; // History.hashChangeInit // Bind hashChangeInit History.Adapter.onDomLoad(History.hashChangeInit); } // History.emulated.hashChange // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // HTML5 State Support if (History.emulated.pushState) { /* * We must emulate the HTML5 State Management by using HTML4 HashChange */ /** * History.onHashChange(event) * Trigger HTML5's window.onpopstate via HTML4 HashChange Support */ History.onHashChange = function(event) { //History.debug('History.onHashChange', arguments); // Prepare var currentUrl = ((event && event.newURL) || document.location.href), currentHash = History.getHashByUrl(currentUrl), currentState = null, currentStateHash = null, currentStateHashExits = null; // Check if we are the same state if (History.isLastHash(currentHash)) { // There has been no change (just the page's hash has finally propagated) //History.debug('History.onHashChange: no change'); History.busy(false); return false; } // Reset the double check History.doubleCheckComplete(); // Store our location for use in detecting back/forward direction History.saveHash(currentHash); // Expand Hash if (currentHash && History.isTraditionalAnchor(currentHash)) { //History.debug('History.onHashChange: traditional anchor', currentHash); // Traditional Anchor Hash History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'anchorchange'); History.busy(false); return false; } // Create State currentState = History.extractState(History.getFullUrl(currentHash || document.location.href, false), true); // Check if we are the same state if (History.isLastSavedState(currentState)) { //History.debug('History.onHashChange: no change'); // There has been no change (just the page's hash has finally propagated) History.busy(false); return false; } // Create the state Hash currentStateHash = History.getHashByState(currentState); // Check if we are DiscardedState var discardObject = History.discardedState(currentState); if (discardObject) { // Ignore this state as it has been discarded and go back to the state before it if (History.getHashByIndex(-2) === History.getHashByState(discardObject.forwardState)) { // We are going backwards //History.debug('History.onHashChange: go backwards'); History.back(false); } else { // We are going forwards //History.debug('History.onHashChange: go forwards'); History.forward(false); } return false; } // Push the new HTML5 State //History.debug('History.onHashChange: success hashchange'); History.pushState(currentState.data, currentState.title, currentState.url, false); // End onHashChange closure return true; }; History.Adapter.bind(window, 'hashchange', History.onHashChange); /** * History.pushState(data,title,url) * Add a new State to the history object, become it, and trigger onpopstate * We have to trigger for HTML4 compatibility * @param {object} data * @param {string} title * @param {string} url * @return {true} */ History.pushState = function(data, title, url, queue) { //History.debug('History.pushState: called', arguments); // Check the State if (History.getHashByUrl(url)) { throw new Error('History.js does not support states with fragement-identifiers (hashes/anchors).'); } // Handle Queueing if (queue !== false && History.busy()) { // Wait + Push to Queue //History.debug('History.pushState: we must wait', arguments); History.pushQueue({ scope: History, callback: History.pushState, args: arguments, queue: queue }); return false; } // Make Busy History.busy(true); // Fetch the State Object var newState = History.createStateObject(data, title, url), newStateHash = History.getHashByState(newState), oldState = History.getState(false), oldStateHash = History.getHashByState(oldState), html4Hash = History.getHash(); // Store the newState History.storeState(newState); History.expectedStateId = newState.id; // Recycle the State History.recycleState(newState); // Force update of the title History.setTitle(newState); // Check if we are the same State if (newStateHash === oldStateHash) { //History.debug('History.pushState: no change', newStateHash); History.busy(false); return false; } // Update HTML4 Hash if (newStateHash !== html4Hash && newStateHash !== History.getShortUrl(document.location.href)) { //History.debug('History.pushState: update hash', newStateHash, html4Hash); History.setHash(newStateHash, false); return false; } // Update HTML5 State History.saveState(newState); // Fire HTML5 Event //History.debug('History.pushState: trigger popstate'); History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'statechange'); History.busy(false); // End pushState closure return true; }; /** * History.replaceState(data,title,url) * Replace the State and trigger onpopstate * We have to trigger for HTML4 compatibility * @param {object} data * @param {string} title * @param {string} url * @return {true} */ History.replaceState = function(data, title, url, queue) { //History.debug('History.replaceState: called', arguments); // Check the State if (History.getHashByUrl(url)) { throw new Error('History.js does not support states with fragement-identifiers (hashes/anchors).'); } // Handle Queueing if (queue !== false && History.busy()) { // Wait + Push to Queue //History.debug('History.replaceState: we must wait', arguments); History.pushQueue({ scope: History, callback: History.replaceState, args: arguments, queue: queue }); return false; } // Make Busy History.busy(true); // Fetch the State Objects var newState = History.createStateObject(data, title, url), oldState = History.getState(false), previousState = History.getStateByIndex(-2); // Discard Old State History.discardState(oldState, newState, previousState); // Alias to PushState History.pushState(newState.data, newState.title, newState.url, false); // End replaceState closure return true; }; /** * Ensure initial state is handled correctly */ if (History.getHash() && !History.emulated.hashChange) { History.Adapter.onDomLoad(function() { History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'hashchange'); }); } } // History.emulated.pushState }; // History.initHtml4 // Try and Initialise History History.init(); })(window);