require 'base64' require 'open3' module FaaStRuby # require 'faastruby/server/response' # require 'faastruby/server/runner_methods' # require 'faastruby/server/function_object' class Runner def initialize(function_name) # puts "initializing runner for function name #{function_name}" @rendered = false @function_name = function_name @function_folder = "#{FaaStRuby::ProjectConfig.functions_dir}/#{function_name}" # puts "function_folder: #{@function_folder}" @config_file = "#{@function_folder}/faastruby.yml" # puts "reading config file #{@config_file}" @config = YAML.load( @language, @version = (@config['runtime'] || DEFAULT_RUBY_RUNTIME).split(':') end def load_function(path) eval %( do def self.require(path) return load("\#{path}.rb") if File.file?("\#{path}.rb") Kernel.require path end #{} end ) end def call(event, args) begin case @language when 'ruby' time, response = call_ruby(event, args) when 'crystal' time, response = call_crystal(event, args) else puts "[Runner] ERROR: could not determine the language for function #{@function_name}.".red end return [time, response] if response.is_a?(FaaStRuby::Response) body = { 'error' => "Please use the helpers 'render' or 'respond_with' as your function return value." } [time, Oj.dump(body), status: 500, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})] rescue Exception => e STDOUT.puts e.full_message body = { 'error' => e.message, 'location' => e.backtrace&.first, } [0.0, Oj.dump(body), status: 500, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})] end end def call_ruby(event, args) function_object = reader, writer = IO.pipe time_start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :float_millisecond) pid = fork do # puts "loading #{@function_folder}/handler.rb" Dir.chdir(@function_folder) begin function = load_function("#{@function_folder}/handler.rb") function_object.extend(function) response = function_object.handler(event, *args) raise FaaStRuby::InvalidResponseError unless response.is_a?(FaaStRuby::Response) rescue Exception => e error = Oj.dump({ 'error' => e.message, 'location' => e.backtrace&.first }) response = FaaStRuby::Response.error(error) end writer.puts response.payload writer.close exit 0 end response = FaaStRuby::Response.from_payload reader.gets.chomp reader.close Process.wait(pid) time_finish = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :float_millisecond) time = (time_finish - time_start).round(2) [time, response] end def chdir CHDIR_MUTEX.synchronize do # puts "Switching to directory #{@function_folder}" Dir.chdir(@function_folder) yield end end def call_crystal(event, args) #### # This is a hack to address the bug event.query_params.each do |k, v| event.query_params[k] = '' if v.nil? end event.headers.each do |k, v| event.headers[k] = '' if v.nil? end #### payload_json = Oj.dump({'event' => event.to_h, 'args' => []}) payload = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(payload_json, padding: false) cmd = "./handler" # STDOUT.puts "Running #{cmd}" # STDOUT.puts "From #{@function_folder}" output = nil time_start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :float_millisecond) Open3.popen2(cmd, chdir: @function_folder) do |stdin, stdout, status| stdin.puts payload stdout.each_line do |line| if line[0..1] == 'R,' output = line.chomp break else puts line.chomp end end end time_finish = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :float_millisecond) time = (time_finish - time_start).round(2) tag, o = output.split(',') decoded_response = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(o) response_obj = Oj.load(decoded_response) # STDOUT.puts response_obj response = body: response_obj['response'], status: response_obj['status'], headers: response_obj['headers'], binary: response_obj['binary'] ) [time, response] end end end